Tuesday, November 18, 2008

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We believe that there are moments in life when he must be silent in order to better observe and listen to what the public thinks before reacting. It is sometimes strategic for those who struggle against both a system and the vultures who lurk around. But there are things that outraged so that keeping silence amounts to condoning the fact itself in all its rawness. The naked truth is, apodictic. It is resistant to weather, colors, social origins. Clientelism and corruption must be denounced. The competence of the people should prevail, otherwise we will take the difficult path of development.

We were shocked and outraged by this story of the National Insurance Office (ONA). It's a real blow to the current government that had built its policy change. But what image can project and to assert this with such acts? It is absolutely appalling to discover some obscure folders in which several politicians are involved. Shame on those men and women of low morals, followers of the facility? The problem is that nobody will be punished. We have the example files of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Council of Equipment (CNE).

Because of these men and women state that the country is in economic difficulty. They are the ones responsible for this state of perpetual crisis and chronic poverty. They plundered the state coffers, do not create no jobs, do nothing for young people, and do not hesitate when they have to buy apartments for their wealthy masters living abroad. We are told how much does a director general to afford a car worth cash (U.S. $ 25,000) twenty-five thousand U.S. dollars for a close friend as a gift for Valentine's Day''.'' We're delirious!

Casually, there are millions and millions that could be used to develop the country, which will swell the bank accounts already full, getting lost in night clubs, in pubs and tobacco. It is common knowledge that the Haitian justice system is one of the most rotten in the world. But more corrupt than parliamentary Haiti, we found none. Let alone other spheres of national life. Corruption has plagued our society so that we ask the question whether there will emerge one day. As they say, another Haiti is possible, but we add that this is not tomorrow the day before.

The vast majority of Haitians aspire to work safely and enjoy the fruits of their efforts. But there is always a small group that goes through his journey. The High Command of National Police Haiti's already rolled the latest model of the 2009 Toyota while the House of Criminal jurisdiction of Cap-Haitien, composed of six Judges investigators, not a bike at his disposal. Worse, in the northwest of people dying of hunger.

The judicial system is inefficient, and it is unfortunate that we do not want to put in place mechanisms to ensure its authority and independence vis-à-vis other powers. Working conditions are difficult and the government offers no benefits to the Judges and court officers. Certainly, there is the passion of the trade but we can not live only with love for our work. Recently, a bank refused to endorse a judge who wanted to offer a small new car worth only (U.S. $ 9,000) nine thousand U.S. dollars because his pittance does not meet standards. And when we know that the state does not lend to the Judges as the equivalent of six months of their salary. It is not just a simple denial from the bank, it is a humiliation ... a national disgrace.

In a State of Law is the law prevails, not politics. And finally to close the debate, one must know that debtors ONA are required to pay the agency monthly, and regular, a certain sum of money throughout the term of the mortgage. This is not the case for some of our politicians who are downright waiver claiming there was no imprisonment in default on debt. And if, after trial, the State was charging on their property seized? It is said often enough that where there is nothing, even the king loses his rights, but this aspect does not need as a security deposit prior consisting of movable or immovable property to access credit.

One day or another, these robbers countries, stateless persons, the corrupt will have to answer to history. May God have mercy on them when the day of reckoning will come by sending them to hell because even in heaven, they will try to corrupt the angels.

Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti