Friday, March 4, 2011

What Does An Orthopedist Do For Infants

An exemption of two banns granted free by the priest

The records of the parish of Sainte-Madeleine Rivière-la-Madeleine for August 8, 1883 report from the marriage following:

" M. 1. Arthur and Rebecca Fournier Lisotte

The August 8 thousand eight hundred eighty-three, after the publication of a ban of marriage made the pulpit of the Mass at the mission in Magdalena, Lisotte between Arthur, farmer, residing in this mission Octave Lisotte adult son, a farmer, and the late Rose Dube of this mission, first, and Rebecca Fournier, domiciled in this mission, the minor daughter of Florent Fournier, a farmer, and Victory Couture, this mission of other; exemption of two banns having been given free by Us under the powers granted by our engagement letters, having found no impediment to the said marriage registered parents of the minor party, We, pastor of Mount Louis, have received their mutual consent of marriage and have given them the nuptial blessing in the presence of Florent Fournier, the father of the bride, and Regulates Blanchet, friend of the husband who, as well as the spouses have been able to sign. Been read.
N. Gagnon, priest

A fine example of the discretion of a priest who adapts his ministry at a local reality.

[Summary: The church
record for a wedding in Rivière-la-Madeleine, Quebec.]

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Vip Luggage Locks Combination

A dead child out of a boat pass

records of the parish of Saint-Jean Deschaillons for November 5, 1763 report the act of burial following :

" September 5 beausoleil

Lan thousand seven hundred sixty-three on Nov. 5 by us ptre pastor of St. John was buried in the cemetery of this parish a male child aged about two months called beausoleil delivered to Nicolas churchwarden jersey out of a boat pass. In faith whereof, jai signed
J Gingras ptr

It will be difficult to correctly identify this child out that the priest did not mention that he had been buried in mass graves. On another level, a reference to a boat reminds us a means of transportation used at that time.

[Summary: The church record
pour la Burying of a boy in Deschaillons, Quebec.]

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Generatore Pin Prodotti Nintendo

Buried in the absence of the missionary

Records of the Archdiocese of Québec June 17, 1795 report the act of burial following:

" buried. Claire Nathinahagan

The Sept. 10 June, one thousand seven hundred ninety-five by us, the undersigned missionary priest of Posts Domaine du Roi and the lordship was Mingan blessed the grave and were augmented burial ceremonies Nathinahagan Claire died on the thirtieth of August last five days old daughter of Francis and Mary KaKussiKatik Angels Netshega?, which had been buried in my absence in the cemetery of Ste Anne de Portneuf were present Nupesh Pierre Joseph Nupesh and others who do sign sçavent
JJ Roy ptre Miss

The spelling of Indian names is more difficult to note the French names of the persons mentioned. Note also the delay of almost ten months from the date of death and the drafting of the act.

[Summary: The church record

pour la Burying Of An indian girl in Quebec]

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cystic Fibrosis Onset

Edward Oliver Caliouette

Born in California July 15, 1902, the son of Godfrey (Godfrey Wilfred) Caillouette and Mary Angeline (Angelina ) Levreau.

He married Jessie Mary Pierce at a date and location unknown.

On 10 June 1966, he died in California (San Francisco County) and was buried at Golden Gate National Center (San Mateo County, Lot 54) at the age of 63 years and 10 months.

[Summary: The information about
Caliouette Edward Oliver.]

Monday, February 28, 2011

Compilation Huge Facial

An error avoided somewhat in a baptismal registers

The records of Ville Marie December 17, 1905 report of the act of baptism following:

" B. 111. Annette M. Jeanne Pomerleau

The September 20 December, one thousand nine hundred and five, we priest undersigned have baptized in this parish Mary Jane Annette legetime daughter of Fortunat Pomerleau, daily and Olivine Pineault of this parish. The Godfather was Zephirin Roll blacksmith, and godmother Leclerc wife Eloise of the sponsor of this parish. Which could not sign with us.
[These seven words are crossed out in the act and are replaced by those who follow.] The child's father could not sign with us. Been read
Heloïse O. Leclerc Zéphirain Roll Lambert ptre

In the margin under the act, it says the following annotation:

" married Ernest Bolduc at St Come de Beauce September 24, 1923.."

Almost incorrect statement of the ability to sign godparents is it due to informants who induced the priest in error? Note the differences in the names of the latter in the signatures to the act and deed.

