In Investigating Chambers, an accused must be expressly informed of his right: to be assisted by a lawyer or a witness of his choice during his first court appearance and not be questioned in the absence thereof, to claim the benefit of legal assistance if he can not afford the services of a person skilled in the art to apply in any event his provisional release on condition that occur in all phases of the procedure and for enforcement of judgments, he is required immediately, to appeal against any final order of the Magistrate.
This is the ideal side ... the normative question. But what about the real situation of the accused to the Cabinet of Instruction?
What we see is that prescribed by law are not respected. The accused spent months or even years in pretrial detention in custody by Judge Instruction before it issued its order closing. In most cases it is not present at the cabinet level of instruction, and is not aware of his rights. He is interviewed often under pressure and with discrimination as if he were already convicted. However, the magistrate shall instruct to load and discharge taking into account the principle that anyone accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.
Another remark: the defendant is interviewed in Creole, while the transcript is made in French on the minutes of interrogation. We hear the defense lawyers say in court:''The judge has betrayed the thought of my client since he had testified in Creole.''All this is to say that the behavior of certain magistrates in managing record is poor.
Is this a problem of means, is this a problem too outdated texts or jurisdiction altogether? And how to overcome these irregularities? Anyway, the judges involved should be aware that, even under incarceration, the defendant continues to enjoy certain rights and judicial guarantees enshrined in the constitution and international treaties signed and ratified by Haiti. They should remember that the principles reflected the quality and efficiency of justice or the penal system and that "the law does not stop at the prison gate."
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Herpes In Public Hair
He changed life - Exegesis JJ.Goldman - Episode 1
I had seen in a previous post: an attempt to Talmudic exegesis of the work of Jean-Jacques Goldman .
Why? Because Jean-Jacques Goldman is Jewish? It is a necessary but not sufficient.
True reason is that Goldman's songs have a special dimension. I would not say prophetic, but in all cases, which show a very strong intuition of the Jewish message.
Goldman was born into a particular family. Her mother is a German Jew, his father a Polish Jew from Lublin. He claims since the first of his anthologies (singular), the booklet shows the journey that begins with both parents, represented by a German flag and a flag Polish overcome .... a Magen David.
Like many Jews of Europe at that time the family has moved away from religious tradition, and marries another: communism and the dream of a fairer world. However, and so also common at the time, breaking with tradition does not mean breaking with the Jewish people. The father of Jean-Jacques Goldman has also regularly played basketball in a Jewish sports club (the Yask: Yiddische Arbeiters Sport Klub) and is remembered that before the war there were even sections communist "Jewish".
So Goldman has never renounced his membership of the Jewish people. But what is more surprising, and that is the subject of this note is that the lyrics are amazing Goldman similarity with what the Talmud is tell us about the man and his condition.
How many times have I heard a song by Goldman and I have close to a passage in the Jewish tradition? I dare say, but almost every song. And I'm not talking here of very explicit as songs "Like You" on the Holocaust, but songs that apparently have no connection with Jewishness.
It was the intro. Now, first, we'll take a song whose evidence of existence of Jewish spark obvious: He changed life.
I remind you of the words This song from the album "Between Light Grey and Dark Grey"
was a shoemaker, with nothing particular
In a village whose name I missed
Who was shoes so pretty, so light
May our lives seemed a little less hard to bear
He put time, talent and heart
Thus passed his life among our hours
And heady speeches, grand theories
At its task each day, we could say of him
He changed the lives
was a teacher, a single teacher
Who thought that knowledge was a great treasure
That all had less than nothing to get by
That the school and the law that has to learn each
He put time, talent and heart
Thus passed his life among our hours
E t away the rhetoric, the major theories
At its task each day, we could say of him
He changed the lives
was a little guy, just a little while fellow
inept and dreamy, just missed in short
Se believed useless men banned from
He cried on his saxophone
He put so much time, tears and pain The
dreams of his life, his heart prisons
And away the rhetoric, the major theories
Inspired day by day with his breath and his cries
He changed the lives
is the idea? What changes the world, this is not the great revolutionary movements. That is not the changing political deeply human existence
(except when it's a bloody regime and that for once there, life can really change, but I advise you not too ...).
efficiency, it unfolds at the micro level, in terms of interpersonal relationship when it involves personal effort and constant that, far from a state of grace spontaneous, forging and polishing the character and magnitude of a man.
Who has not admired artisans picky in their work, sometimes so accurate and proud of their work they forget the need to earn a good life after all "a quick turn of the screw, nobody 'will see that the fire?
This permanence in the attention to things and men, is that what the Talmud says?
It seems to me that famous passage, quoted by Levinas in Difficult Freedom and already mentioned in this blog is quite instructive in this regard.
I am giving you here:
Zommer Ben said: "I found a verse that contains the entire Torah: Israel Listen The Eternal is our God, the eternal is a
Ben Nanas said: I found a verse that contains all the Torah: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as yourself "
Pazi Ben said: I found a verse that contains the entire Torah: You sacrifice a lamb in the morning and at dusk .
And their master Rabbi stood up and decided: "The law is according to Ben Pazi"
In reading this passage, I thought that the "Listen Israel" and "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" resembled furiously to the "rhetoric and grand theory" Goldman.
And that side of it, sacrifice a lamb in the morning and evening seems still more basic, earthy and frankly as a soul much less obvious that of the shoemaker.
But that's it the message: the Maharal of Prague explains that the sacrifice is mentioned by Ben Pazi the korban Tamid, the daily sacrifice, the interruption of which is prohibited, whose greatness is this constancy in the action and self-improvement. To resume
Levinas: "The daily fidelity to the ritual gesture takes courage calmer, more noble and greater than that of the warrior".
