Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My First House Checklist

so be it! Come what may

so be it!

Lately, my professional horizons and my family landscape by large clouds darken threats, which seem to announce a devastating storm on my life and my family. Anonymous calls on my laptop, some utterances through the streets by police and other people close to the local mafia, the testimony and report of inmates sharing the same cell with the former head of investigation, the mayor Cap-Haitien who declares openly and bluntly in a television show that there is absolutely no police soaked in the kidnapping and should not take seriously those who advance such a claim are ... of warning signs that, far from scaring me, lead me thinking about my future and my commitment to strengthen citizen in this country that I am not ready to leave for the benefit of bastards. Admittedly, I have more than twenty years. At thirty six years, I am a magistrate, I am a father, a husband. My mother, my wife and my two year old daughter are still in need of my presence and my protection. Many people ask me to stop, but without being stubborn, and at the risk of being inconsistent with my conception of justice and my belief of man, I can not give up, especially not halfway. It would be too loose for me and it does not look like me. This fight is not only mine, there is a whole ideal behind me. A whole generation is looking at me. I fight for change, for the people, for the nation. What is more beautiful to fall for a noble cause! In the last anonymous call that I received, my partner, before I hang up, suggested to me bluntly that I will not have the chance to Gassant. Well, so be it! No one dies before his time. It is written, if one knows the future, we can change it. Myself, I say this for posterity and to history if it is in the treatment of kidnapping cases involving police officers that I deliver my last battle if this is where my mission is to end is that my time on earth has been written in advance and I mean no change. So be it!

Special thanks to my brother Gerard Fortune, Judge Willy Lubin, Jocelyne Elias, Serge H. Moise, François Joseph Baptiste, Caroline Benedict, Mr. Rony Joseph Mickély Mr. Bolivar and Mr. Jean-Louis Aly for their sympathy and their unwavering support.

Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti


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