[Summary: The church
record for The Baptism of a girl in Ville Marie, Quebec.]

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cheerleading Funky Spandex

partly destroyed Montmagny in 1759

registers the parish of St. Thomas de Montmagny for the month of September 1759 show the following information:

" records from twenty-one of eight from January 1754 until September of this year? seven hundred and fifty nine were swept away by the English? took in the woods.
maisonbasse ptre

This register is sometimes difficult to read and decipher due in part to the deterioration of some leaves by water or moisture.

An estimate of the number of missing documents for this period can be made. On the site of PRDH , consult Statistics annual number of acts by parish. For the parish of St. Thomas de Montmagny, numbers of baptisms (B), marriages (M) and Graves (S) are:

1758: 49 B, 6 M, 26 S for a total of 81
1759: 18 B, 1 M, 17 S for a total of 36
1760: 50 B, 9 M, 44 S for a total of 103.

figures of 1759 compared with those detonate the years 1758 and 1760. It is estimated that between 50 and 60 missing documents in the register by taking the average of total years 1758 and 1760 [or 92] is, and subtracting the number of acts kept [36] for the year 1759.

Other parishes of Quebec have seen their records damaged or destroyed in whole or in part at that time or since the start of the Colony. In some cases, special efforts were made to try to overcome these situations. For example, refer to the parish of St. Eustache that we discussed in a note published on 1 December 2008 and entitled Recovery records of St. Eustache for the year 1837 .

In this context, one can only regret and wonder why the parish priest of St. Thomas de Montmagny had not done so by imitating his colleague.

About Some church records lost in Montmagny, Quebec.]

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Difference Between 2nd And 3rd Gen Mino Flip

At the place called "Little May"

records of the parish of Saint-Patrice Rivière Pentecost October 19, 1900 report from the marriage following:

" Pierre Miville & M. 7 Caroline Boucher

The nineteen October, nineteen hundred, after the publication of a ban of marriage and dispensing of two banns granted by us eighteen current under our powers missionary, between Pierre Miville, laborer, resident of St. Patrick of Pentecost, widower of deceased Elisabeth Leblanc major one hand, and Caroline Boucher, headquartered in Sainte Anne Islets of Caribou, at a place called "Little May", spinster Magloire Boucher, fisherman, and Flavie Côté, also of Little May, on the other hand, having found no obstacle, we missionary priest undersigned, have received their mutual consent to marriage and have given them the nuptial blessing in the presence of Ambrose Bilodeau, husband and friend of Joseph Boucher, brother of the wife who, instead of the spouses could not sign, failing to register.
P. Lemay ptre Miss

reference to a local place name in an act of civil status has always interested sure. Questions arise: its precise location, its meaning, its use even today ... In this case, search the Bank of place names in Quebec on the website of the Geographical Names Board Quebec provides some answers to these questions. More often than not, the situation is different: it is a local expression that is most commonly used and we can not locate.

On another level, noting the powers of the missionary priest to grant certain waivers; from that point of view, a missionary has a greater power that a priest serving in a nearby parish of the diocese.

Finally, note also the absence of a registry that could allow those concerned to sign, if any. On this point, it will be necessary to use other sources to determine the ability of each sign.

The record for a church wedding in Pentecost River, Quebec.]

Friday, February 25, 2011

Can You Use Expired Broth

No waiver paid

records of the parish of St. Anne Island Calumet County Pontiac to May 8, 1871 report of the marriage follows:

" M. 1 Cadieux Francois and Marie Anne Kearns

The May one thousand eight of eight hundred seventy-one publication without the exemption was granted for special permission from His Grace Bishop of Ottawa for Francois Cadieux Cadieux major son of Jerome and Jane Kelly of Chatham and Anne Marie Kearns adult daughter of James Kearns and Rose Farmer of Portage having met no impediment I the undersigned priest have their marriage blessed in the presence solonellement John Talan and James McManus who could sign.
SC Arthur Ouellette

In the margin and under this act, it says the following annotation:

" No waiver paid.

Some may wonder at the presence of such notes in the register and not in the accounts of the manufactures of this parish, in our opinion, the explanation lies in the discretion enjoyed by the priest under record keeping.

[Summary: The church
record for a wedding in Calumet Island, Quebec.]

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Can You Poop Stomach Acid

Amede (Medford William) Caliouette

He was born in Zurich (Kansas Rooks County), August 24, 1896. He is the son of Godfrey (Godfrey Wilfred) Caillouette and Mary Angeline (Angelina) Levreau.

