Saturday, February 13, 2010

Is It Healty To Eat The Skins Of Beets

Serious Games Games (seriously): when the games are serious education

Serious Games: Serious Games
When the games are serious education

Serious games are developed each day a little more thanks to a growing demand from high young and old alike. Serious games, these are games yes, but educational.
Also, what are serious games are alike and they all? That can make serious games in education? Serious games can supplant teachers and other educators?

1) Serious Games, Serious games: what are we talking about?
Serious games are games that by definition provide knowledge, skills, abilities, one who plays. Could be considered serious games as educational games, that is to say who can have fun while learning (edutainment). Serious games tackle multiple topics: dirable development, mathematics, geography, history, technology, architecture, etc.. In short, there are all areas that are treated in some way by the school. But where is the boundary between real serious games and games to educational grounds? In Indeed, many games that claim to provide knowledge and skills relevant to (future) citizens, even though it is only a pretext. Thus, developing a city is it a serious game? Yes by his side economic management, urban planning, consideration of multiple constraints, not by its options "automatic destruction" by its code-cheats (cheat codes), etc.. In short, any game can be an element in scope "serious" (in the sense of the term education), but it is important not only entertaining options exceed these educational considerations. On the other hand, one can observe that some games are totally Education: games such deals really learning knowledge without "frills" useless. But these games, particularly popular with children, they really bring something on the educational side? They alter the relationship of students to teaching by developing self-learning, with all potential hazards that may cover?

2) When the serious games (dis) serve pedagogy
Serious games are located in schools with student applicants for these games. When students have free time, they want to play. Thus, just the word "game" for students interested in serious games and learning. Indeed, students clearly prefer the "serious games" on the Internet at the same price he could have! Why? Simply because students are autonomous (they want to learn by themselves) and above is the notion of "games". While these are serious games, but the term "game" resonates in the minds of students as a vital keyword. Also, the students really feel like learning something or do they do it only for entertainment? Actually, as far as I can see in the CDI, students learn without even realizing it. They play, replay and especially each other. I have never seen students involved in both work independently and in support that with these games seriously.
But what motivates them in these games so seriously? In fact, students are fond of evaluation. They want to know what they are capable and most importantly, be the best. And for that, they acquire a key concept that will serve them throughout their studies, particularly in sport: warm up, train, test, improve, repeat, etc. to be the best. This spirit of Competition is not bad at all, because it is not to win to crush the other, but to win to show that we managed to exceed the limits that were thought impassable. Well, I finished singing the praises of these games seriously. Returning to the heart of the problem posed: serious games can they replace traditional pedagogy?

3) Serious Games and Education: Friend or Foe?
Pedagogy is a business professional. This is to use techniques and strategies in order to acquire each, in its diversity, knowledge which are useful and which are prescribed by the School in particular. Also, serious games provide no education: these games are aimed equally at everyone and they are automated. The evaluation is common to all, regardless of his age, his progressions, etc.. While serious games offer different levels, but this does not change the problem raised. Thus, serious games can learn, but how to ensure the knowledge gained by everyone, and especially how to ensure that students can transfer this knowledge. Besides, I speak of knowledge, but this knowledge will be translated may never know: in fact, how a student may only incorporate such knowledge? For the example of geographical games, he certainly knows about the time that the city of Besancon is located in the Doubs, "right image" as they say (instead of "east on the map) . But outside the game, will they remember it, will they see the usefulness of this knowledge?
Serious games are very useful for reinforcing knowledge previously acquired, to transfer some of this knowledge to create meaning and knowledge and then to prepare the ground for knowledge that will come later and which will be presented by a course teacher.

Serious games are games very useful because they allow students to consolidate knowledge and to engage in a "work". Students themselves do not feel like learning because they think they only "play". Admittedly, the game helps to train the individual, but through serious games, such training is through the intellectual contribution of knowledge. Serious games provide support or knowledge. Students are fully engaged in them, not hesitating to help each other ... and conduct small competitions full of fair play. But the role of teachers and especially des enseignants est indispensable. Non pas forcément pour être derrière les élèves lorsqu'ils jouent à ces jeux sérieux (sans quoi il y a fort à parier qu'ils cesseraient de jouer), mais pour s'appuyer sur ces jeux pour aider les élèves à apprendre. Oui, il est impératif que les enseignants considèrent avec sérieux les jeux sérieux, d'autant qu'ils leurs permettent de gagner du temps. Les élèves n'ont pas l'impression d'apprendre et ne rechigneront certainement pas à une petite séance imposée de "jeux sérieux", même depuis chez eux.
- Les "Jeux sérieux" (les vrais, c'est-à-dire ceux qui auront été préalablement selected by one or more teachers) should be allowed to students at any time on their hours of study.
- Rely on serious games can be a godsend for teachers. These should not be afraid to say: "Tonight, you play this game, we'll talk tomorrow."