The first two verses of "He changed his life" speak well of it. I would say that this is something very Jewish "Litvak," Lithuanian in the sense that the mystique and grace can not compete with the work, effort and intensive study.
The third verse on the saxophone is most strange. This is not a worker. It's a bit of a void, a "clumsy". Not very smart. Which apparently can not bring much to the world. Yet his desire, his passion, enthusiasm managed to blow the barks preventing access to the essence of human desire (God?).
In one of the traditions of Judaism, it has a name. That tradition is that Hasidism was formed in opposition to the exclusive position of Lithuania.
A Jew, even simple, can reach a certain spiritual dimension through sincerity, passion and inspiration that called the Hitlahavout among Hasidim.
For a long time (and for some the fight is not over) and the Lithuanian Hasidim have clashed violently. The rationale against the mystic. The effort against the fervor. Work against passion.
It could be that Judaism is ultimately a synthesis of this never-ending struggle.
And oddly, that's what I hear in He changed the lives .
A title that much a utopia always in motion.
I had seen in a previous post: an attempt to Talmudic exegesis of the work of Jean-Jacques Goldman .
Why? Because Jean-Jacques Goldman is Jewish? It is a necessary but not sufficient.
True reason is that Goldman's songs have a special dimension. I would not say prophetic, but in all cases, which show a very strong intuition of the Jewish message.
Goldman was born into a particular family. Her mother is a German Jew, his father a Polish Jew from Lublin. He claims since the first of his anthologies (singular), the booklet shows the journey that begins with both parents, represented by a German flag and a flag Polish overcome .... a Magen David.

Like many Jews of Europe at that time the family has moved away from religious tradition, and marries another: communism and the dream of a fairer world. However, and so also common at the time, breaking with tradition does not mean breaking with the Jewish people. The father of Jean-Jacques Goldman has also regularly played basketball in a Jewish sports club (the Yask: Yiddische Arbeiters Sport Klub) and is remembered that before the war there were even sections communist "Jewish".
So Goldman has never renounced his membership of the Jewish people. But what is more surprising, and that is the subject of this note is that the lyrics are amazing Goldman similarity with what the Talmud is tell us about the man and his condition.
How many times have I heard a song by Goldman and I have close to a passage in the Jewish tradition? I dare say, but almost every song. And I'm not talking here of very explicit as songs "Like You" on the Holocaust, but songs that apparently have no connection with Jewishness.
It was the intro. Now, first, we'll take a song whose evidence of existence of Jewish spark obvious: He changed life.

I remind you of the words This song from the album "Between Light Grey and Dark Grey"
was a shoemaker, with nothing particular
In a village whose name I missed
Who was shoes so pretty, so light
May our lives seemed a little less hard to bear
He put time, talent and heart
Thus passed his life among our hours
And heady speeches, grand theories
At its task each day, we could say of him
He changed the lives
was a teacher, a single teacher
Who thought that knowledge was a great treasure
That all had less than nothing to get by
That the school and the law that has to learn each
He put time, talent and heart
Thus passed his life among our hours
E t away the rhetoric, the major theories
At its task each day, we could say of him
He changed the lives
was a little guy, just a little while fellow
inept and dreamy, just missed in short
Se believed useless men banned from
He cried on his saxophone
He put so much time, tears and pain The
dreams of his life, his heart prisons
And away the rhetoric, the major theories
Inspired day by day with his breath and his cries
He changed the lives
is the idea? What changes the world, this is not the great revolutionary movements. That is not the changing political deeply human existence

efficiency, it unfolds at the micro level, in terms of interpersonal relationship when it involves personal effort and constant that, far from a state of grace spontaneous, forging and polishing the character and magnitude of a man.
Who has not admired artisans picky in their work, sometimes so accurate and proud of their work they forget the need to earn a good life after all "a quick turn of the screw, nobody 'will see that the fire?
This permanence in the attention to things and men, is that what the Talmud says?
It seems to me that famous passage, quoted by Levinas in Difficult Freedom and already mentioned in this blog is quite instructive in this regard.
I am giving you here:
Zommer Ben said: "I found a verse that contains the entire Torah: Israel Listen The Eternal is our God, the eternal is a
Ben Nanas said: I found a verse that contains all the Torah: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as yourself "
Pazi Ben said: I found a verse that contains the entire Torah: You sacrifice a lamb in the morning and at dusk .
And their master Rabbi stood up and decided: "The law is according to Ben Pazi"
In reading this passage, I thought that the "Listen Israel" and "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" resembled furiously to the "rhetoric and grand theory" Goldman.
And that side of it, sacrifice a lamb in the morning and evening seems still more basic, earthy and frankly as a soul much less obvious that of the shoemaker.
But that's it the message: the Maharal of Prague explains that the sacrifice is mentioned by Ben Pazi the korban Tamid, the daily sacrifice, the interruption of which is prohibited, whose greatness is this constancy in the action and self-improvement. To resume
Levinas: "The daily fidelity to the ritual gesture takes courage calmer, more noble and greater than that of the warrior".
The first two verses of "He changed his life" speak well of it. I would say that this is something very Jewish "Litvak," Lithuanian in the sense that the mystique and grace can not compete with the work, effort and intensive study.
The third verse on the saxophone is most strange. This is not a worker. It's a bit of a void, a "clumsy". Not very smart. Which apparently can not bring much to the world. Yet his desire, his passion, enthusiasm managed to blow the barks preventing access to the essence of human desire (God?).
In one of the traditions of Judaism, it has a name. That tradition is that Hasidism was formed in opposition to the exclusive position of Lithuania.