He died in California (Ventura County) February 5, 1951 at the age of 54 years and 5 months.

We did not find any other information about him, including on a possible marriage.

[Summary: The information about
Amede (Medford William) Caliouette.]

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Japanese Doll Invitations

The baptism of the son of a traveler

Records of Fort St. Joseph for March 7, 1727 report of the act of baptism following:

" Lan 7th March 1729 I J. bap thistle nimble and missionary of the Society of Jesus at the St Joseph I baptized Joseph son of Jean Baptiste Baron traveler Parish boucherville of this set in that position and married Mary Catherine 8ekioukoué together in front of church baptized March the 8th day after birth. hath been the sponsor Mr Louis Coulon de Villiers Godmother's son and daughter of Marie Rheaume Rheaume Sieur Jean Baptiste interpreter, and Simphorose ouaouagoukoué married together in front of church. Mr. JB Chardon
the comp. Jesus. Louis de Villiers married Réaume

This is the Fort St. Joseph River in Illinois, near Windsor, Lambton County, Ontario.

Several aspects of it can be underlined that the manner of indicating the date, the Indian names, mention of the interpreting profession, and, finally, the signature of the sponsor in relation to the spelling in the act.

[Summary: The church
record for The Baptism of a boy in Fort St. Joseph.]

February 24, 2011 Note:

requests to the author of this blog should be formulated using his email address and not the public comments.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Candy Striped Dolfin Shorts

His spitting could not allow him to commune

records of the parish of Holy Cross December 22, 1760 to report the act of burial following:

" S. Charlotte Hamel

year one thousand seven hundred and sixty on the twenty by December 2 we priest undersigned Recollet curialles making functions in this parish, was buried in the cemetery of this parish the body Charlotte Hamel Francois Caron woman aged forty-three years after he confessed and he received the sacrament of extreme unction his spitting n.ayant could allow him to take communion in faith whereof, Jay signed the day and year first above . Francois Carpentier R f

In this act of burial, much of the text focuses on three sacraments: confession, extreme unction and the communion for a proper understanding and correct operation of this act, a particular viewing angle required . Indeed, we have here is a fine example of the sacraments by a Catholic priest, that the text of the act makes good.

The church record pour la Burying of a woman in St. Croix, Quebec.]

Monday, February 21, 2011

New Baby Wishesmay They

The sponsor and godmother resident in the United States

records of the parish of St. John the Evangelist New for April 17, 1888 report of the act of baptism following:

" B. 14 Joseph Alfred Philippe

On September 10 April, eighteen hundred eighty-eight we the undersigned priest have baptized Joseph Alfred born the same day, the legitimate son of Nicolas Philippe, farmer and Mary Anne Godbout, of this parish. Godfather by proxy Philip Joseph William, laborer; godmother by proxy, Emilie Lavigne, his wife, residing in the United States, represented by Mathias Philip Ray and Marcelline this parish where the father and were able to sign. Been read.
D. LeBel ptre
priest. "

A good example of information on residence of people in the United States that provides an avenue of research, even if the mention of the U.S. state concerned is not mentioned. Contrary to what is said, no signature other than the priest appears at the bottom of the document.

Note that the child's name is composed of three names, a situation that makes it difficult to locating in the same database by using search engines.


The church record for The Baptism of a boy in New, Quebec.]

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Used Gy Hd110u For Sale

Died and was buried the same day

The records of the parish of St. John the Evangelist New for October 24, 1886 report of the act of baptism following:

" S. 26 Ernest Day

Oct. 4 The twenty one thousand eight hundred eighty-six, we the undersigned priest, have blessed the grave of Ernest, who died on the same six months, and was buried the same day, on account of diphtheria, has the age of six years, legitimate son of Charles Day, a farmer, and Angeline Leblanc of this parish. Present Romain Michaud and Xavier EYR?, Which have known sign. Been read.
D. LeBel ptre
priest. "

The contagious nature of the disease explains the speed of the inhabitants to bury the body. Note that the priest was not present at the burial has only bless the grave, and this 18 days later.

[Summary: The church record
pour la Burying of a boy in Nouvelle, Quebec.]

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Much Is A New License In Ohio

Josephine L. Caliouette

She was born in Kansas June 16, 1894. She is the daughter of Godfrey (Godfrey Wilfred) Caillouette and Mary Angeline (Angelina) Levreau

She married in California in 1916 with Delbert O. Shouse, son of George and Laura Jane Owen Smitth.

