Sunday, May 9, 2010

What Do Puppy Genetialia Look Like



Meeting separately extraordinary hearing, a majority of members Senators and reactionary, mediocre, without conviction and without morals passed a wicked law, indecent, anti-democratic and dangerous catastrophic whose sole purpose is to enable the Head of State to act outside the Constitution as well it seems without being accountable for its management. The President wanted his act and he has obtained through servile mandarins and chameleons, mostly in petticoats who have supported the adoption of the text. To justify their behavior sold, they state that this law called "emergency legislation" was vital for the country. Hallelujah! Crazy who believes it! Gangrene that kills our democracy is driven by the very people who represent it.

The dangers to which the Act exposes us are so numerous that the alarm must be taken now before it's too late if not already. We do not like the Haitian people after having lived what he lived. It is choking or even sacrifice their freedoms for the benefit of private interests. Finally, what country do we want to rebuild? Is this a modern country that allows citizens to operate in an environment with equal dignity and face the problems of everyday life, or rather a country / filter to sit elitism a bad omen when it is permissible to choose boyfriends villains at the expense of the majority removed from its smallest citizens' aspirations? These are questions that every Haitian should legitimately ask. Unfortunately, the sterility of our intellectual elites is clear and looks like a voluntarism resignation of a task that falls naturally. This elite without clearly defined project does not propose a path of hope for young people. And how surprising it is difficult to hear and organize ?

If the country does not want this law, it must convey a clear and strong. For some, the Emergency Law is none other than the preliminary phase of a project in the making. For others, it is the fruit of an apprentice dictator who hopes to retain power beyond its constitutional mandate while playing with a system he knows well and he wants to change the rules that it will be too favorable long term. Anyway, the reasons which prompted the Executive to take this law are not clearly displayed, which is disturbing to think. Is it to improve the living conditions of population languished promises-crap? Is it to end the social misery and desolation caused by the earthquake of January 12, 2010? How not to fantasize over when you do not know the true intentions of the Supreme Head of the Judiciary? This is not the certainty that crazy but doubt. And among the reasons that exist to oppose the Emergency Law, the largest is the vagueness that surrounds it.

After the disaster, the imperative is to change attitudes and methods of governance gold so far, the same old story repeats itself: corruption, impunity and little arrangements between friends, formal balance of power ... that is why nothing should be expected from this legislation. Four months later, the population is in the street, and the hurricane season that approach does nothing to fix the situation. Meanwhile, the President of the Republic multiplies its efforts unconstitutional. Fairly surprising and inconsistent, the amendment of Article 232 of the current electoral law so proposed is likely to create distortions hardly qualify. The Supreme Court should have its say ...

Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti, May 9, 2010


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