A Jew, even simple, can reach a certain spiritual dimension through sincerity, passion and inspiration that called the Hitlahavout among Hasidim.
For a long time (and for some the fight is not over) and the Lithuanian Hasidim have clashed violently. The rationale against the mystic. The effort against the fervor. Work against passion.
It could be that Judaism is ultimately a synthesis of this never-ending struggle.
And oddly, that's what I hear in He changed the lives .
A title that much a utopia always in motion.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wedding On A Playground
OF binationality
Dual nationality is defined by the simultaneous membership of the nationality of two states. It So the fact of having two nationalities and belonging to two different countries. Some states such as Congo (DRC), China, Japan, Finland and Haiti expressly prohibited. Others allow fully and simply. Others, finally, do not allow for the exercise of certain warrants or public functions.
say that a passport is a mere book travel not binding on the nationality of a person is not correct. The passport is an official document issued to its nationals by the administration of a country, certifying the identity of its holder to allow it to travel abroad.
By way of speculating on the issue of dual nationality, we are raising a false debate. It has complicated the issue to the point that it is now difficult for everyone to find. Same authorities that it would initiate fail to find the exit.
Legally, Article 15 of the Constitution does not lend itself to any equivocal: "Dual nationality is Haitian and foreign in no case permitted. But politically, it is reasonable to ask:''This is it fair or unfair in the light the socio-economic development? That is to say: Dual nationality is it beneficial or not for Haiti? And that's where the debate should focus.
The problem is purely political and not legal. Personally, I think we should revise several articles of the constitution, including Article 15, to allow fellow who for one reason or another, had, in a moment of their lives, acquired a foreign nationality, of retain or regain their original nationality; with restrictions for certain political or public office. This reserve is to discuss and specify.
We have too many skills abroad, we also in Haiti, but they are minimal and are not at the helm of state affairs. The Maghreb countries: Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Libya and Mauritania, have benefited greatly from their nationalities. Haiti could also benefit from the knowledge of his son many scholars, scattered throughout the world.
Now, what about those who have knowingly broken the law by being Haitian issue, by deception and with intent to deceive, a passport for which he was not authorized? These individuals are agents offenders as well as the poor peasant who stole a bunch of bananas and languishing in jail, pending upon the time of his trial.
Worldwide, dual nationality has nothing against the controversial legislation. Whether authorized or not, it is just another organization theory of a sovereign state against its policy. Some believe that we can not sit on two chairs at a time and to choose, especially since Article 14 of the 1987 constitution provides the opportunity to recover the Haitian nationality. Others see it differently ... and endless views.
However, it is an open secret that the United States and Canada, dual citizenship is problematic when recruiting companies in very serious because there is a lack of trust in relation to the binational status the job seeker. And this is understandable. In France, yesterday, a party leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen, has publicly asked the Minister for Justice, Ms Rachida Dati, born in Saone-et-Loire, to decline his nationality, knowing that is a Moroccan father and Algerian mother. It is a how to say it has done and is still the subject of political debate in several countries. Should we allow it in Haiti? The entire nation and every Haitian will have their say indiscriminately.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
OF binationality
Dual nationality is defined by the simultaneous membership of the nationality of two states. It So the fact of having two nationalities and belonging to two different countries. Some states such as Congo (DRC), China, Japan, Finland and Haiti expressly prohibited. Others allow fully and simply. Others, finally, do not allow for the exercise of certain warrants or public functions.
say that a passport is a mere book travel not binding on the nationality of a person is not correct. The passport is an official document issued to its nationals by the administration of a country, certifying the identity of its holder to allow it to travel abroad.
By way of speculating on the issue of dual nationality, we are raising a false debate. It has complicated the issue to the point that it is now difficult for everyone to find. Same authorities that it would initiate fail to find the exit.
Legally, Article 15 of the Constitution does not lend itself to any equivocal: "Dual nationality is Haitian and foreign in no case permitted. But politically, it is reasonable to ask:''This is it fair or unfair in the light the socio-economic development? That is to say: Dual nationality is it beneficial or not for Haiti? And that's where the debate should focus.
The problem is purely political and not legal. Personally, I think we should revise several articles of the constitution, including Article 15, to allow fellow who for one reason or another, had, in a moment of their lives, acquired a foreign nationality, of retain or regain their original nationality; with restrictions for certain political or public office. This reserve is to discuss and specify.
We have too many skills abroad, we also in Haiti, but they are minimal and are not at the helm of state affairs. The Maghreb countries: Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Libya and Mauritania, have benefited greatly from their nationalities. Haiti could also benefit from the knowledge of his son many scholars, scattered throughout the world.
Now, what about those who have knowingly broken the law by being Haitian issue, by deception and with intent to deceive, a passport for which he was not authorized? These individuals are agents offenders as well as the poor peasant who stole a bunch of bananas and languishing in jail, pending upon the time of his trial.
Worldwide, dual nationality has nothing against the controversial legislation. Whether authorized or not, it is just another organization theory of a sovereign state against its policy. Some believe that we can not sit on two chairs at a time and to choose, especially since Article 14 of the 1987 constitution provides the opportunity to recover the Haitian nationality. Others see it differently ... and endless views.