On June 23, 1985, she died in Los Angeles (California, Los Angeles County) June 23, 1985 at the age of 91.

[Summary: The information about
Josephine L. Caliouette.]

Interstitial Cystitis And Meth

First ...


The first, in Aubusson, "smaller national scene in France" ... real work on the public, people who move, who have an opinion, that question, connoisseurs ... an ideal place to rehearse and make this a preview ...

(behind the ticket: Fannytastic, including the resumption of Talking Heads "Psycho Killer" is in the show ...)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Life Quotes For Picnik

A certificate of undulation

records of the parish of St. John the Evangelist New for October 13, 1885 report of the act of baptism following:

" B. 45 Mary Agnes Lavoie

The 13 October, one thousand eight hundred eighty-five we the undersigned priest have supplemented the ceremonies of baptism to Mary Agnes ondoyée by Rev. LA Drouin, showman vicar, priest Carleton, as appears by his certificate dated 30 September last, legitimate daughter of a farmer and Hyppolite Lavoie Catherine Shearn?, of this parish. Robert Lavoie sponsor, godmother Marie Lavoie, where the father and said they did sign. Been read.
D Bell, priest vicar

The reference to a certificate of undulation is too precise in this document that it does not exist, otherwise we could never see such a certificate inserted between the leaves of a register in some parishes where acts of baptism are mentioned. The use of such a document is to provide a safe information from a Catholic parish to another.

[Summary: The church
record for The Baptism of a girl in Nouvelle, Quebec.]

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prs-d2000spl For Sale

Registers of Civil Status of Quebec from 1900 to 1909 (aa) An error

This topic was already covered in a note dated July 6, 2009 under the title Records Vital Quebec from 1900 to 1907 .

We want to add additional comments to those made then and as a result of this consultation a number of these registers:

- the title on the Portal BAnQ has been changed to: Registers of Quebec Vital origins to 1909 and wanting reflect additions made following the filing of certain records by the Director Vital . Moreover, how a user can know the additions and records available to a parish without having to check each of the parishes? A table showing the records available online would be greatly appreciated
- the classification of certain records is not always very special and happy as an example: starting with a registry hospital or hospice ward
name - the name chosen for some parishes is surprising, and indeed, what are the criteria used to do this? Sometimes it is difficult to navigate. As examples, here is a list of parish names and descriptions found in the authentication certificate of the prothonotary:

St. Elisabeth of Hungary, [St. Elizabeth Warwick]
St. George Protestant Congregation [St George Drummondville]
St George's Anglican Church [Church of England for the District of Rimouski]
Immaculate Conception in Bellerive (Beauharnois) [Notre-Dame de Bellerive, Salaberry de Valleyfield]
Savages Mills Anglican Church Savage Mills, North Shefford [North Shefford (Church of England)]
Grey Nuns, Châteauguay [acts of Burials Religious Sisters of Charity of Montreal General Hospital, who became the new cemetery on the island in St Bernard Parish Châteauguay commonly called Ile des Soeurs]
- a special case, and some records [Drummondville, Trois-Rivières] have been described as " Records for compulsory registration of non-baptized children " appellation is somewhat curious since, in fact, this is registers established and maintained by municipalities for the registration of deeds. An illustration that this title is a misnomer: Trois-Rivieres, the only act of that register for the year 1903 makes particular reference in the text that " His baptism [the child] was administered approximately four months later by a priest of the Orthodox religious belief !
- it would be useful to have the screen of a specific email address to report a problem with the records in this collection
- the space reserved on the screen for viewing images acts is still limited and this important shortcoming is unfortunate.

Moreover, we must remember the beautiful image quality of these registers. This aspect of these registers is especially appreciated that the images of other records available online, those on the site of the Mormons and those of the Drouin Collection, do not compare in this regard and have no chance of being improved.

[Summary: Some Additional remarks
On The Digitization and on-lining of Quebec's civil records for 1900 to 1909.]

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is There Nudity In Dragonballz Uncut?

underlined twice and in two languages

records of the parish of St. John the Evangelist New for January 17, 1884 are state of the act of baptism following:

" B. 1 Margaret Louise Dugas

The September 10 January, one thousand eight hundred ninety four of us, priest undersigned have named Marguerite Louise born on the thirteenth current legitimate daughter of Joseph Dugas farmer in the parish & Marie Doucet. Godfather & Godmother Francois Plourde & Plourde Charlotte cousins of the child undersigned having been read.
Plourd Charlotte Francis Plourde Pol. Moreau
priest. "

Immediately prior to this act, we read the following annotation:

" NB The following is the first baptism of the year 1884 .

