Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wedding At Felicita Cost
The Journal of Levinasian study is the official publication after Levinas Studies Institute, established in 2000 by Benny Lévy, Bernard-Henri Levy and Alain Finkielkraut.
Oddly, the publication of excellent quality, both in terms of form (layout, paper ,...) that content does not seem to get an echo to the height of what it produces .
Yet those who complain about not finding today in Jewish thought the caliber of what we used to call "School of Paris" in the years 60-70, including Levinas and Manitou, should immerse themselves in the articles of CEL.
In addition to famous names such as media and BHL Finkielkraut or Jean-Claude Milner , there are authors younger, lesser known but absolutely no less bold. The evidence in this No. 6 dedicated to a theme oh interesting the Universal .
Once is not custom, Jean-Claude Milner who speaks best. He explained that his reflections on the Universal was transformed when Benny Levy told him a reflection made by a fellow student during a day of Yeshiva classic "where does the universal enjoys much prestige among philosophers?"
Milner, firstly, the valid question: "The question is actually worth being asked. If, as appears, the universal concept is a clear, if even one is entitled to 'There detect darkness and confusion, whence it passes, in the logical order for a specially chosen for clarity and distinction? "
Indeed, Milner noted that in any philosophical discussion, the speaker who comes to drawing the first argument the universal club has won the game by KO: "If we know how to use properly, then the discussion is closed and the one who wielded the word of Universal won. In return, the missing the universal is deemed guilty. He has sinned against reason, against morality, against good policy. "
Milner pursuit by a condensed history of the concept through Greek philosophy and Christian to show the complexity of the term and the ease with which it is possible to turn it into a weapon like the coffee trade scope of any semi-skilled who imagines a worthy descendant of Aristotle.
development that began then Milner is an attempt to continue its discussion with Benny Levy failed on this theme of the universal. Building on their political experience during the years 60-70, Milner explains the difference between the priority given to the intense on many, sadly missed in most political revolutions of the twentieth century. Intense vs. Many, the comparison clearly referring to Jewish name, who has played and still plays a fundamental role in the accurate perception of what this difficult concept is universal. The usual interventions
Bernard Henry-Levy and Alain Finkielkraut are very good performance as well. I'm not going to summarize extensive, but I just want to emphasize a point that seems significant: BHL notes the publication of Being Jewish by Benny Levy . That is to say he is seriously a major event inaugurated by the book: Talmudic Readings of Levinas are no longer taken as gospel.
For a long time, Levinas appeared in the Jewish intellectual field as one who could best bring the games Western language of the Mishna and the Gemara, one able to give them a sense talking to a French second half of the twentieth century.
must say that the criticism could not come easily. For one simple reason: to bring an opposition, or at a minimum make a critical look at the work of Levinas specifically Jewish, it was:
1) have a brain and a well-structured analysis capability powerful
2) a mastery of the language and issues of Western thought
3) a mastery of Talmudic study
The traditional yeshivot had the test 3), could find people worthy of 1) but did not specifically open window on Western culture and did not necessarily want to treating a subject which seemed completely unrelated to the aims they were pursuing (the study of Torah disinterested).
The "Parisian Jewish intellectuals" who during the years 70/80/90 became interested in the Jewish tradition have dealt with the biblical and midrashic and translations from the rudiments of Hebrew. But the Talmud is another matter. The technical barrier is far more complicated to overcome. The language is special (Aramaic) and even with an excellent translation, we can not even finger the very specific model of concision and dialectical argumentation.
Benny Lévy, has the three qualities mentioned above. The first two, we knew from his time at Normale Sup. The third hit was acquired (by him) in Strasbourg and then Israeli yeshivot. So therefore, it is able to compete with Talmudic Reading of Levinas, monuments of Jewish thought in the postwar period.