However, it is an open secret that the United States and Canada, dual citizenship is problematic when recruiting companies in very serious because there is a lack of trust in relation to the binational status the job seeker. And this is understandable. In France, yesterday, a party leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen, has publicly asked the Minister for Justice, Ms Rachida Dati, born in Saone-et-Loire, to decline his nationality, knowing that is a Moroccan father and Algerian mother. It is a how to say it has done and is still the subject of political debate in several countries. Should we allow it in Haiti? The entire nation and every Haitian will have their say indiscriminately.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
March 19, 2008 Read more ...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Does Edible Glitter Dissolve
I am embittered and traumatized to the haunting ballads of individuals faced with intolerable drift of justice. I had the opportunity, in other circumstances, to say what I think of corruption within the unit judiciary. I do not want to go again in the examination of this sensitive issue that gave rise to significant and noteworthy findings of the most distinguished personalities of the intellectual class and the highest state authorities. But there are definitely situations that must be denounced and even abandon because they are unacceptable.
I recently learned that the inmate in whose favor an order released is issued should be paid to the bailiff, the messenger or agent of the penitentiary bearer thereof, between two hundred and fifty to three hundred bottles for that said order is executed. What does this mean? And if the jailed person has no money, what will happen? What about asking justices to five thousand bottles to verbalize theft or homicide, criminal offenses for which legally they should not claim any fees? They know full well that the findings are free criminal, yet they extort litigants. Not to mention the clerks who develop judgments or acts of adoption by getting free pay in U.S. currency in defiance of the new tariffs judicial force. Justice is abused by those who should contribute the same to its effectiveness and to his credit. What a pity!
That will surprise no one if I say that by temperament I am a revolutionary. But this is certainly not the case for everyone. In fact, what I mean by that, things could really change if each put his own. Other players in the system should, too, engage in battle because as the old saying goes: "A discourse on the woman by a man is always suspect, but a discourse on the woman by three men became terribly disturbing. "It is not for me alone to denounce corruption and irregularities that plague the Haitian justice. The other judges must do the same if not ... well, otherwise there is a problem. Maybe my colleagues do not agree with what I do, if that were the case, I should immediately put an end to my rashness and draw conclusions. Send
criminals in jail, fighting corruption, investigating drug traffickers is ... nothing. I do every day and I'll do as I will perform the function of judge. Hearing of witnesses, issue warrants, to commission ... it's my job. Implement review of kidnappers, criminals, rapists, confront dangers ... it's my job ... I assure. I can spend hours and hours in my office ... I cook a defendant can withstand the hatred and the icy stare of my enemies, but receive the kiss of Judas some colleagues ... I refuse.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
I am embittered and traumatized to the haunting ballads of individuals faced with intolerable drift of justice. I had the opportunity, in other circumstances, to say what I think of corruption within the unit judiciary. I do not want to go again in the examination of this sensitive issue that gave rise to significant and noteworthy findings of the most distinguished personalities of the intellectual class and the highest state authorities. But there are definitely situations that must be denounced and even abandon because they are unacceptable.
I recently learned that the inmate in whose favor an order released is issued should be paid to the bailiff, the messenger or agent of the penitentiary bearer thereof, between two hundred and fifty to three hundred bottles for that said order is executed. What does this mean? And if the jailed person has no money, what will happen? What about asking justices to five thousand bottles to verbalize theft or homicide, criminal offenses for which legally they should not claim any fees? They know full well that the findings are free criminal, yet they extort litigants. Not to mention the clerks who develop judgments or acts of adoption by getting free pay in U.S. currency in defiance of the new tariffs judicial force. Justice is abused by those who should contribute the same to its effectiveness and to his credit. What a pity!
That will surprise no one if I say that by temperament I am a revolutionary. But this is certainly not the case for everyone. In fact, what I mean by that, things could really change if each put his own. Other players in the system should, too, engage in battle because as the old saying goes: "A discourse on the woman by a man is always suspect, but a discourse on the woman by three men became terribly disturbing. "It is not for me alone to denounce corruption and irregularities that plague the Haitian justice. The other judges must do the same if not ... well, otherwise there is a problem. Maybe my colleagues do not agree with what I do, if that were the case, I should immediately put an end to my rashness and draw conclusions. Send
criminals in jail, fighting corruption, investigating drug traffickers is ... nothing. I do every day and I'll do as I will perform the function of judge. Hearing of witnesses, issue warrants, to commission ... it's my job. Implement review of kidnappers, criminals, rapists, confront dangers ... it's my job ... I assure. I can spend hours and hours in my office ... I cook a defendant can withstand the hatred and the icy stare of my enemies, but receive the kiss of Judas some colleagues ... I refuse.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
March 15, 2008 Read more ...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
7 Year Old Rash On Legs
Risk (s) informational (s)?
The Web is constantly evolving, increasingly satisfying the demands or requirements of its internet users. But users are many, they have a different vision of the Web and different opinions about its possible control and / or protection.
So what's actions affect everyone on the destiny of the web? The web can reconcile two antagonistic conceptions namely the point of view "security free-flow and point of view" freedom agora?
Free-Flow Security, Freedom Agora, two very different visions "
two competing visions about the current vision of the web: the "all-safe" against the "free flow of ideas," protection of individual liberties against universal access to information. Free-Flow Security
: Consists ensure increased security of the system information. The drifts are systems impervious to information exchanges and even the advent of a closed universe closed in on itself.
Freedom Agora is to ensure a democratic movement of information, total transparency in information exchanges. The drifts are inadvertent capture of information or a hindrance to effective democratic communication.
A simple solution would be for these clans coexist fairly, to avoid the excesses to which they tend to like the work areas defined by the Forum on Internet Governance in Athens (Security, Openness, Diversity, Access). But the situation is more complex than the web is invaded by personal, social, economic and political contexts.