Following the act, it says the following annotation:

" Note This last registered Baptism" should be by right place The First of the Year 188 oven. PM . "

This information refers to the first sheet of the year 1884 whose wording was done in a difficult environment. Indeed, there is a marriage null and incomplete as well as an act of grave misidentified. In the margin, one can read the annotation that refers to the act of baptism discussed above:

" For the baptism of Margaret Louise Dugas see the last act of this year at the end of the booklet. PM .. "

The special way to indicate this error all the more surprising as it is done in French and English. In fact, what explains the use of these languages? On this point, it must be remembered that this same priest was acting in this area a few years ago about an act of December 12, 1879 [see note dated March 7, 2009 and entitled An act of baptism written in French and English! ].

Note the special way to indicate the year in both annotations as well as the signature of the sponsor in relation to its mention in the text of the act.

[Summary: The church
record for The Baptism of a girl in Nouvelle, Quebec.]

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pokemon Platinum Emulator Gts

Dubbed as required

Records Parish of St. John the Evangelist New for May 22, 1884 report of the act of baptism following:

" B. 24 Philip Marie Delima

May 2 The twenty thousand eight hundred ninety four of us, priest undersigned have baptized or have rather supplements the ceremonies of baptism on the child named Marie Delima privately by his grandfather Thomas Leclerc in the presence of Andre Philippe father of the child who assured me that the baptism had been given as required. The child was born on April 20 last of the legitimate marriage of Andrew Philip farmer in the parish and Marguerite Leclerc. Philippe Lazare godfather the child's uncle, godmother Louise Parent. No one has signed. Been read.
Pol. Moreau ptre

When the priest is not present when a rippling, he took care to ensure the validity of the action taken informant credible. One facet of the tight management of sacraments performed by a priest. What is unusual in this act is that the erroneous reference to the term [here " dubbed"] has not been deleted by the editor.

Note the use of the phrase "baptized privately " to instead of "rippling .

The church record for The Baptism of a girl in Nouvelle, Quebec.]

Monday, February 14, 2011

Testical Chack By Doctor

Alice Rennie (Rena) Caliouette

She was born in Kansas, April 10, 1893. She is the daughter of Godfrey (Godfrey Wilfred) Caillouette and Mary Angeline (Angelina) Levreau.

She got married at a date and place unknown with a man named Reed.

On 10 March 1941, she died in California (Los Angeles County) at the age of 47 years and 11 months. Poverty

information on this person is a fine example of the difficulty of doing genealogical research United States and where the scarcity of sources is often associated with poverty of information, and use of censuses makes it possible to compensate in part.

[Summary: The information about
Alice Rennie (Rena) Caliouette.]

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Garrett Popcorn Promo

Died in Manitoba

records of the parish of St. John the Evangelist New for December 4, 1882 report the act of burial following:

" S. 87 Philippe Pallu

The 4 December, one thousand eight hundred eighty-two, we, the undersigned priest have buried Philippe twenty-two years old legitimate child of Philippe Pallu farmer in the parish and Sophie Berthelot died last June 15 in White? Manitoba. The father was present with unsigned mother and many relatives and friends. Read,
Pol. Moreau ptre

Explaining the place of death [migration? Working season?] and the important period of over five months between the death and burial? Note that the presence of the mother is indicated.

[Summary: The church record
pour la Burying of a man in Nouvelle, Quebec.]

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Def Jam Internship Law

An act of abjuration no

records of the parish of St. John the Evangelist New for June 27, 1880 report of the act abjuration zero following:

" Today September 20 June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty and twenty, we priest undersigned, have received the abjuration of Lady J. Parker was born Mary Seward aged fifty two years old and born in England. Godmother Catherine Catherine McBrearty McBrearty undersigned
Pol. Moreau
priest. "

The text of this act is struck by three strokes placed diagonally and is marked "invalid act .

As this is an adult and that the deed is signed, what explains this? Note the special way to indicate the date.

[Summary : The church record
pour la recantation of a woman in Nouvelle, Quebec.]

Friday, February 11, 2011

Coorg Sweety Down Load

A baptismal incomplete Named New

Records of the parish of St. John the Evangelist in New by 1 June 1879 report the act of baptism following:

" B. 33 Marie Madeleine Allard

On June one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine, we the undersigned priest, have supplemented the ceremonies of Baptism (after themselves) about Mary Magdalene legitimate child of Joseph & Mary Allard Lavoie born September 20 Current . Godfather Octave Marie Normand Landry undersigned. Absent father.
Polydore Moreau ptre

As the priest is his own informant, explaining how the space blank in the act? Arguably it would indicate that he had waved the child. Other incongruities

Note: The quality of Mary Landry as a sponsor is not mentioned and, contrary to what is written in the act, the signature of the latter does not appear at the bottom of the document.

[Summary: The church

record for The Baptism of a girl in Nouvelle, Quebec.]

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Can Bumps Still Appear After Scabies Treatment?


records of the parish of St. John the Evangelist New for March 23, 1879 report the act of baptism following:

" B. 91 Mary Elizabeth Joliceur

March 3 The twenty thousand eight hundred and seventy nine we, the undersigned priest, have supplemented the ceremonies of Baptism to Mary Elizabeth Jolicoeur Hypolite legitimate child of Ellen MacGregor and we had deprived the named vingt February 7 then one day old. Godfather and godmother Catherine Parker John Mac Briarty undersigned. Father present. Been read. Catherine Mc
Brearty Polydore ptre
Moreau. "

The term "privately baptized" is a translation of English " Privately Baptized "The French term is more undulating and is just less confusing.

[Summary: The church
record for The Baptism of a girl in Nouvelle, Quebec.]

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To See Quickbooks License I Bought

Georgiana Caliouette

Calif. She was born December 11, 1889. She is the daughter of Godfrey (Godfrey Wilfred) Caillouette and Mary Angeline (Angelina) Levreau.

She was married to a date and location unknown with Carl Gustav Heisterman.

She died in California (Los Angeles County) October 3, 1957 at the age of 67 years and 9 months.

[Summary: The information about Georgiana

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Used And New Bmx Ramps For Sale

Dinner of the CRIF Live Twitter

2 years ago, I inaugurated the description of the CRIF dinner seen from inside a blog.
technology had no limits, we try to do modern and describe what happens in this unusual dinner always live on Twitter.

It simply follow @ Frisonsubtil on Twitter for small or non-serious stories that are sure to punctuate the moment. I certainly understand if you prefer to follow France and Brazil at the Stade de France, but a quick glance at his Twitter from time to time does not hurt, especially for a game without Nasri, Ribery or Ronaldinho ...

Tia Mowry On Her Hair

accidentally fell down a well?

The records of the parish of St. Eusebius Stanfold (Princeville Now) March 26, 1894 to cite the act of burial following:

" S. 23 Sylvester Ludger

March 6 The twenty thousand eight hundred ninety-four, we, the undersigned priest, was buried in the cemetery of this parish the body of Ludger Sylvester farmer died twenty-two current accidentally at the age of thirty eight years, legal husband of Mary Pepin of this parish. Present, Joseph Levasseur, Honore Langevin, Honore Pare and Francis Biron friends, who reported no sign. (It appears by the survey the coronary that the deceased accidentally fell into a well or more likely committed suicide by jumping into the well being told from beyond ten years, under the influence of painful insanity. ) Having been read. FT
Desaulniers ptre

The most astonishing aspect of this act is that the cure is challenging the verdict of the coroner. Knowing the likely victim of long standing, he had perhaps unpublished information to that effect from the deceased or his relatives.

priest's attitude is the opposite of that which we reported in the ticket published Sept. 10 2010 and entitled Died by accident and not otherwise .

Bouffard Thanks to Gisele for bringing this document to our attention.

[Summary: The church record

pour la Burying of a man in Princeville, Quebec.]

