Training in information literacy: the brain drain or brain leaking? Training in information literacy
Brain drain or brain leaking?
We deplore the brain drain. We complain that our brains that have been well trained to go elsewhere to enjoy their skills. But what has caused this brain drain? And most importantly, the brain drain does not they hide another leak, that of the brain instead of fleeing fleeing?
It is therefore to examine the concepts of intelligence, performance and strategy. And how to train someone otherwise than by swimming in a tight brain fulfilling a social universe? In sum, what place is training in information literacy in the formation of brain informed?
1) intelligence, performance and strategy
1.1) The learner moves through the mastery of information
learner, learning to learn, is a key concept that students, youth and even young adults trying to acquire and try to master. Learning to learn is how to save time in their learning, accelerate process and storage strategy. The learner is accelerate and improve the performance of his brain by using learning strategies less tiring and less burdensome.
But how to learn to learn properly? How to develop these learning methods that seem to be magic, fantasy or a miracle? Learning to learn requires not only a personal work (to develop its own cognitive strategy) but also by training "general" in these techniques and strategies.
Learning to learn is by nature intransdisciplinaire (neologism and contraction intradisciplinary transdisciplinary), that is to say that every teacher, every teaching act, each educational activity, can help them learn to learn. Pedagogy is the primordial act of the learner. However, the learner can not merely pedagogical work, interactivity and interactor may be. The learner goes through a personal act of collective action (methodological exchanges more or less formal debates, discussions, group exercises, etc..) And "chapeautage" by educators and trainers especially effective and efficient.
Specifically, training in information literacy education provides a useful, indispensable the learner. Learning to control information, is learning to identify, look, observe, choose, choose, sort, select what is useful from a cluster of more or less useful information. Learning to control information can acquire learning strategies that are improving gradually as their solicitations. Through training in information literacy, it is not only to acquire knowledge and skills infodocumentaires, but rather to discover strategies to create real and expensive Swiss mental compasses. Faced with a problem situation (a mass of information including misinformation abound, unreliable information, outdated information, etc..), The student must learn to learn, learn how to, how to act, how to react and how to integrate this learning into a genuine knowledge? The student will discover and strategies, test its assumptions (is it effective? I Manage my time well? What I chose is it fair and appropriate?), Validate, confirm (by testing and checking them) and, ultimately, improve, improve. Training in information literacy is a continuous learning, infinite: it is towards this infinite becoming faster and especially more effectively. The problem of information overload, misinformation, malinformation-is even more important to approach it based universally transferable skills, not only in professional life but also in personal life.
1.2) Knowledge, skills and attitudes
skills are key engines of common knowledge in the brain: what to pack and where in the brain. How to select useful information is to avoid unnecessary build knowledge or worse, erroneous: the déconnaissances. The déconnaissances rely on misinformation even if they are attached to real information, whether relevant or not. Déconnaissances these are all the more serious whether melting désavoirs. These are then propagated désavoirs by the subject, sure of himself, and taken as information from other matters which may be based in as many déconnaissances désavoirs and depending on the degree of credibility and conviction of the holder of such désavoirs.
It is not enough to be competent, he must have knowledge. This knowledge knowledge that will enable the subject not only expertise but also knowledge. This builds on the growing and its integration into a social environment. The National Education functions to develop citizens who can think critically and a common culture and personal wealth who founded the student's identity and inclusion in society. Thus, training in information literacy is not an end in itself. It is a perpetual step that helps to engage and establish knowledge.
addition to these skills, this knowledge is a set of social attitudes that the subject should develop. These attitudes is to listen, learn speak, know win, know how to change your mind, in short, be adaptable.
1.3) Be smart, not only be cultivated!
intelligence can not be confined to culture, far from it. Intelligence is a combination of resourcefulness, culture, knowledge, attitudes, or manipulation.
an aside on the parallel I draw between intelligence and handling: in our societies, we must learn to fend for yourself to get what we want. Manipulate it to use stratagems that some describe as immoral, to achieve its purposes. However, we saw that the learner, this "ability" who founded the powerful brains (we will return later), through the development of learning strategies. The manipulation is a learning strategy. No knowledge or learning skills such as training in information literacy, but a behavioral learning: developing a social attitude, knowing how to win or place in society.
be intelligent, this is equivalent to first have an effective brain. This means that we have developed strategies for learning "exceptional" that can retain information easily, comfortably with less effort.
be intelligent, it is then to have reliable knowledge, strong and easily redevelopment. Having this knowledge is constructed and constructing through these learning strategies are perfecting day.
be intelligent, it also depends on the adoption of appropriate attitudes. Knowing what to say when, how, where and to whom and why.
Adaptability is the key word intelligence. Being smart means being this actor in role change continuously. This is especially an excellent actor, that is to say, roles controlled at appropriate times: namely how to act and react according to the people with whom one is and the context in which it is located.
So if we want to develop future intelligent subjects, it should work on all items listed above. Without going to the handling, train control information is the job for learning strategies based core is perfecting over the life of the subject. This ensures that the brains of young people fleeing ...