When an axis dominates the other ...
economic interests, sales and marketing tip the balance either side of the axis is an axis of the other side ... In fact, advocating freedom of expression, some companies do not hesitate to invade the web, to monopolize the detriment of others, who, not having the same powers to be heard, are forced to shut or whisper their claims. In addition, these companies maintain that a maximum flow of information: it is much easier for them to collect personal data that you scatter more or less intentionally on the web. In short, the theory of "transparency" or "free speech" put forward by major groups is merely a ploy to collect more and more personal data on you ... more or less "Unbeknownst to us voluntarily" to quote a great philosopher sport ...
Internet would be the largest democracy, where everyone can express themselves freely, voluntarily, without constraint! But that is not counting on access to technology Information and communication technology (ICT) still reserved for developed countries or developing countries (DCs) but not those in developing countries (DCs). Then, filters Government exist in many countries, like China, South Korea ... often with support from big companies like Google or Microsoft Yahoo!! We are still far from the "global village" of Marshall McLuhan or "global brain" of Joel de Rosnay ...
risks for a major risk?
risks listed above are far from exhaustive. We could also add the Acts cybercriminals even terrorists will continue to increase. Also, these risks combined, they do not fear a major information risk? Technology does she not destroy itself thereby generating an impact on all of the great world's information system? The question is more alarming than ever. Concern is growing each day as the web grows. Certainly we must ensure that the web is not derived, but there is not a drift that can be feared, but rather a grounding! Hopefully we will not get to a stranding (voluntary stranding) ! How
will then define the major risks and what are the consequences? The major risk
sound the death knell of techno-informational. And as a major part of information systems were transferred on media technology, imagine the terrible consequences this may have for the stability of a society, a state of the planet! It's all Access to information that they find upset, he will reinvent the traditional access to information (documents back to "physical"), it will change how we access information ("Google ... but there's more how I am do! "). The greatest risk will have substantial impact on the entire world economy ... Ah, the only" benefit "will be finally developed societies that include live everyday Countries Development (if not underdeveloped).
Another perspective alarmist? Yes and claimed "The danger is at our doorstep. This is even more dangerous than many companies this half-open door for their personal interests . Fortunately, the rim lock door chain is securely held by Internet users and believe that few institutions are unfortunately not enough heard. It is everybody's role of helping to ensure that this door opens slightly more, and barricade the danger ... while allowing free passage of information.
How? Find this the carpenter's door tomorrow web: clean, reliable, where the risks are monitored and controlled by each hazard. Again and again the concept of "cybtoyenneté" but that international politics more than ever a role to play ...
Risk (s) informational (s)?
This problem question on which I attempt to answer was inspired by the subject of the test of CAPES External Documentation 2008. The Web is constantly evolving, increasingly satisfying the demands or requirements of its internet users. But users are many, they have a different vision of the Web and different opinions about its possible control and / or protection.
So what's actions affect everyone on the destiny of the web? The web can reconcile two antagonistic conceptions namely the point of view "security free-flow and point of view" freedom agora?
Free-Flow Security, Freedom Agora, two very different visions "
two competing visions about the current vision of the web: the "all-safe" against the "free flow of ideas," protection of individual liberties against universal access to information. Free-Flow Security
: Consists ensure increased security of the system information. The drifts are systems impervious to information exchanges and even the advent of a closed universe closed in on itself.
Freedom Agora is to ensure a democratic movement of information, total transparency in information exchanges. The drifts are inadvertent capture of information or a hindrance to effective democratic communication.
A simple solution would be for these clans coexist fairly, to avoid the excesses to which they tend to like the work areas defined by the Forum on Internet Governance in Athens (Security, Openness, Diversity, Access). But the situation is more complex than the web is invaded by personal, social, economic and political contexts.
When an axis dominates the other ...
economic interests, sales and marketing tip the balance either side of the axis is an axis of the other side ... In fact, advocating freedom of expression, some companies do not hesitate to invade the web, to monopolize the detriment of others, who, not having the same powers to be heard, are forced to shut or whisper their claims. In addition, these companies maintain that a maximum flow of information: it is much easier for them to collect personal data that you scatter more or less intentionally on the web. In short, the theory of "transparency" or "free speech" put forward by major groups is merely a ploy to collect more and more personal data on you ... more or less "Unbeknownst to us voluntarily" to quote a great philosopher sport ...
Internet would be the largest democracy, where everyone can express themselves freely, voluntarily, without constraint! But that is not counting on access to technology Information and communication technology (ICT) still reserved for developed countries or developing countries (DCs) but not those in developing countries (DCs). Then, filters Government exist in many countries, like China, South Korea ... often with support from big companies like Google or Microsoft Yahoo!! We are still far from the "global village" of Marshall McLuhan or "global brain" of Joel de Rosnay ...
risks for a major risk?
risks listed above are far from exhaustive. We could also add the Acts cybercriminals even terrorists will continue to increase. Also, these risks combined, they do not fear a major information risk? Technology does she not destroy itself thereby generating an impact on all of the great world's information system? The question is more alarming than ever. Concern is growing each day as the web grows. Certainly we must ensure that the web is not derived, but there is not a drift that can be feared, but rather a grounding! Hopefully we will not get to a stranding (voluntary stranding) ! How
will then define the major risks and what are the consequences? The major risk
sound the death knell of techno-informational. And as a major part of information systems were transferred on media technology, imagine the terrible consequences this may have for the stability of a society, a state of the planet! It's all Access to information that they find upset, he will reinvent the traditional access to information (documents back to "physical"), it will change how we access information ("Google ... but there's more how I am do! "). The greatest risk will have substantial impact on the entire world economy ... Ah, the only" benefit "will be finally developed societies that include live everyday Countries Development (if not underdeveloped).