Now there is only wait and hope that serious games are still developing not falling in the drift of demagogy, options "unreal" and remain true games that develop a wealth of knowledge or skills. To be continued!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Color Of Ribbon For Gall Bladder Cancer

Crazy drunk

Crazy drunken books

I'll reveal a secret. And not a little secret, the secret that will change your life. This secret is in 5 letters: BOOK. And little play on words which I will look and unbosom myself: drunkenness of the book.
Yes, we live in a digital world. Not the digital book is not the future of the book but just a cousin (very nice incidentally).
Yes, the book is an inalienable wealth. Not the book is not just the aliens called "intellectuals".
Yes, the book is a trap that you never regret be dropped. Not the book is not a cesspool of time.

1) Digital Society: the love of books ... paper!
Why do they always oppose the digital "traditional" paper? Why do we wish that our behavior replaces the digital "original" (and sometimes original, admittedly)? Why do we say it covers any digital our future? Why? Yes why? But finally, yes, why! Well er ... I will not play the author of suspense thriller (hey, but you'll t'bouger the neuron, y 'tired of this suspense 2 balls!) ... So the question was why: simply because the novelty simply draws! We see digital as the solution to all our ills ... but not necessarily all our words. Indeed, the paper book which was long feared even disappear, that even the most perverse wish to die, some say even see die, this book remains paper, survives and even seems to despise all the evil that we told him. I even heard just yesterday a book sighing in my way "Pouh, it might be prof-doc, it does nothing for us, dusty books" ... To which I quickly responded by leaving Dede (yes I give pet names to each of my books) and putting it in the "Favourites", these books have liked one or the other readers. Yep, Dede has been released and it was even appreciated by the curious eyes of our charming darlings of students. As appreciated, they have abandoned the "Big Bertha" as I refer to computers. Not that they are "cannon", but they destroy the process of reading pleasure ... and beyond - but not about the subject - the entire process of documentary research and treatment info. Hopla (dedication to our friends Alsatian)! I see you happy reader t'esclaffer to my point: "but it believes in the paper book one, what optimistic, and he dares to challenge the supremacy of digital ... but it is also poorly placed because it argues for the paper book publishing ... a blog on digital! Hahahahahahah! Hahahhahahah! (Repeated a few hundred times). "But I come! My purpose and my first advance explanations and justifications for further clarification. I'm totally in favor of digital very useful, very practical, very economical, very green, etc.. But our traditional attitudes, including those of the reader, should not necessarily be changed by digital technology. I say "Necessarily" because the digital readout or the cross reading "digital paper" may involve more than one drive, and good for him: "Reading is freedom, be free as you want, but read!". What I want to emphasize is that we should not at any cost want the skin (or rather the binding) of the traditional book. Simply because touch, smell, feel a book, through the pleasure of having hands. Some look better, also ask to keep it: being a bibliophile possessive, it pathological?

