Thursday, April 17, 2008
Status Firearms Control Card

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Gerbers Blueberry Buckle
Well, I succumb to the sirens and news of the commemoration of May 68. But since we're on the Jewish world, we must of course ask the question of the nature's ties with Jews in May 1968.
what is true: almost nobody talks about in the media when the agreement is quite strange, if not striking. A large contingent of charismatic leaders of that era were Jewish. Judge for yourself:
- Daniel Cohn-Bendit , of course, leader of the movement of 22

- Alain Geismar , Secretary General of NIS sup, then an active member of the proletarian Left.
- Henry Weber, the socialist senator at the time that he founded with Alain Krivine movement Trotskyist Revolutionary Communist Youth. Since then, both have taken somewhat different paths ...
- Robert Linhardt , Chief UJCml (Union of Communist Youth Marxist-Leninist: they had those names at the time ... it was not yet marketing their strong)
- Benny Levy, head of the Proletarian Left, co-founder Liberation and private secretary to Jean-Paul Sartre, whose role has instead said in the 70
- and others: Andre Glucksmann, Bernard Kouchner, Alain Finkielkraut who has also taken his share, etc. etc ...
short. The question worth asking. Would there have been 1 May 1968 without the Jews? Or addressed differently: what was that Jews have rushed into this movement? Is there a report with 1917 where it is now established by historians that the proportion of Jews among Bolshevik revolutionaries is much greater than a hypothetical statistical normal?
During the Russian revolution, the Rabbi Moshe Shapira (Rosh Yeshiva of the future of Beer Yaakov Yeshiva in Israel, not to be confused with his namesake, the future master Benny Lévy Jerusalem) told that some days , centers of study of Vilna are completely empty. There were more students. These days, when Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein or) came to Vilna talk of revolution.

It's hard to imagine today the mad exultation which were "victims" (consensual) these young students. I speak both 1917 and 1968 in France. How can people be as bright as ENS may have to succumb to an ideology that has emerged as the last of mediocrity?
In fact, it is not very complicated to get an idea. Read the Communist Manifesto
is powerful. It has the breath. And when it combines with the famous sentence Raoul Vaneigem , One begins to regret that our generation has no other existential concern the latest innovation for iPhone ...: "We do not want a world where the certainty of not dying from hunger comes against the risk of dying of boredom "
So, the first track is emerging: the Jews have died because they are inherently culturally (which is the same thing some would say) revolutionary. They are not satisfied with a situation which is blocked or stagnant. That the notion of progress is explicitly included in the message Jew, whether through the notions of Tikun (repair the world), Hidouch (perpetual innovation in the interpretation of texts and the world) or even messianism (the Hebrew translation does not refer to truly traditional concept, if not that of Geula but means and Issuance can not be assimilated completely to the messianic hope).
they are loyal to a certain prophetic tradition consistently opposed the government in power: we remember the face of Samuel King Saul and King David Nathan in front or after Chamai against Herod.
The track is appealing. But it will not convince materialists (and there are many among the Marxists) who will wonder how these Jews nevertheless, treated mostly with a rather poor knowledge of their own tradition without being coordinated around a red thread on the wrist or a sack Steve's Packs Jerusalem could have put in so much music so massive a message carried by their ancestors.
The remark is relevant (and I welcome ;-). And early response, I found the book Linhardt Virginia, daughter of Robert Linhardt: The day my father was silent .
As she says herself, "Robert Linhardt is one of the most influential figures of May 68, but also one of the most marked ". For over twenty years, his father has not spoken. In the literal sense. Profoundly mentally reached, this state has always had an impact on education and development of Virginia Linhardt.
What she tries to analyze in this book, but adds a very nice little idea: she met many children from these figures May 68: the offspring of Alain Krivine, Alain Geismar, Henri Weber and even Benny Levy.
Do they have common points of all these revolutionary son? Apparently yes. They are not allergic to order, they are often less politicized or not at all compared to their ancestors. Those who had more than 10 years at that time were very poorly supported images of nudity, very common at the time.
And many were Jews. And that, at the corner of a passage, it addresses this issue we torments. Why so many Jews? What took them?
There are the classic responses: the Jews were traveling companions history of communism. The USSR was still taken Berlin, as stated above, the name was no stranger to Jewish and Soviet ideology initial could be understood as a secular message thoraïque transposition. It was therefore "normal" that Jews are involved in student movements and political factions of the extreme left. The answer
Virginia Linhardt is in these few words: it was not easy to be Jewish after the war . We were surviving. Without the ability to express themselves openly. It took longer to integrate people from the East. Do not rebel, certainly not. A muffled anguish that the worst again. No waves. It was not yet allowed to live, to make sense of potential and / or envy. And then comes May 1968. With its slogans liberating: it is finally possible for every Jew to take to the streets to vent, to exist and to end this painful situation Undead induced by the aftermath of the Holocaust.
What Linhardt Virginia does not mention, but the continuity is obvious is that 68 comes after 67 (thank you, thank you, you will thank me one day for this conceptual breakthrough unmatched since Hegel).
And 67 is the 6 Day War. This is the first time since the war and even since the Jews living in France as protesters marched by claiming publicly and strongly attached to their identity often passed over in silence the private faith. And if the Jews of 68 did not claimed as such, Alain Geismar in his recent book on 68 points they have always been very careful to promote the Palestinian cause while remaining extremely vigilant regarding the existence of Israel. The thing has become increasingly rare today ...
What has played in those years is the realization that the Jews after the Holocaust could even regain control of their destiny. Which then results in various ways: a traditional political engagement (Henri Weber), a loyalty to the extreme left (Alain Krivine) or a return to the original Jewish sap (Benny Levy).
But if only for that, the momentum of the heart, breath suggesting that the world could be changed and the lucidity of the existence, it should certainly not liquidate the legacy of 68. ;-) Well, not completely