Another perspective alarmist? Yes and claimed "The danger is at our doorstep. This is even more dangerous than many companies this half-open door for their personal interests . Fortunately, the rim lock door chain is securely held by Internet users and believe that few institutions are unfortunately not enough heard. It is everybody's role of helping to ensure that this door opens slightly more, and barricade the danger ... while allowing free passage of information.
How? Find this the carpenter's door tomorrow web: clean, reliable, where the risks are monitored and controlled by each hazard. Again and again the concept of "cybtoyenneté" but that international politics more than ever a role to play ...
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Into The Oven Baking Cups
Criminal procedure itself necessarily includes the phases of the preliminary inquiry, investigation and possible remedies. In these phases in addition of course that of referral to the trial court. Each of these steps takes a space of time ... hence the requirement to prescribe to counter possible abuses.
The deadlines in criminal cases are usually time of order and strict enforcement, that is to say, they are considered essential procedural requirement, and therefore, required on pain of nullity. Unfortunately, these requirements are scarce in Haiti and the criminal law does not take into account that some stages of the proceedings, with a vagueness that gives rise to various interpretations.
Explicitly, the deadline for the government commissioner to the judge investigating a case with the indictment to inform is not defined, also one between the service of the order closing - not being appealed - and the drafting of the indictment ... to name a few.
These, are not regulated, often extend over long time periods and create a situation of uncertainty, may not only cause harm to detainees, but also adversely on administrative records.
This shortcoming prompted the Haitian government to adopt a general principle of law, namely, the notion of "reasonable time", which finds expression in the formal legal American and European Conventions on the Rights of Man. However, the implementation of this concept has an obvious drawback: the application criteria raise problems of interpretation.
We know of cases where people jailed under the orders of the government commissioner spend months in jail before it transmits the entire file the accused the firm of instruction for the indictment of it. There are defendants who are kept for two years or three years in custody despite an order by referring them to a court-for trial.
meantime, what is the legal status of these people?
Humanly, where the officer concerned that undergoing the throes of a prolonged and arbitrary detention over a long period is to be pitied, especially when the prosecution has not yet entered the office of education, or the Magistrate instructor has already given its final order.
Whether in a''time reasonable''or''without delay''every judge appreciates and performer in his own way, without a prescription clearly established. The concept is not defined, it is a fact. Also, would it be desirable for the government, the parliament's justice commission in communion with the various judicial bodies impose strict rules of time, rules that would benefit not only to meet the legitimate rights of the parties and avoid arbitrariness, but also to force the justice system in general and judges in particular to improve their management.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
Criminal procedure itself necessarily includes the phases of the preliminary inquiry, investigation and possible remedies. In these phases in addition of course that of referral to the trial court. Each of these steps takes a space of time ... hence the requirement to prescribe to counter possible abuses.
The deadlines in criminal cases are usually time of order and strict enforcement, that is to say, they are considered essential procedural requirement, and therefore, required on pain of nullity. Unfortunately, these requirements are scarce in Haiti and the criminal law does not take into account that some stages of the proceedings, with a vagueness that gives rise to various interpretations.
Explicitly, the deadline for the government commissioner to the judge investigating a case with the indictment to inform is not defined, also one between the service of the order closing - not being appealed - and the drafting of the indictment ... to name a few.
These, are not regulated, often extend over long time periods and create a situation of uncertainty, may not only cause harm to detainees, but also adversely on administrative records.
This shortcoming prompted the Haitian government to adopt a general principle of law, namely, the notion of "reasonable time", which finds expression in the formal legal American and European Conventions on the Rights of Man. However, the implementation of this concept has an obvious drawback: the application criteria raise problems of interpretation.
We know of cases where people jailed under the orders of the government commissioner spend months in jail before it transmits the entire file the accused the firm of instruction for the indictment of it. There are defendants who are kept for two years or three years in custody despite an order by referring them to a court-for trial.
meantime, what is the legal status of these people?
Humanly, where the officer concerned that undergoing the throes of a prolonged and arbitrary detention over a long period is to be pitied, especially when the prosecution has not yet entered the office of education, or the Magistrate instructor has already given its final order.
Whether in a''time reasonable''or''without delay''every judge appreciates and performer in his own way, without a prescription clearly established. The concept is not defined, it is a fact. Also, would it be desirable for the government, the parliament's justice commission in communion with the various judicial bodies impose strict rules of time, rules that would benefit not only to meet the legitimate rights of the parties and avoid arbitrariness, but also to force the justice system in general and judges in particular to improve their management.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
March 9, 2008 Read more ...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Shower Curtains Beach Themed
Digital Revolution, cybercrime and identity cybtoyenneté
The web development, increasing its ownership by individuals, the development of its services generate a real digital revolution. The social and cultural practices are thereby disrupted, and this is not excluding the development of cybercrime.
So, how can the web development while fighting against this cyber crime? Cybercrime is inevitable?
1) The web tomorrow: ghetto trash, memorial or parallel life?
1.1) The Web is growing, its disadvantages too! The
web expands, offers more services online. No need to travel, you can do almost everything from home, even work. While social relations are essential (see my previous post), but the web offers a comprehensive range of services that save us considerable time: banking, orders, bookings, purchases, sales, rentals, information, ... But let's not exaggerate, we can never get rid of social relations. At least not until after tomorrow, our cognitive process is still far from ready.
But parallel to this development services accelerates cybercrime. Indeed, now the "Marseilles collars" have been replaced by spyware type Layered Service Provider "or" keylogger ". The criminals are in fact "brought" (by themselves) to adapt to these new networks, transactions "physical" (that is to say the withdrawals to distributors, purchases in shops by example) are less numerous.
1.2) What will become of the web?