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Astro Flex Car Starter

Children, Women, the family gap between Judaism and philosophy?

is from the final Houellebecq, Map and the Territory , which I put a flea in his ear. A passage absolutely ignored by the plethora of reviews this latest installment of the Prix Goncourt last. And because it takes only a few lines of the novel and does not conceal much interest in the construction of history (and the 3 rd part of the book, but that is another debate). Jed, the hero, is in an airport and now ... "Before him, a blond moaning about four years, claiming it does knew quite what, then all of a sudden he fell to the ground screaming, trembling with rage and his mother exchanged looks exhausted with her husband, who tried to raise the vicious little carrion. It is impossible to write a novel, Houellebecq had said the day before for the same reason it is impossible to live: because of the burdens that accumulate. And all theories of freedom, Sartre, Gide, are only designed for single immoralists irresponsible. Like me, he added, attacking his third bottle of Chilean wine. "
Look, here's an interesting perspective: to philosophize well for be a herald of the literature, should remain single and childless? In which case we would be faced by an irreconcilable gap between philosophy and Judaism, as the first biblical commandment expressed by the Torah is the famous "Peru Ourbou" : Be fruitful and multiply.

begin the survey by explaining what Houellebecq says: To create an intellectual work worthy of the name, it must be master of his time. Must be able to reach a maximum physical constraints to change his mind in a world of intellect, be open to impromptu meetings and be guided by them and not let disrupt the laborious construction of a conceptual system by resorting to trivial objections raised by the daily "Msieur the Philosopher How can we talk about commitment and freedom when we have to deal with kids all day and we are delighted to collapse on a couch watching a movie before going to sleep? "

To deepen, and as we are in the XXI century, the century of performance and optimum processing of information, we need statistics to support our thesis. First, dismiss the objection that our investigation would be shared between philosophy and religion in general. The attitude of Roman Catholicism, for example is more philosophical attitude of Judaism: In order to properly develop in the spirit realm and focus on the Lord, it is better to worship him exclusively without the hassle or women or children (official course). It is not a theological dogma (since the Eastern Churches ordain married priests) but a well-established and on which the Vatican does not seem to give up, especially since the program already announced by the Gospel of Luke: If anyone comes to me without hating his father, mother, children, brothers, sisters, and even his own life, he can not be my disciple. " (the difference with Islam is more subtle but deserves a separate development).

Then go see the press philosophical people to check if the philosophers in general are like Houellebecq thinks of "bachelors irresponsible." Good thing one of the final drafts Philosophy Magazine is more or less devoted to this theme: "The family is unbearable?". And among other brilliant contributions, the magazine has been the practice for us. The result is instructive: 75% of the greatest philosophers of the heritage of humanity were single! And for those who eventually married, most (like Hegel) were late. Some philosophers have defended the institution of marriage and the family, like Voltaire and Kant, but have been careful not to bother with such trivialities.

It seems to be an invariant, as posed Mathilde Lequin in her article on links between philosophers and family "From the Greeks to post-68 through Christianity, the situation seems almost unanimous among the philosophers: the family is what keeps authentic life. "

It is no accident that we found this idea in more contemporary developments. I just finished a test at once brilliant and almost terrifying Belinda Cannone , who caused a stir among academics and practitioners of "Gender Studies" you know this new discipline imported from the United States by Judith Butler (I'll let you guess his origins. ...) of separating the concept of sex (which is a biological distinction) and the notion of gender (masculine / feminine, which is a social and built). Until then why not, but obviously, from the moment we make this distinction, the Promethean temptation to destroy the notion of gender or merge them is too strong. This is partly so these subjects tackled by Belinda Cannone in Temptation of Penelope . In short (very short, because the book is dense and fairly intelligent), She wants to fend off the men but also women who still consider including in some feminist circles, there are irreconcilable differences between man and woman must be reflected in social life. What horrified me personally in this book is the blind spot. Nowhere is there the idea of responsibility towards society. Nowhere Belinda Cannone envisages a radical change in the perception of gender can lead to extremely dangerous consequences for the evolution of humanity. This is particularly striking that the author (e?) Speaks at length about his intimate personal situation. And what does it tell? That since very early, she made the choice not to bear children. Why? Because it would prevent him from writing. Because the burdens of daily life would inevitably reduce to almost nil the necessary amount of concentration needed for the future work. Exactly what explains Houellebecq. Can we take seriously thought wanting to project into the future of humanity while not wishing to participate intimately in the future? That may be one of the crucial questions that Judaism might object to the philosophy, or rather to the philosophers.

