Jews and suicide
Depuis Emile Durkheim , éminent sociologue et fils de rabbin, on sait que le taux de suicide dans une population "varie en fonction inverse du degré d'intégration des groupes sociaux dont fait partie l'individu".
En bref, que si vous vous sentez seuls, mal intégrés et sans faire partie d'un groupe social auquel vous concédez une appartenance, vous aurez plus de chances de mettre fin à vos jours.
Du point de vue des religions, relève Durkheim, l'aspect assez individualiste du protestantisme le rend plus sensible au suicide, alors que la notion de collectivité propre au catholicisme protège relativement ses ouailles.
But those who commit suicide apparently the least, it is the Jews who in practice combine a friendly group with tight integration to the community (the book dates from 1897, meanwhile, some Jews have had time to change the model) . Obviously, apikoïros , heretics, because of their remoteness community may have a better chance of being in rates Protestants.
short, I do not know what is today this study, but I just got a little joke on the subject and she has earned my colleagues see me laugh to himself throughout the morning and I can not really their properly explain the reason for my state. Here it is:
I was walking under a beautiful sunny spring when, having arrived on a bridge, I saw a man standing on the railing, ready to jump.
I rushed towards him shouting:
"Stop, stop, do not do that!"
- Why should not I? "Asked he
- Because there are many wonderful things that you still have to live on this earth! I replied
- Like what?
- Well .... I do not know: you're a Jew or Goy?
- Jewish
- Me too! You are orthodox or liberal?
- Orthodox
- Me too! You're Modern Orthodox or Haredi?
- Haredi
- Me too! You are Hasidic or Litvish (Lithuanian)?
- Litvish
- Unbelievable! Me too! You are Litvish Yerushalmi or Bnei-Braker (Jerusalem or Bnei Brak)?
- Litvish Yerushalmi
- Me too! You are Litvish Yerushalmi Yerushalmi Moussarnik or Litvish Brisker?
- Litvish Yerushalmi Moussarnik
- But it's crazy, me too! And you are Litvish Yerushalmi Yerushalmi Moussarnik Slobodkaniker or Litvish Moussarnik Kelmer?
He replied: "Litvish Yerushalmi Moussarnik Slobodkaniker"
So I said: "Die, species apikoïros" while I pushed him into the void.
For an explanation of the various "schools" mentioned above, it will be a ticket to a full ...;-)
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