become kosher, it hides the road!
nod to Little Manitou in this title, which used this formula to express that will sometimes reach a level of kashrut excessive in some circles, could distract us from certain requirements more crucial.
In this regard, I recently heard a joke perfectly expressing this view:
"A Hared (God fearing) celebrates died. He was, as it should be welcomed with respect by the Assembly from above, which explained the arrangements for his stay in his new world:
- Here, although this is very different from below, we still retain some habits. For example, we study Torah daily. Obviously, the advantage is that we have the greatest teachers we can inform the most difficult passages and dark sides of our Torah.
- But it's great! I also always asked three questions that I thought intractable on the work of the Rambam (Maimonides). Is it available?
- But of course we'll get him.
After a few minutes, a man wearing a turban and a garment of East twelfth century appeared, and with a certain accent asked
- What can I do for you?
The man Hared stared in amazement and said to his host:
- I hope you kidding? You do not still a Sephardic be able to understand anything to the subtleties the Rambam?!
The Servant, a little taken aback, tried to move on:
- So, among other things, we also retained the habit of feeding us. So we eat and we drink every day, with a special Shabbat pomp and celebrations.
The Hared showed more skepticism. He asked, as is the custom here, to talk to the head. And not just any, please: the boss!
So with all the solemnity and tremor appeared the required Master of the World, the Holy One, blessed be he.
- Uh, hello, so you are .....
- The Master of the world. Welcome.
- I just wanted to know: you just told me that here we went to eat and drink. Okay, but ensures that kosher?
- That's me in person.
- Ah .... So I take a glass of water please "
I do not know if everyone has understood what is certain is that almost nobody would have understood there 50 years. glass of water is indeed the minimum risk that someone takes on when eats kosher outside the home. Have a glass of water returns to display in a express doubts about the level of kashrut of its host.
We've all heard the famous stories of children not eating with their parents. This, in fact quite new in the history of the Jewish people is due to two things:
- The fact that children are now more devout than their parents (since the Haskalah, was rather the opposite happened until the 60's, cf. the latest Coen Brothers film "A Serious Man")
- The fact that the practice becomes Orthodox, at least in some Baal-Teshuva (those reconnect with the yoke of mitzvot), while little nuanced knows that the Halacha to be very subtle.
course, there is no question of going to eat non-kosher meat, regardless of the respect due to parents. But between the forbidden meat and drink of water, is there not a balance sufficient to comply with kosher as far as the respect we owe to his neighbor, and especially if they are his parents?
I have no definitive answer to this complicated issue that involves being confident in its practice of mitzvot in the clear with the social pressure that sometimes requires us to be more royalist than the king and serious about the halakhic foundations certain attitudes.
But one day I saw an Orthodox rabbi to eat on a Sunday during a brunch in people who had bought everything but hide utensils could sometimes be used with non-kosher food (cheese unsupervised by example).
I asked him the question and its approach is as follows: "we are on Sunday. I know it's a couple who do not cook on Shabbat. I am certain that its vessels were not used for more than 24. From this rule applies "Noten Taam Lifgam" which indicates that food cooked with these utensils allowed "a posteriori". In some where notions of respect for the efforts of the individual are at stake, where he would be worse for their Judaism that I do not eat, I think we can eat. "
-> More info on "Noten Lifgam Taam" in this former post
Everyone will obviously not in agreement with this behavior, but it still shows that there are subtle (but is it really a surprise?) in the halakha that require us to really study it in order to consider with authorities recognized a complex situation.
Maybe God is not a sufficient guarantee of kosher sky and it is not enough likely to offend. Must still be demonstrated in terms of Halakha.
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