Justice is the cornerstone of any democracy. It represents the main lever for the development of our country. Investors will occur if their confidence is gained. Citizens normally evolve if they are assured that their most basic rights are guaranteed and the crime rate will drop if copies are required and penalties applied against all those who violate the law. The domestic and foreign observers, international financial bodies, politicians (all parties) agree on the need for Haiti to have a Independent and effective judiciary, to the extent of his political ambitions, economic and social. But this can not be done with code dating back to 1835, a legal arsenal almost empty and poorly maintained Magistrates.
Unfortunately, leaders do not agree. They think that all judges are corrupt and do not deserve to be treated well. We in the judiciary, as in the Executive and the Parliament of thieves gown, white collar racketeers and outfitters for whom the records are legible. But we also have good and stubbornly proud Judges who hear sensitive cases sulphurous and without fear of taking the wrong way a few major politicians, notable or notorious criminals. We Magistrates insensitive to the charm and influence of power and money, compromise with allergies to encourage careers. We have Judges who sometimes make decisions very courageous at a time or other colleagues fed the flood of obscurantist positions. No, do not mix apples and oranges. Historically, justice and the men who loyally serve have always been discreet, perhaps too discreet. However, their role remains unclear as colossal and, for that very reason, poorly recognized.
In life, we must be consistent in what we do, and advocates said. If we know that the remedy against corruption is arguably the punishment, so why waste money on seminars and other policy advocacy? The solution is there, we did not push a door already open. The real problem is that in Haiti, everything is political, while in other countries, is legal. Dominicans come from our neighbors give us an example in the folder named Amaral Duclona where is the Supreme Court, not the Department of Justice or the police, who decided to extradite him to France this. We hate what some people on behalf of the Republic. We condemn and strongly denounce what happened to justice in Cap-Haitien ... all these cases dealt with bias or filed without action, because''depending on whether you are rich or poor ...''
The powerful and the most miserable are equal before the law these days. Those who have money or a title of nobility are always right and those who have neither the one nor the other are always guilty. Only the poor commit crimes. Take a tour of prisons visit the cells, see the directories of convictions and see. The saddest part of all this, the decisions of our courts do not give rise to virtually no debate. At university level, the comment''Stop''seems to be out of fashion, probably because of technical and intellectual challenges it raises. Admit however that the disappearance of the''Bulletin''Judgments of the Court of Cassation has contributed to this situation. Such is justice!
We are just a few days before Christmas, and never this festive period traditionally do we start seemed so more cruel and more sad for the Judiciary. December 20, 2007 to December 20, 2009. Almost two years since the publication of legislation on the Statute of Judges, the Supreme Council of the Judiciary and the School of Magistrates in the official gazette of the Republic. Two years since the Justices anxiously await the arrival of Father Christmas at the Courthouse ... that while Christmas Eve every night across the Champ de Mars. Certainly, the President shows a great consistency in its hostility to the magistrates and judicial reform. And, it must be really blind not to see what is happening. Sad Christmas, indeed, of Judges!
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
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