Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Undf Player تحميل

Documentation: die bite!

Documentation: scenes of a pathway blocked

Documentation is essential for businesses. Indeed, document management is of major strategic or organizational issues! However, the number of librarians is far below the needs of businesses. Yet the number of courses in literature is not lacking! Why this paradox?

1) The paradox of the labor market in documentation

The job market is bleak for documentation. 1 position for an average of 100 applications are sent. And this is without counting the positions filled internally in enterprises by persons who are not necessarily followed by studies of documentation. Why they not only hire firms the librarians?
The answer that seems most relevant is the "ROI". Obviously, you know, the goal of business is to make maximum profits. For that, sat on their wages to the cost of production - distribution - promotion and various expenses for the company to bring out the greatest benefit possible. Also considered is the effectiveness of employees. Are they profitable for the company? In fact, this issue is all the more "serious" (meaning "important") vis-à-vis the librarians, they contribute a significant internal workings of the company. Then a librarian Is it profitable? Entrepreneurs will tell you "Of course." However long they will be reluctant to hire more librarians. "Our team is well enough for us" some exclaim DG. However, the situation of librarians is in most cases concern: in fact, I challenge you to find a librarian who is not "overbook". In addition, librarians are entrusted with more and more tasks, most of the time does not correspond at all to the job itself: administration, standard storage (I'm not talking about rank or classification), ...

2) Librarian: trade has been misunderstood or ignored
The profession of librarian is in fact poorly known. The general public "of course" (excuse the "obviously" so realistic), but also, and this is even more serious within the company itself. The problem is there. Nobody really knows what qualities, qualifications and characteristics of being a librarian. Most of the time he is seen as a mere "paper organizer" or the person who has asked to do a search on "Google" (sic). Mr. SOS (meaning "Librarian") would have nothing else to do in his day protest some employees ... Yes, librarian is perceived as a trade quiet, easy, accessible, ... In short, a sort of "under-trade"?

3) ERRATUM: Cartoon ...

sorry this cartoon. Will resume. In the company everyone knows the service documentation. Employees perceive its usefulness well and make a reasonable use by understanding its usefulness and operation. But when employers receive applications from other librarians, he thinks "It is useless. The documentation service runs just fine. The box also. But what they do not, is that if they were hiring one or more other librarians, the system information could be much more efficient, communication and facilitated inter-service aroused.
So you say, a librarian and more and everything is always better to go? No, what I meant by that is that we must go beyond simple observations. It is the responsibility of employers (HR or appropriate management personnel) to conduct a real study of document management in the company. Is it optimal? Is it effective? Can it be improved? And more specifically: what profile to use librarian?

4) Imbalance Training - Employment
The initial training of generalist librarian wants. After 2-3 years of post baccalaureate study, specializations occur. These specializations are not lacking. However, facing the job market in documentation, these specializations proved mostly unnecessary. Finding a job is as an obstacle course! There are indeed many more applicants than offers to be filled. Test (sadly) "funny" to do. Go in and ask ANPE employment in the documentation. Observe then the head of your partner. You understand! So why the university does offer so much training, she welcomes many students while the opportunities are few?
two solutions: either reduce the number of students in these fields (what I call the "wrong solution") or establish multiple partnerships with businesses to understand the full force of the profession of librarian, any its usefulness and strategic importance it has.

Finally, the critical situation and that continues to worsen the job market in documentation is due to a misunderstanding of the multiple facets and the reality of being a librarian. The problem is therefore to be taken before, at the university: to establish real bridges between the theoretical and practical (OTC License pro. ...) and the labor market. The literature has much to offer, why your company denies it does by putting blinders on itself?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Need Holiday Loan Jackson

Immateriality Deréal =?

immétarialité The service of "déréalité"
Internet or the perverse effects of a pseudo reality

Internet, sometimes defined as a reflection of reality, sometimes as innovative world, sometimes as simple technological evolution of our real world, raises many questions. What dangers these definitions antagonists do they cover? Why are more and more people fall into addiction or a "cyberillusion?

1) A multiplicity of definitions: why?
Each of us perceives the Internet differently. If you're out there reading this blog is definitely for you that the Internet represents a step forward, an asset or an essential element. While for others, those I call technophobes particular, the Internet is an illusion, even dangerous, because it leaves the illusions seem like truth. Besides
these two "camps", the definitions vary depending on the personalities ... and also at different times of the life of the user. So I'll take the standard example of a player become a compulsive gambler because of the Internet.