2) The book: inalienable wealth
Read a book is based on an adventure. This adventure, we saw virtually (like oh! Can be in the virtual, digital magic is !!!). Some prefer to keep their reading for them in their personal library: it is the possessive bibliophiles. Their principle is simple: reading is personal, I can not stand that someone has already read this book. Possessive bibliophiles have it all: the book is a treasure ... and selfishly we want to hide, not to share. Do not worry if you're a bibliophile possessive you're not sick and it's not bad to keep this treasure for you. But if you feel guilty too much and you really can not lend your book (it happens), at least give his references, that your friends can find the twin brothers of your little one! Apart from the possessive bibliophiles, there are bibliophiles (short). Them, they are more "relaxed" vis-à-vis the book: they n'hurleront not as soon as you have taken the book, they will love and use libraries are not afraid to wipe dust, etc.. Besides, dust is a good indicator of the richness of the book. One would think, if we follow our logic, a book full of dust is interesting, because (and no need to be Sherlock Holmes to guess) it means that nobody has consulted for many years. And yet. Do not forget that reading can not be personal: some people like the proof books, others hate them. So a book full of dust is truly a treasure: it is likely to fall on a pure nugget ... that almost nobody will read! And a reader, in essence a bit selfish (yes I assure you!) Dreams to come across a wonderful book and do not share his reading (boo the villain!) And especially to bring this smirk, somewhat haughty Man is happy with her: he read, he knew, he conquered!
addition bibliophiles more or less bibliobsédés (dedication to a fellow blogger ), there are those who say "no drive" means one or vulgar (not necessarily will) "weak player". In low drive, low side gives a pejorative, or should rather see the concept of "casual player". Let the debate further drive (everyone reads: a label, a message on paper or on TV, the numbers in his repertoire, etc.). And talk about the book reader. It is true that the book is scary with all its formats with barbarous names: broadsides, folio, in-4 °, in-8, in-16 °, in-18 °. Yet it is nice book! He does not bite, it does not itch, it does not speak (except to me as I've previously admitted), it does not destroy the eyes (it is still necessary to clarify because with all that see on TV, ma'am!), it is not harmful to health (even when I said that we should not eat ...), short, it causes no side effect .. . except that of pleasure! So if you (or someone you know who) wish to enter the closed circle (double turn) readers (wow! Gonna be able to enter the community of the book !!!), follow these some advice the letter (to follow the letter and read a book, but rather recommended!):
1) Get up from your chair (unless you're already standing)
2) Keep moving to a place where there are ray on which there are plenty of objects that connect the leaves to each other: what are the books
3) Take your or your arms out to one or other of these books. To make your choice, listen to a book if you do not whisper in the ear of the "read".
4) Once your choice made, keeps this book well in hand.
PS: If you feel a slight burning sensation, it might be normal: you do not usually carry a book.
5) Return with this book beside a chair, a bench, or any other place to sit comfortably.
PS: Caution: you might have to sit several tens of minutes (or hours) in a row: So settle down to a comfortable place where you do not risk being disturbed
6) Make yourself comfortable and open the book (for that, turns the first page)
PS: Be careful to take your book to the place. To find you a text you write on it verifies that it is the title and it is in the right direction
7) Read the text. Once you've finished reading a page, turn the page to read more. Am this for many pages as the account book.
PS: If you do not understand what you read, is at once the dictionary of ancient Greek writing in Latin, it is not for you!

Warning! During your reading, you might develop your imagination, develop knowledge and worse ... to have fun!

Tip: well warn your friends that you will read (not doing too good, that they are also likely to ever read): you might laugh, cry, whine, get angry, etc..

's it? You have all read? Have you finished? Hurray! You're a player. Good does not rejoice too, if you 've become readers, now you have a new addiction: the book. But do not worry, the obsession of the book is not a disease ... but an incurable virus! But it's a nice virus as we explain Maestro (reference to "Once Upon a Time ... Life" series which I am also nostalgic :-().
But now that you read you get frightened Read it takes time ... And what I will not do another instead?

3) Interpretation: the time-consuming treasure
Yes Reading takes time. Like any fun, like any hobby. But why worry about the time spent reading? This concern for "Drives casual "is legitimate before reading, they had much more time. But a lot more time to do what, there is the real issue. Moreover, the time spent reading is far from the time" lost " . Rather, it is time gained. Not only is it fun to read but you learn a lot of things, if not in content, in our reading speed. And actually, in our society surinformationnelle, quickly read it more efficient. Well, not too capilotractons not the fact of reading. Reading is a bit of a perpetual treasure hunt. And every time we find the treasure. Of course, sometimes This treasure is a very small amount, but often travel and time spent on this trip is worth all the candles ... sometimes even 36 so we were shocked. So yes, reading is time consuming. But when the bed, time stops. He stops, but when you have finished reading it again and even nibble all our time reading. One solution: do not stop reading (hey, that's a record "smart" for the Guinness for once). Well, eyes are likely to leave the road lines at the end of time ...
Moreover, to demonstrate that reading is a personal treasure hunt, perpetual, ask any player (They are easy to identify: they are green, wear glasses and speak a language unknown to all): You admit that their quest for the Grail is relentless since they receive their first book.

Speaking of the Grail, the Grail literature are there? All lead the investigation, and if you find the Grail, let us know, I'm interested. Aside drive aside, I hope each reader or non-reader will understand all the interest today, tomorrow and after tomorrow the book yet. I hope he will understand that digital is certainly useful, but certainly does not replace and will replace it is safe ever, the paper book. I hope he will understand that reading is a passion that grows by itself. I hope he will understand that the intoxication of the book is a wonderful phenomenon that must have lived at least once in their life. At first read it too too hard. In the epilogue, wearing his watch and let his imagination carry through a few lines written takes you on an endless journey towards what appears to personal fulfillment!