In different style and gradually approach to Judaism, it is also significant to note that Claude Lanzmann, in his wonderful memoirs ( Patagonian Hare) , he admits to have had many women in his life 's He also admits he married, finally never had children. He did not explain it really. But the question is legitimate: he would have done the work of his life if he had to care for children? Holocaust would come into being if the anxiety of dying necessarily amplified by parenthood had caught Lanzmann everyday? Even
if the answer to this last question is negative, it seems that the Jewish tradition poses the exact opposite of what philosophers advocate a man is complete unless it has found a wife. Because the union with a woman is the prerequisite to achieving a form of spiritual fulfillment. It is a theme that runs through the rabbinic literature, it is midrashic, halachic or even (or especially) kabbalistic. And of course, even if the man-woman relationship is not limited to reproduction, it contains absolutely imperative that. Having children is the first biblical commandment commandments and other "collateral" related: circumcision (Brit Mila), study, teach a craft, or even swimming (yes, really).

At first glance, one might welcome the Jewish position: nearest material contingencies, it is a spirituality that does not ignore the constraints of life but instead looking to the sublimate. Asceticism, if it exists in Judaism, was not good news. Mistrusts the Torah, as it is wary of those wishes to achieve a form of absolute purity in the divine service. She prefers not to be fooled by the hypocrisy consistent to believe above problems invoices, business or family agreement. Many Jewish jokes are actually variations on this theme. Again, we could stop there and welcome to belong to a tradition that allows us (sorry, that we would have it) to eat couscous dumplings every Friday night rather than being flogged every morning with a hammer in treated steel.

But if we want consistent and take seriously the philosophical position, we must recognize that the Jewish way of life is not conducive to creating a great work. This is one comment I often heard: Jews have certainly advanced the science, they have plenty of Nobel prizes, but most are in fact assimilated Jews, or had significantly away from the Jewish tradition. Einstein, Freud, Spinoza, Marx, not to mention Jesus did not live Meah Shearim, Bnei Brak or even Meknes.

Without a definitive answer to this broad issue (I am unable at first and then I must take care of 3 kids all excited this time of holidays, besides my wife who is obstinately I do the dishes, I have no chance short of being a philosopher), I suggest a good track: Judaism does not seek what man produces a work . Who said work, said a group finalized a result, a system. Sometimes this system is so polished they say unsuited to the prosaic life of man (the famous formula Peguy: Kantianism's hands are clean, but he has no hands). Yet the Torah does not seek to systematize (the Talmud is an obvious example) and prefer to focus on the dynamics of the Study . On that it causes so existential humans, what it evokes a specific way in each of his actors, especially when they are at least two to "wake up" a text, each with its history and subjectivity. Sometimes, a study should be sterile in terms of utility (ritual question: "Why study a bizarre passage comparing the 4 types of kills possible?") Is obvious. Yet what has persisted for centuries among the Jews, this study is the Pharisees. Which we can legitimately think that from a strictly materialistic point of view, she is no stranger to the destiny of the Jewish people, nor to what has produced its fruits farthest outlined above. But the heart of the Jewish people was not intended to create a work. He lived on terms determined by a transcendence that no one cares or history, or progress, or science, only a man, his family and his people can accomplish a divine plan that requires a particular sensitivity to the interior of each, revealed by the study and a form of orthopraxy.

however I could not finish this post without mentioning that the Torah is fully aware of this paradox: the family can live but sometimes it is inhibitory for the greatness of a work.

Two examples:
1) The Mishnah says that Ben Azzai a time married to the daughter of Rabbi Akiva, was unable to bear this burden. Indeed he preferred to devote himself body and soul to the study of Torah. What was not compatible with family responsibilities. Completely contrary to the divine message? True, but the allegation that Ben is finally Azzai not categorical. Rabbi Akiva himself has abandoned his wife for several years to study the Torah even though it was she who led the study and to become the Master he later became.
2) The episode of Bamidbar (Numbers) which catches the disease called Myriam Tzaraat. The literal text tells us that this punishment was due to some unfortunate words spoken to it would have about the Ethiopian woman of Moses, Tzipora. The great commentator before Unesco what Marek Halter has found the first traces of anti-black racism and acted as if God had a badge hanging Hands off my buddy to defend Tzipora (out of pity, stop reading Marek Halter, you will do a great mitzvah). The sages of the Oral Tradition teach us something else. Myriam would actually slandered his brother Moses. The latter, monopolized by his office as leader of the Jewish people, would have left his wife, which led the criticism of Miriam. What is surprising is that not only do not blame God like Moses, but it also punishes Miriam for this gesture. Moses, the greatest prophet of the Jewish people, who abandons his wife and that the midrash tells us that her children were not very well shot ...
Some fates can they do without a wife and children? Should systematic and find an answer or leave the question open?