Web 2100: regressive revolution?
What will be done tomorrow the web? How do we interact with it? What social, technical, political, even, will he generated? In short, the web of tomorrow - which I dubbed 2100 - Will it positive or negative effects on our civilization?
1) Web 2100: Why the name? Web
2100 in reference to the year 2100. Why this year 2100? Why not before or after? Just because you have to set a date. This is not a prophecy: I say 2100 as I could say 2050 (which also seems to me more probable as technological change is fast) ... Web
2100, it also reminds the famous number in the mode that currently provides the following fabulous word "Web" ... Yes, after the Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Web 4.0 (I had already talked here), or the web 5 web 6, web 10, etc. ... (There are a lot of nonsense on the internet ...), it will happen soon to the web 2100, web exceptional characteristics. So exceptional that in 2100 this web would be more advanced than a man?
2) Technological change and social change: through ideas, but of late trains
We can not consider the evolution of the web without changing world, our Earth. I could talk about the event an alien world with personalities more evolved than us ... but extra complexities more about me.
Let us start from the premise that we are the most advanced civilization of the universe and that no extraterrestrial intelligence will not interfere in our affairs on our amazing planet.
Technological change and social evolution: no parallel?
As can be seen, technological change (especially the Web) is far faster than social change. Evidence are the problems of copyright, illegal downloading, illegal sites, the case of casinos Online banned in France and yet accessible fortunately also for freedom of information, etc.. In short, the web is not without many problems as it revolutionizes global policies.
Is there an equation that would show that technological growth in terms of social change? Yes meet advocates 'destiny', not answer those who argue for more "random". But let this philosophical debate going back to our sheep, also difficult to count as just seen.
Technological change always ahead of social change?
The question that should be ask if you want to try to make predictions as realistic as possible in the light of current knowledge, is this: technological change Will it ever a train, or rather a rocket ahead of developments Social? I bet yes. Indeed, once the technological innovation arrives, the company must adapt. We can take the example of the web, but I was criticized for not taking enough distance. I'll take the example of cars: the regulation continues to evolve as the opportunities offered by the vehicles exceed those provided by law ... Or, better analogy for broader and concretely verifiable, the "Thirty glorious "is thanks to this fabulous economic growth generated by technological developments fabulous that society has evolved to achieve today in a society of (over) consumption. Certainly we can say that technological developments are not the cause but the consequence of this social evolution. Then I will give more concrete example: full employment, industrial growth of around 5% per year while that in parallel to a technological catch the reference of the time (now yet): the United States.
Thus, one can deduce that the technology will always be a long (several Hundreds of thousands of kilometers) ahead of social progress. The technological condition for social progress. Social progress which also contributes to technological progress, but society will always delay: it is downstream of technological change and not upstream.
2) Web 2100 and Darwinian evolution ...
addition to technological change, we must also ask what will the population of tomorrow. Will we be smarter, more efficient? The monkeys will they put the Internet (you may laugh now, but I'm sure "God" Google or any other future master of the world looks or will look into the matter ... there is a serious market to win ...)?
We're back to the famous theory of Darwinian evolution: If the Internet has not yet disappeared today is that it will fit the liking of human progress ... or disappear at the expense of a more efficient system. Thus, for all the proponents of Darwinian theory, we can say that the Internet will be part of our future. And if this is not the Internet, this will be his little brother (oh look, AC will not be Big Brother?) ... For others, those who do not believe in any theory, one might wonder how the Internet could disappear ... at least without injury so serious that cause the demise of mankind (wow! I find myself making a speech highly alarmist on the need to preserve the Internet ... I'd gone mad? Am I suffering from an acute internetite?). In short, tomorrow, the Internet will always be there and will have evolved to meet ever more humans ... and then his propaganda has managed to rally all the pollution in the (pseudo) vital interests or humanitarian. Or, another hypothesis, which seems to be the current reality (I say this ...), Internet will be appreciated that for certain aspects ... essentially turning it into the economic side (Make money) and strategic (ask wisely ...). And of course there are those who are already convinced (a majority of the current population), the "collaborators" (those who plunge into Internet-simple interest and wordplay, for complex financial interest- ), the rebels (the anti-technology who say no without thinking), and philosophers, who, like me (I say this in all modesty of course ...), identify the strengths but also and especially the dangers offered by Internet. But tomorrow, the risk is that these so-called philosophers down to a more radical discourse rallying while the "yes" firm and frank or "no" dry and severe. I am not saved and am aware of this risk, which is why I write my thoughts ...
Again, I'm like a lost sheep, but back on topic, let them even though none of us do is ... ("The farm!" Exclaim some ...).
The web 2100 is therefore to develop in parallel to what will be the Men of Tomorrow. Not only that they will, but also what they will and / or have made the Internet. Factors to consider are therefore complex and multifaceted. However, one can assume, in light of current developments although it lacks a certain decline, that people will consciously or unconsciously, like it or not, connected to the network interTerrestre.
3) The network interTerrestre
Tomorrow, Internet technology has evolved to a minimum, or when actually deployed. I am more in favor of a gross mutation. Mutation in the sense that the Internet will be ubiquitous in our lives. We lead with the Internet (the GPS will give way to GPI - Guides By Internet - are more reliable for showing real-time traffic jams, accidents, grandfathers who drive at 42km on national, etc. ...), you will room with Internet ( the domotechnologie as I have already called in one of my previous posts web 4.0), we will dream with the Internet, in short we live Internet. And we like it or not. For at least change the world, we will have to undergo these changes (or regressive changes it depends).
Furthermore, the Internet is today reserved the developed or under development. But it remains the black hole of developing countries. Présageons that PVD will also be connected soon, if not their initiative (which would show their technological developments and their new independence), the initiative of other people (which unfortunately still testify to their dependence ...).
Thus, the Internet is no longer reserved for the web, or even all of the technological development (embedded systems, home automation, etc..), But rather to society. Hence the new Internet: InterTerrestre. This network does not connect to a computer billions of others, but one person to another person (and not only virtually). But then the man he will become a symbiotic man? The network InterTerrestre Will he cybiont predicted by Joel de Rosnay?
It then returns to ask the following existential question: evolution Organic man known since its inception Will it become a trend morphotechnologique?
4) Man 2100
The topic has largely evolved! On a notion of web 2100 is reached that of Man 2100. Be, and if Man had merged and the web? Not simply merged into living parallel to one another, but by living in one another? This is totally conceivable, the proof is now with the pacemaker (pacemakers). In sum, it will graft technology in human ... and therefore no rights in the technology. Also Does not speak more than one human species but Interhomme. So invent interhomme would be to combine all the advantages of the technology (speed, memory, adaptability, etc.). To those of humans (intelligence and ???). But also all the risks.
course, work is already under way - excuse the open secret - to couple the strengths of one and the other weaknesses in saving themselves. But the man-machine fusion is not now, not even for 2100. But now this is what some want to tender. For interest of course. And no interest "humanitarian" obviously ...
2100: Horizons foggy, difficult to see clearly in my analysis that serves as a crystal ball. But we can conclude by saying that man wants to pursue a so-called progress, but he'll quickly realize that this progress beyond the present day. The human species is not ready for such a revolution in 2100. Let time to time, when intelligence extraterrestrial contact us, it's time to develop our strategy in the "Mars Attacks" which was started building in 1989 ... "The Internet was born, a wall came down ..."