Let me explain: in this last book, Benny Levy operates a major but risky move. The subtitle of the book is "Study Levinas' . But it is anything but a work of apologetics. Instead, Benny Levy tackles what is more "idolatrous" in Levinas, and I use the word advisedly: his work typically Jewish. He attacked hard, pointing the paradoxes are real, existing in the work of Levinas: "The thought of Return is allergic to any philosophical conversion. The thought of Return is not a translation of the Bible into Greek. Levinas has fostered this misunderstanding: he even came to say that we must continue the work of the Septuagint, according to tradition imposed by the Greek exile! "
All this, BHL takes note and "stick it" "It is true there is a problem. It is true that by dint of repeating that the election is not a privilege, it is not pride, it is an additional duty and responsibility but not a right to force say that it is sufficient to carry the name of Jew, follow a few simple requirements, it leads to a poor definition of Judaism. "(...)" Then it is true that there are texts in Difficile Liberté in this direction and we can not play without a real unease. (...) The unease that the disciples must have felt the most lucid of Moses Mendelssohn, when he told them that Judaism was the modern, free inquiry, freedom of spirit. Or illness, yet, what must have felt the speakers of these great French Jews, French Jews of those whom I happened to tell Benny Levy that their positions were not lacking in pace but it is impossible not admit that they also made it unnecessary Judaism, painless, colorless, they reduced the prophetic message to be a substitute message of the French Revolution. (...) In short there are texts of Emmanuel Levinas to suggest that sound. "
BHL answers his own objection. He admits that Levinas, while urging this interpretation in his writings, taking a risk when it suggests that Judaism can sometimes be reduced to a flat and devoid of humanism asperities. But he defended the way with Levinas, admittedly, a certain panache.
But youth is coming! And "Re-Talmudic reading" Jerome Benarroch no lack of boldness in his critique of Levinas. Returning to the Talmudic reading "And God Created Woman", the young associate letters and well-versed in Talmudic texts resumed the intellectual journey of the interpretation of Levinas by subjecting it to scrutiny.
If we take a brief reading of Levinas, it presents three theses, recalled in detail by Benarroch:
- equality in value between man and woman,
- subhuman and the secondary nature of sexual difference
- the necessity of gender hierarchy or dependence to establish a stable relationship between man and woman in a strictly human level, the relationship between minds.
Jerome Benarroch he argues, so many things, all argued and relevant:
- why such a distance from Levinas to erotic desire? Is this not a fundamental phenomenon in the understanding of sexual difference, much more complex than a simple drive after the animal world?
- how to justify a dependency can guarantee a stable relationship? The revolt regular dominated proves the contrary.
- The Gemara speaks of the creation of woman, made from a "beside the man . The Talmud discusses what exactly this way. Notice think this is a face. Another think that is a tail. About the latter view, Levinas proposes to hear that " tail is an appendage body minor articulation of man "
Except that the tail in a man, it can mean something else .... Benarroch Jerome does not hesitate: " we must at least consider the shocking aspect and provocative proposal, without reducing the image to a "minor articulation of the human," which is certainly well-meaning but appear as the repression of what appears to be the subject of the same pattern.
Benarroch from this point to propose a Re-reading the Talmud, trying to answer the objections above as well as many others, to deploy innovative thinking and non-obvious relationship between man and woman, very refreshing and satisfying a Talmudic point of view and intellectual in times of deprivation of women's rights in some countries, but also improving the Gender studies in the western world to objectively to remove the ontological difference between man and woman who can then propose ideological schemes of organization of society quite explosive.
short, the critique of Levinas is still in its infancy, and surprisingly, it produces results extremely encouraging. It is certainly not pleasant for a Levinasian history to be told that his mentor is well-meaning, prudish, Christianizing the sexual subject and little attentive to the practical and halachic texts that call, but the price for that thought General and Jewish thought in particular, can evolve and offer new ways for readers of this monumental work that is the Talmud.
There are still good things in this collection, including a wonderful interview by Henri Atlan on his relationship to Levinas, whom he knew well lorqu'il studied at the Ecole d'Orsay (Spinoza, Kabbalah, personality ,...), an interesting article from Rony Klein, a young university, the figures of the anarchist, the reactionary and the Jew (albeit less powerful than Jerome Benarroch) and much of pearls text.
A final mention for the text Rene Levy on Paul of Tarsus, who calls Talmudic texts that did not used to cross in the Talmudic anthologies for "well-meaning" but, Surely this explains it, we explode in the face because they affect perhaps what is most intimate for a Jew. This text was so strong that I will certainly be a specific review.
In any case, there is a place where it is still possible to find developments in French thought, renewing links with the interpretation of Jewish texts in their most authentic, but also more rewarding.
Good news.
Note: No. 7 on the theme of evil has been out since April 2008, in all good bookshops or on Amazon
Creative Phrases Describe Softball
The judicial year ending portends a bleak future for the judiciary is at a decisive turn in its history. Without urgent and courageous, all the efforts already made are in vain and no future. The legal and judicial security is the cornerstone of the rule of law and an economy capable of real prospect for growth. She is sorely lacking in Haiti. To establish, it is incumbent upon the government to implement more quickly, without hassle or convenience, the laws of reform, one of whose objectives is to ensure that judges of Living and Working Conditions which guarantee freedom of conscience and exercise their duties independently.
Prerequisites for sustainable improvement of a good distribution of justice are far from being completely filled. In fact, foundations have just been asked, on land not yet cleared. The application of the prerogatives and installation of structures from reform laws are not yet effective. Six months have passed since their ratification by Parliament and publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic by the Head of State. All this eloquently demonstrates that justice is not a priority for key decision makers of the nation. But, fortunately, we will not give in to discouragement. The risks and sacrifices we have made have proved beneficial. They allow us to today, more than ever, look to the future with confidence, and ourselves, have confidence again.
It is time for judicial reform continues to be a project to become a reality. It is time to end the irony that today in this country wants the criminal, because the rich or politically well connected, wait for a verdict favorable than the victim, helpless, little known or no possibility of influence peddling. It is time that the Deans and the Commissioners of the government, tempted by the lure of easy money, stop releasing drug traffickers against whom the evidence of guilt is conclusive and loads more damning. It is time that citizens are assured that before the judge, only have the facts and law, and no political color or social status. It is time once again become righteous judgments. It is time that the Directorate General of National Police and the Secretariat of State for Public Security cease to castigate justice while many police officers, mostly heads of investigation are closely related to pockets of kidnapping or head straight in peace. The police mission is to protect and serve the people and not to associate with kidnappers, the criminals, bandits who spread terror and death in the Haitian families.
In denouncing these facts, we do justice to the truth. It's easy to criticize judges when records are deliberately tampered with or that the police investigations, advance, are sloppy or biased. We do not do the devil's advocate, knowing what he is capable, and what the line should be drawn quickly. As in all bodies, found in the Haitian judiciary, good seed and bad weeds. It is not acceptable that it will tarnish the image of an entire corporation. In any case, impunity, immorality and corruption should be tolerated. Those who use the court for commercial ends must be severely punished, and in this regard, we support the revision criminal law to make it more deterrent, particularly by higher penalties when the defendant is a servant of the state. Without clear moral benchmarks, progress is not possible.
It's time for us to blame also the Executive and Legislative branches. The first, not to establish social peace, and particularly, solve the problem of high cost of living. The second, for his unproductive legislative, showed that in Haiti's parliamentary system has no value. These so-called elected representatives have provided the country with no legal instrument necessary to governance consistent with the aspirations of their constituents. Many reforms are still needed for our legal and functioning of state institutions devoid of organic laws.
The day will come when the independence of justice, wanted by the grantor and we call all our vows, will be a reality. We know there are skeptics and naysayers who argue that in this country the change is not possible. They are wrong a lot! Some had doubted that there was an honest judge in Haiti. Today, history has demonstrated that they had charged wrong. And we will continue to prove they are wrong again. Justice has neither political nor social background color. It is neither left nor right, neither the power nor the opposition. The struggle to achieve credibility, can not therefore accommodate camps or clans. With the commitment of each judge and honest with the Lord's help, slowly but surely, reality will catch up with the dream.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Square Foot Price Of Retaining Wall
Having discussed the important place occupied by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in Israeli society and disaporique, we consider it essential to dig into what the halakha as supported by the Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is a dimension that could be described without emphasis of "revolutionary".