Question to a wide range of responses has already been made. Difficult to project, although I think the web will always exist ... but may be worse off if one persists in as little deal. Web juggle huge cyberpoubelles, the cyberghettos (in the form of illegal sites gathering a community of cyber criminals), viruses and Trojan horses, ... and of course a website which will deal very own users. In sum, the web of tomorrow will be like tomorrow's society.
1.3) What to do?
The role of specialized agencies in the proper management and good performance of the web will be paramount. While there are already some organizations like the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), but it will actually develop specialized services: e-policy (for stop cyber-criminals), e-GIPN (to track and stop cyber-terrorists), e-hospitals (to treat the infected computers) ... Unfortunately, at present, these services are only marginal even if they operate in the shadows of the canvas.
1.4) Actions to take now
It is now time to act. Cybercrime is growing 2-3 times faster on the network that services responsible for ensuring the safety of the latter. Moreover, it is essential that these specialized services are growing, are more numerous and are assigned to specific tasks like what is done in the company "real". The risk is real: a hand-down cyber criminals on the network so undeniably causing death or worse I think, a cyberwar that has no consequences as virtual ...
2) From cyber cyberterrorism
2.1) If nothing is done ...
imagine that the web continues its growth: exponential growth of terrorism against a growth still soft virtual security services. These security services are quickly overwhelmed, and even attacked as they will be low. Their means control will be reduced, they disappear and leave the cyber-terrorists gain more or less officially the web. The best in this case being that they claim their detention web surfers know what to expect. But if they do not claimed, it would be more dangerous for users who leave necessarily trap, abuse, steal ...
2.2) Cyberterrorism and Terrorism "real" direct links!
You probably think that cyberterrorism does not pose a danger to the web? Think again! Cyberterrorism and Terrorism "real" are in direct link. Indeed, these are the same networks that manage these two "types" of terrorism. So one feeds the other, one secures the other ... Thus, if the cyber took hold of the network and consequently on the global economy, imagine the disaster!
2.3) fearmongering?
Yes they are fearmongering, but real! I object to see that so little is done in world politics. I do not understand why one is interested even if some of this problem. There seems to see the virtues of the Internet and those few "small" (compared to cyberterrorism) dangers of misinformation, hoaxes, pollution, ... But the dangers are there yet, very real.
3) All cybtoyens!
3.1) Let us act cybtoyen
A cybtoyen (contraction and cyber citizen) , is a citizen on the Internet. It is therefore of rights and duties to perform on the network to act for the common good, respect others, to create spaces for free expression, respect the laws in force, to assert his opinions as diverse as they are. ..
It is first of our role cybtoyen to ensure that the web is kept clean, to remove these cyber criminals, deter cyber-terrorists. As cybtoyen we need to ensure compliance with international and local laws, inform our citizens, assist future cybtoyens short, lead a citizen action network with all its features!
3.2) Role of the media
The media will have a primary role is to inform the public about the specifics of the Internet first. Internet has specific rules, precise, we had not known before. It is essential that the media always develop more programs, reports, news on the Internet.
Objective: To raise awareness of the dangers but also opportunities this new network.
Purpose: To ensure the viability of a self-administered by cybtoyens net, aided in their task necessarily by organizations and institutions which will take charge of enforcing the law and rules cybtoyennes.
3.3) Role of the school
The school is the key agency in the training of future cybtoyens. Not Cyber School, at best complement. Yes, a school physical good, real, human relationships with "physical". And within, programs clearly adapted to the new digital. Specific courses and lessons "intransdisciplinaires "Will be offered. By intransdisciplinaires" I mean between lessons on the digital network and other teachings. Obviously, this renovation programs will gradually. And the National Education has also understood the issues never ceasing to develop the ICT (Information Technology and Communication for Education) and assessing more students' skills. Nevertheless, it seems essential that such education is not only technical but focuses on the cybtoyenneté.
Cybercrime, more and more present on the web, in contrast with the methods used for fight against them. Real world political consideration must be made. Similarly, it is the responsibility of each of us to ensure this dream of a perfect web and combat cybercrime that our means: cybtoyens become! So when politicians really understand the need to ensure the sustainability of the web by protecting and putting the means to achieve this? Hopefully not too late ... except if you want the Apocalypse to the Internet ...
The digital revolution:
Web Development, cybercrime and the role of cybtoyen
Web Development, cybercrime and the role of cybtoyen
The web development, increasing its ownership by individuals, the development of its services generate a real digital revolution. The social and cultural practices are thereby disrupted, and this is not excluding the development of cybercrime.
So, how can the web development while fighting against this cyber crime? Cybercrime is inevitable?
1) The web tomorrow: ghetto trash, memorial or parallel life?
1.1) The Web is growing, its disadvantages too! The
web expands, offers more services online. No need to travel, you can do almost everything from home, even work. While social relations are essential (see my previous post), but the web offers a comprehensive range of services that save us considerable time: banking, orders, bookings, purchases, sales, rentals, information, ... But let's not exaggerate, we can never get rid of social relations. At least not until after tomorrow, our cognitive process is still far from ready.
But parallel to this development services accelerates cybercrime. Indeed, now the "Marseilles collars" have been replaced by spyware type Layered Service Provider "or" keylogger ". The criminals are in fact "brought" (by themselves) to adapt to these new networks, transactions "physical" (that is to say the withdrawals to distributors, purchases in shops by example) are less numerous.
1.2) What will become of the web?
Question to a wide range of responses has already been made. Difficult to project, although I think the web will always exist ... but may be worse off if one persists in as little deal. Web juggle huge cyberpoubelles, the cyberghettos (in the form of illegal sites gathering a community of cyber criminals), viruses and Trojan horses, ... and of course a website which will deal very own users. In sum, the web of tomorrow will be like tomorrow's society.
