Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Precancerous Polypsbladder



Today, some believe that Haiti, with a President elected by universal suffrage, a government, a parliament, police force to find the perpetrators and the courts to resolve unrest is a democracy. Those who share this idea arise very rarely the question of "how". How all these institutions?

Through the three powers are the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary that are the foundation of the state, we have an accumulation of behaviors that are unacceptable. Hold! When, in all seriousness, the Government ignored the court decisions in the corridors of Parliament are bought votes or at the level of courts, justice is sold to the highest bidder ... are we still a democracy?

can build good schools, literacy among the rural masses, train professionals in the tens of thousands, the University may be in good health, churches may be crammed, temperance may be gaining ground, and knowledge, broadly , spread by leaps and bounds, but so that justice will be in the state abjection in which it is currently, we can not rely on a moral recovery in this country.

Moral values can only regress and regress from year to year, and popular sentiment can only deteriorate from year to year, the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary can not, year after year, that will discredit the eyes of honest men, and from year to year, the memory of the Fathers of Independence will always be more outraged by the bad faith of their degenerate children.

Believe me, hope to see things change within increasingly shrinking. Another Haiti is not possible at present because the exceptions prove the rule of corruption are too insignificant amount. Even those who claim to represent the people take bribes ... There are too many worms in the fruit.

Another Haiti is possible when each with its intellectual and moral qualities, can access any public service without first crawl and bend the knee. Another Haiti is possible when the Government will commit itself to truly against corruption, particularly that practiced at the highest levels, and improve transparency and accountability.

Another Haiti is possible when national production will be revived, when the reign of impunity has ended, when justice will be independent, particularly when parliamentarians involved in drug trafficking and corrupt officials, wrongdoers will resulted in court-and when the laws against corruption, drugs and money laundering will apply to all.

When every man deserves to be entitled to early consideration, then we will believe that our leaders are trying to recover the right. But as long as things remain as they are, one man put his hand on all the functions of the state, the Supreme Judicial simple guard ... nothing and no one will believe us into greener pastures.

Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti


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