For this, the sources most relevant is the doctoral thesis has produced Binyamin Lau which was published in 2005 as a very interesting book: Mi-ad Maran Maran: Mishnato ha- Hilkhatit shel HaRav Ovadia Yosef (From our Master our Teacher, the teaching of Rav Ovadia Yosef halakhic).
Book that has been analyzed and reviewed by Professor Marc Shapiro in an article that we have already mentioned in the previous post.
As Marc Shapiro, Lau drew a parallel between Rabbi Yosef Karo, author of Shulhan Aruch and nicknamed "Maran" (Our Master) used by the houses of study. It is a fact, when using a noun to denote a generic individual, it becomes a great mark of honor and respect.
- Professor in Formula 1, Alain Prost
- If you are told in Football "Player", your choice does that Pele or Maradona necking
- Lehavdil (in another context), the Rabbi is a majority of Jews, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe
- When one says "Rabbi," that there becomes more complex, but basically in the Zionist-religious everybody understands that we are talking of Rav Kook ; among modern-orthodox, everyone understands that speaks of Rabbi JD Soloveitchik .
short, call Rabbi Ovadia Yosef therefore "Maran" is very daring, but what is even more remarkable is that it does not shock, demonstrating that the comparison is tenable.
What is the justification in terms of halachic system that Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is well regarded? A sentence of Prof. Shapiro provides a good introduction (in English translation done by me, sorry for any problems):
"If one thinks in the long-term, there is no doubt as to the fact that R. Ovadia Yosef is the largest figure since Sephardic R. Joseph Karo, and it is quite legitimate to claim that "Yosef (Karo) to Yosef (Ovadia), it does it is not lifted as Yosef." Unlike other Guedolim who were his contemporaries and which were truly giants in their time, as R. Moshe Feinstein and R. Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, R. Ovadia is not only a giant in his generation, because of the profound change of course in the history of the Torah, both from a sociological point of view that religious, that his work has provoked "
Let's go now into the specifics of the halakhic system of Rav Ovadia.
The trend Koula
One of the great modern trends (say for 3 centuries) of the Halakha, certainly in part linked to the emancipation of the Jews, is the uninterrupted use of the Houmra , ie the rigor in Halakha. This amounts in practice to favor the strict option compared to a more permissive option but still falls within the criteria of strict halakha.
One example of this trend is the story of Chmirat keHilkhata Shabbat. This magnificent work of Rav Neuwirth Halachot of the Sabbath was first published in a first edition. Very balanced, very clear, it was a reference book on the subject.
However, some cases reported by Rav Neuwirth appeared to some as overly permissive. Pressure from Orthodox circles being what it is in Israel, a second edition was published in which many changes were made, mainly to seek to "avoid" what was "allowed" in the first edition.
Do not go by the more stringent opinion is unfortunately often viewed as evidence of laxity which it is impossible to trust.
To overcome this situation, it must satisfy two conditions:
- a genius of halakha so that it can not be faulted on pure analysis
- be impervious to criticism of the haredi community
Rav Ovadia Yosef responds brilliantly to these two conditions. First, as we have already explained, it has often positioned in opposition to the Ashkenazi haredi world. Disagreeing with them on matters of halakha not ask him no more problem than that. And so it is an expert in halakha whose main characteristic is to have a photographic memory and never forget any opinion, even that of a wave of Turkish decision-middle age.
Some examples of decisions "flowing" famously
- Gelatin as everyone thinks, is not kosher. And in this popular belief following the decisions of Rav Aharon Kotler of Rav Moshe Feinstein and the entire American Orthodox community. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef (Yabi Omer, vol.8, Yore Dea No. 11) slice the gelatin is kosher, including that comes from pigs! (In this he does in fact follow a Rashi ultra-famous, but it is still a revolution).
- It authorizes, under certain conditions, the use of a dishwasher only for milk and meat (Yabi Omer, vol.10, Yore Dea No. 4) . So he just walk on to see that the rabbis of this site strictly prohibited.
- Something unthinkable in France or the United States: give hashgaha (rabbinical supervision) to a restaurant that would serve meat (kosher of course ...) and propose desserts! Rabbi Ovadia authorizes (Yabi Omer vol.4, Yore Dea No. 7) . The idea is to minimize some more serious transgressions kosher: if this restaurant was not hasgaha, it could go up to offer non-kosher meat ...