2) To bathe a brain in a tight social universe fulfilling
2.1) Build tight brain
Training young people is to enable the company to evolve and offer these young people the opportunity to integrate and flourish in society. Also, it is necessary to offer young people a sufficient body to prevent leakage of knowledge and knowledge construction defects. We will not go into the properties of the cognitive functioning of the student, but in the packaging that houses the knowledge, skills and abilities. This package must necessarily be strong and "resilient" to withstand any content that is enriched by the day. To develop a package of quality, unadorned, it is necessary to build a continuous and evolutionary learnance: a continuum from the smallest age until the end of life must be put in place. But this package could break at any time if the learning mechanisms are not controlled. Therefore, the role of teachers and educators is to help the subject to construct its own package by informing and forming strategies of knowledge to learn. To learn, the subject must first understand. It is therefore necessary that the intellectual construction makes sense for him. This happens not by presentations from academic theory, but in helping and accompanying in their learning by presenting learning techniques and helping to implement them.
We talk about learning techniques. But get out of learning as information integration and transform information, considering learning as a set of factors. To learn properly, in addition to learning techniques and strategies, we must consider the conditions for learning. This amounts to considering the conditions external to the student himself as the learning environment, the living subject, the potential "sociocultural opportunity" offered by the particular close to the subject through outings, various intellectual contacts (note the interest of the school in this cultural openness!), reports from the subject with other subjects, etc..
Atmosphere, group phenomena, social relations, socio-cultural environment of the student are all factors that facilitate or factors that inhibit learning, even if the subject has the learning strategies the most advanced . Besides these external factors, there are factors internal to the subject. We thus find the will, courage, perseverance but also the baggage of the original subject. By original, I mean the basic skills that the subject has been built through his meetings, his contacts, his learning, etc.. Thus, building a tight-induced brain work of the subject itself with the help of teachers, educators and doctors eventually (in case of failure due to a disability, but I will not go into the consideration of topics such as disabilities about is complex and deserves a particular development). Build a waterproof
brain also requires an environment conducive to learning. This ideal environment is reflected in our school classes. The student was indeed aware that there is to learn: it is therefore switched its strategies for learning, new experiences, etc.. The student, in this context, is interacting with other students and can build critical thinking and discuss learning strategies. The student is interacting with professionals who help him learn to learn, which help to experiment, who accompany him in his errors, which assist to solve problem situations, etc.. The student is also in an environment designed for learning: a framework class strong discipline, rules, etc..
2.2) Plugging brains failed
Build tight brain is a step essential to build individual citizens able to learn throughout their lives. But it may be that some minds were never sealed, either by accident of life, or because the learning strategies, effective time, not enough in parallel to the evolution of matter in its environment. Or, simply because of adolescence ...
Specifically, what is a failing brain? This subject does not learn as well as before. It is a brain that no longer records. It is a brain that stops at a "t", which will pause, standby mode, or in saving energy. " Previous knowledge and skills, integrated, are obviously not lost. But it is not enough, the topic is "inhibited". The main cause of this inhibition: adolescence. Adolescence is an awkward moment where the subject grows, evolves. This disruption is essential and normal. But such developments it creates both physical and mental learning processes that are no longer on the front of the stage but in the background. Speaking of faulty brain seems extremely pejorative, but it is a failure in the strict sense: learning is lacking. This failure is due to laziness cognitive, the intellectual rebellion, the mental break.
So how close these brain failed? How to make learning to learn is not set aside and continue to work? this is the mission of education and adult education: to develop educational strategies to continue to ensure that students are mobilizing their knowledge, skills and attitudes and continue to run their team of learners . There is no magic formula, these instructional strategies vary according to students. However, this mission is essential. Adolescence is a key period which are based techniques and learning strategies that are the foundation of the future construction of knowledge of future citizens.
2.3) Brains leaking or flee
Once the brain well packaged with a mechanism of knowledge construction developed, evolved and evolving, it should be working. Being mentally active is essential in our societies. Our brains are being continually test: no one can claim to be intellectually frustrated. So why some brains they flee? Why after having built a powerful learning process they tend brains from? The answer is simple: the subjects, if properly trained, inform with incredibly efficient. And they quickly understood that they therefore flourish even more. But beware of false promises that can make them ...
The brain drain is extremely damaging. Detrimental to the popular knowledge transfer between individuals, even if theoretically knowledge has no boundaries (the border of the tongue is yet pregnant) and can jump from place to place.
addition to brain drain, we question the techniques, strategies and methods of learning elsewhere. Where is France by example? Where is the problem? The problem is a focus on knowledge and / or skills and / or attitudes. However, it should work on the construction of such knowledge as we have seen previously. Once the basic construction completed, the subject is fed according to their interests but above all he eats better, more efficiently and with even more fun! The pleasure here is the key word of knowledge. If you take pleasure in learning, if you take pleasure in implementing these knowledge, skills and attitudes, and if you take pleasure in continually learning, so why run away?
Learning to learn necessarily involves the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Training in information literacy is an essential in the construction of learning to learn. Learning to learn is essential to integrate and flourish in a society increasingly demanding. But if some flee, it is certainly not because of the training they had. So how to keep those brains? How to ensure that knowledge is not the preserve of a caste of intellectuals? How to ensure that these well-formed heads reciprocate to those who succeed them?