2) How to become a compulsive gambler?
This question, by the fact that just to ask it raises a smile hides a real problem in society.
[Fictional case inspired numerous facts]
This player, which we call "Mr. Z" discovered the Internet in 2000. He discovered a few gaming sites, combines some slight gains (5-10 € per month). Then the game sites multiply. Mr. Z took the opportunity to increase earnings, saying "It's beneficial." With greed, Mr. Z, now winner of several hundred dollars a year, decides to invest his few gains. Sometimes he wins, sometimes he loses, but in the end he loses, he had previously won. "Anyway, this money is still virtual. Certainly I could make it real, but what good is money .... also somewhat inconsistent!" he said. Then he discovered the online casinos. The gains are much more substantial, investments as well. Mr. Z then tried the experiment with the bonuses offered at registration. Deposited for 50 €, it receives 100. Mr. Z sniffs what he thinks is "good business". So he plays, wins a little, subsequently falls. "Well I put a little of my own money, but it's like I was playing in a real casino, I lose or I win." Yet Mr. Z had never set foot in a casino. If, perhaps once, "to see", but by building a few dozen euros. Yet with Internet Mr. Z can not get rid of these games: "It's great, I did not move, the filing is done by the click of a mouse ..." he thinks. Unfortunately, Internet blind Mr. Z. Deposits are becoming more regular and more consistent. "This is nothing, is that the virtual!" ever does repeat itself. Yet to see his bank statements, Mr. Z loses several hundred dollars per month. The flows are rising, the bank called frequently. Mr. Z, caught in the vicious circle, takes a final decision that will seal his fate: to take credit. Unfortunately Mr. Z always loses. Except once when he won 100,000 euros. Caught in the frenzy of the game, sure to return to its original state, it will replay all of its gains in the end lose them again. Mr. Z is now banned casino. It follows a psychotherapy and is listed by the Bank of France as over-indebted. Yet Mr. Z did not stop playing. Instead, it further increases the spending on online casinos unsavory, and continues to aggravate the situation. Mr. Z is gradually destroyed by the game, because games with cash intangible yet very real. Mr. Z is not alone in this case. Yet the situation continues to worsen further.

3) "Example abusive, at least extreme!" ?
While many will be those who rise up to this extremely negative view of gambling on the Internet. But Mr. Z is not a case isolated. The purpose of this article is not to criticize these free sites, but many wonder about the dangers it presents. Moreover, the example of casinos has been taken because the most widespread, but it is by no means an "anti-casinotisme" on my part. No. I just want to raise the problem with the Internet. The player is not as controlled as in real arcades. Moreover, these games are accessible to all. Obviously, many protections restricting gambling to adults exist but are they effective? No. It suffices to lie, steal credit card from his parents or his older brother to play as qlors one is minor. What to do? Protect the Internet. But when I say protect, I am not spy. I'm just putting in place systems which, preserving the anonymity of the player, guarantee their right to play.

4) Internet: the real and virtual
Internet is so much there: between the real and virtual. Everyone classifies differently as he fixes it. For example, one that plays and wins say the Internet is essential, a real reflection of society, even an asset because it allows really win. A compulsive gambler who loses will say about him that his losses are only virtual, he will lie to himself ensuring that its investments have real as well as the effect of satisfying a hobby. Yet it is a real drug that satisfies. This is indeed a compulsive gambler cyberaddict.
course, problem gamblers existed long before the Internet. But where I'm getting at is that the Internet facilitates the risk of addiction. The drifts are much easier. Opportunities multiply to get caught in a trap.

5) What to do?
I go there to submit a suggestion of "good words". But if you respect them, failing to come out a winner, you will not leave loser!
- Be a Player responsible: manage your games!
- Manage your finances: do not bet more than your means, do not believe you "remake" easily. Besides the more you think you "remake" the more you sink into addiction
- Play at trusted sites (labeled, recognized, ...)
- Choose a strategy game: how many maximum investment per month (if there is investment
- Step back on all your actions.

Thus, the Internet presents illusions and delusions. No Internet is not the Devil. Yet it can lead you straight to hell. No Internet is not a God. Yet in the beating you can reach a certain paradise. In short, the Internet itself is a technology. But hiding behind this technology systems are real, significant gambling, people and organizations who seek to make money. Do not sink into the trap. Internet: attention danger ... but also opportunities soon!
Know the share of things ;-)