- Rabbi Ovadia is a rare decision to allow or even encourage Bat Mitzvah celebrations, regardless of whether it would be considered a compromise to some ideas from the "Reformed Judaism"
- On numerous occasions, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef opposes certain "psakim" based on the idea that "in order not to risk that XXX so we banned YYY ". For example, some makers like Rav Halevi (former Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv) were forbidden to wear electronic watches Shabbat, lest they should come to fiddle with the buttons and make a prohibited action.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is opposed to this idea and suggests that action, if it is itself authorized (Shabbat wear a watch) should not be banned because of possible risk subsequent transgression. The "right" to use this concept, according to Rabbi Ovadia, being reserved for sages of the Talmud and at all subsequent decision makers (Yehavé Daat, 2:49)
As everyone knows, there is obviously an exception that proves the rule. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef regarding the exception is certainly the best known its views on wigs for married women: he does not and that the headscarf.
supremacy Shulchan Aruch:
Another specific halakhic system of Rav Yosef and perhaps more controversial than the first is the importance it attaches to the Shulchan Aruch written by Rabbi Yosef Karo the 16th century.
Let us be clear: the Shulchan Aruch is a monument of Jewish history to the point that serves as a benchmark in the epistemological categorization decision. Those who wrote the Shulchan Aruch before are called Rishonim (Early). Those who are called after writing Akharonim (Latest). This work has therefore a central role in determining the halakha.
But of all time, starting with the Polish Rabbi Moshe Isserles (the Rama) , local traditions have always prevailed. And when halakha was practiced for hundreds of years in a given country, the opinion of Shulhan Aroulh it was opposed, was not always followed.
is a major issue for the establishment of Halakha: contrary to what some may believe, the halacha is not an absolute legal system based on inferences and logical. In any case, it's not that. It is also a lifestyle that takes into account the "Massor" ie the chain of transmission from a master to his pupil, a father to his son in a village city or country. Therefore
example, Yemeni Jews to follow the halachic decisions of today Maimonides. Why? Because they have not been in contact with Maimonides after the subsequent decision, including the Shulhan Arukh and from generation to generation, these are the commentaries of Maimonides which the force of law among the Jews there. It's sometimes strange to ask for water, but boiled then cooled on a hot plate for Shabbat is strictly forbidden for all Jews around the world. Except for the Yemenite Jews, who follow the opinion of the Rambam, it authorizes.
In this, even the strictest practitioners recognize that the Halakha Yemeni practice is completely consistent with the practice of Halakha: the moment they decision based on a prestigious and it is an old tradition, one is in the essence of the practice of mitzvot.
Returning to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, that will always give primacy to the Shulhan Arukh is somehow revolutionary, but for some in the negative sense, as it sometimes led to the cancellation of old traditions halakhic .
One example among many. In many communities in North Africa, women light the Shabbat candles in the following manner: they light the candles first, then put their hands over their eyes reciting the beracha "Acher Kidechanou Bemitsvotav veTsivanou lehadlik shel Shabbat NER. This is a review of known Rama that uses this practice in order to light candles before Shabbat does not fit, it being understood that the blessings which come Shabbat and therefore the ban on lighting fire.
This practice is contrary to the advice given by the Shulchan Aruch which indicates that, like any act that requires a blessing, it must precede action. Similarly we do a blessing before eating a fruit, we must also recite it before lighting the candles. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef brilliantly removes the problem of whether we can turn when there has already come Shabbat, but it clearly goes against traditional practices that communities are very attached, however, including those of his own country of origin: Iraq.
Another example: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef forbids a woman to recite a blessing over a Mitzvah shehazeman grama (which depends on time). For example, reciting the blessing of the Lulav and 4 species during Sukkot is not an obligation for women to the extent that this Mitzvah is time dependent. They are not obliged to, it is a fact. But can they still recite the blessing if they are so? In many countries
Sephardic, it was customary that women can actually recite the blessing over the Lulav. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef rejects this historical tradition and even indicates that it is a case of Beracha levatala (pronounced God's name in vain).
It is substance. On the form, the distribution of Rav Ovadia Yosef and his "team" (as called Marc Shapiro) is extraordinary: sidourim including publication of the decisions of the Rabbi, his son by writing several volumes equivalent to a new Shulhan Arukh including major decisions of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, etc., etc. ...
Hence the penetration of very important choices made by Rabbi Ovadia in the daily lives of hundreds of thousands of Jews around the world.
Hence also, some began to organize resistance within the traditional North African. The Rabbi Shalom Messas , former Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and per e of the current Grand Rabbi of Paris, has long been the main center of resistance of Moroccan traditions: in several of his works, including the famous Shemesh or Magen , Rav Messas insists that Morocco should continue to follow the traditions of Moroccan received his parents and his teachers, even if his life were to continue in the land of Israel. And of course, in many cases, we talk about Halachot on which Rabbi Ovadia Yosef ruled differently ...
For Tunisia, was recently published a book extremely serious and well documented on the Tunisian Halachot own Judaism. The Alei Hadas, Rabbi David of Settbon , first published in Hebrew, then translated into French, lists all the customs and Halachot specific Tunisian world, taking care to always rely on written sources or oral communications made by the main detailed wise Tunisian current (as Rabbi Mazuz example).
be found for example in the Alei Hadas in fact the Jewish Tunisian always had the habit of lighting candles before Shabbat blessing. Or that the Tunisian Jews have the right to cut their hair the same day of Lag B'Omer, unlike other prevailing opinion who think that we can do that tomorrow.
short, we feel these strong reactions that the work of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef has created an earthquake in sociological practice of Judaism in intimate many Jews.
addition to the items discussed above, there is a topic that has not been addressed by Binyamin Lau in his thesis, but that is raised most acutely by Professor Marc Shapiro.
In short, his criticism on the Halachic system covers lack of overall consistency halakhic system of Rav Ovadia Yosef.
What seems strange because just said that what characterizes Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, is his reference to the systematic Shulhan Arukh, which, if not brilliant in any case is consistent and, as we have seen, revolutionary.
But Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, despite his constant declarations of commitment to the Shulhan Arukh, sometimes exceptions that prove numerous enough and ultimately uplifting.
Among them:
- Rav Ovadia Yosef allowed to eat out a dish cooked by a non-Jew but the fire was lit by a Jew. The Shulhan Arukh request additional conditions (which by the way are absolutely not respected in almost all French kosher restaurants, which rely on the decision willingly Rav Ovadia)
- It indicates that the Hazan must pronounce the word " Yevarekhekha "so that the Kohanim repeat the word, while the use indicated by the Shulhan Aruch has it that the Cohanim starting with this word, while the first word of Hazan is the name of God, who succeeded him
numerous exceptions are found in the work of Rav Ovadia Yosef, but more disturbing is that it gives no explanation for these discrepancies. More generally, the approach of Rav Ovadia Yosef in his psakim is to accumulate a way unimaginable sources and policy makers involved on a given topic, then end with a Psak but we do not always know the ins and outs in terms of logical articulation. Marc Shapiro goes
further by explaining that in his view, the memory capacity of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, if it is astounding, never replace a "Lithuanian" analytical capacity to make sometimes make a subject a conceptual leap that would require us to change of perspective.
As Einstein was able to do about gravity, Shapiro believes that such figures as Rabbi Soloveitchik and Rav Kotler have this type of intellectual ability so fundamental in the world of big names or exact sciences. While Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is playing in any other category.
Between technical phenomenon (because of its resemblance to a computer able to ingest and render a huge amount of knowledge) and political polemicist (I once heard a teacher explain that in some ways, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef was sometimes Psakim "political"), it is in all cases a very specific figure of the Jewish world today, finally attachante.Et enough as it is said, whose works have halachic implications for much longer. Highly contested position on the possibility of making the territories in exchange for a serious peace certainly resurface in a few years and who knows, could be one of the main keys to lead to a final settlement the current conflict.
After making his "pride" for the Sephardim, he might just offer peace to the Jewish people, who knows ...