1.3) What to do?
The role of specialized agencies in the proper management and good performance of the web will be paramount. While there are already some organizations like the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), but it will actually develop specialized services: e-policy (for stop cyber-criminals), e-GIPN (to track and stop cyber-terrorists), e-hospitals (to treat the infected computers) ... Unfortunately, at present, these services are only marginal even if they operate in the shadows of the canvas.
1.4) Actions to take now
It is now time to act. Cybercrime is growing 2-3 times faster on the network that services responsible for ensuring the safety of the latter. Moreover, it is essential that these specialized services are growing, are more numerous and are assigned to specific tasks like what is done in the company "real". The risk is real: a hand-down cyber criminals on the network so undeniably causing death or worse I think, a cyberwar that has no consequences as virtual ...
2) From cyber cyberterrorism
2.1) If nothing is done ...
imagine that the web continues its growth: exponential growth of terrorism against a growth still soft virtual security services. These security services are quickly overwhelmed, and even attacked as they will be low. Their means control will be reduced, they disappear and leave the cyber-terrorists gain more or less officially the web. The best in this case being that they claim their detention web surfers know what to expect. But if they do not claimed, it would be more dangerous for users who leave necessarily trap, abuse, steal ...
2.2) Cyberterrorism and Terrorism "real" direct links!
You probably think that cyberterrorism does not pose a danger to the web? Think again! Cyberterrorism and Terrorism "real" are in direct link. Indeed, these are the same networks that manage these two "types" of terrorism. So one feeds the other, one secures the other ... Thus, if the cyber took hold of the network and consequently on the global economy, imagine the disaster!
2.3) fearmongering?
Yes they are fearmongering, but real! I object to see that so little is done in world politics. I do not understand why one is interested even if some of this problem. There seems to see the virtues of the Internet and those few "small" (compared to cyberterrorism) dangers of misinformation, hoaxes, pollution, ... But the dangers are there yet, very real.
3) All cybtoyens!
3.1) Let us act cybtoyen
A cybtoyen (contraction and cyber citizen) , is a citizen on the Internet. It is therefore of rights and duties to perform on the network to act for the common good, respect others, to create spaces for free expression, respect the laws in force, to assert his opinions as diverse as they are. ..
It is first of our role cybtoyen to ensure that the web is kept clean, to remove these cyber criminals, deter cyber-terrorists. As cybtoyen we need to ensure compliance with international and local laws, inform our citizens, assist future cybtoyens short, lead a citizen action network with all its features!
3.2) Role of the media
The media will have a primary role is to inform the public about the specifics of the Internet first. Internet has specific rules, precise, we had not known before. It is essential that the media always develop more programs, reports, news on the Internet.
Objective: To raise awareness of the dangers but also opportunities this new network.
Purpose: To ensure the viability of a self-administered by cybtoyens net, aided in their task necessarily by organizations and institutions which will take charge of enforcing the law and rules cybtoyennes.
3.3) Role of the school
The school is the key agency in the training of future cybtoyens. Not Cyber School, at best complement. Yes, a school physical good, real, human relationships with "physical". And within, programs clearly adapted to the new digital. Specific courses and lessons "intransdisciplinaires "Will be offered. By intransdisciplinaires" I mean between lessons on the digital network and other teachings. Obviously, this renovation programs will gradually. And the National Education has also understood the issues never ceasing to develop the ICT (Information Technology and Communication for Education) and assessing more students' skills. Nevertheless, it seems essential that such education is not only technical but focuses on the cybtoyenneté.
Cybercrime, more and more present on the web, in contrast with the methods used for fight against them. Real world political consideration must be made. Similarly, it is the responsibility of each of us to ensure this dream of a perfect web and combat cybercrime that our means: cybtoyens become! So when politicians really understand the need to ensure the sustainability of the web by protecting and putting the means to achieve this? Hopefully not too late ... except if you want the Apocalypse to the Internet ...
Monday, March 3, 2008
Windows Live Does Not Detect My Webcam
virtual social identity versus
Continued growth of the Internet grows ever more people to join more accurately the network. The number of hours of connections continues to grow, the result of the attractiveness of the Internet. Governments, associations, people call the world's population to reach the Internet. Also, joining the Internet one creates more or less consciously at least a virtual identity. Is this going to risk it?
1) Virtual Identity: a structure more or less conscious
1.1) An automatic construction
soon as we joined the Internet, let alone with the advent of Web 2.0, one creates a virtual identity. This may be done by simply using a nickname, but it is up to the creation of an avatar, an "I" is believed true to itself (but which can never be), an 'I' idealized ... or an "I" downgraded according to the psychology of each. Anyway this "I" will never be the virtual "I" real, at most a (pseudo) mirror of reality. Thus, with the Internet, we need to manage at least two identities: a social identity and virtual identity. The advantage of the virtual identity is that one can easily transform, idealizing the "fantasmréaliser. However, this simplicity of construction of identity is not without risk "derealization" (loss of sense of reality) or even "schizophrénisation" (a term deliberately aggressive but accurate reflection of the risks involved) ... or worse! social disconnection in favor of his virtual identity.
1.2) Identity Virtual banks and drifts
easy to restrict a virtual identity: it ends where the virtual access methods are closed.
Even more than our social identity disappearing gradually after our death (speed its disappearance being inversely proportional to the reputation we have been able to make him), our virtual identity remains immortal traces of its existence will always remain ... unless a large sweep of the Internet takes place one day ... This immortality, some Internet users are multiplying identities to be 10 times more immortal again! But the main drift: sinking into the virtual, lose their social identity in favor of this virtual identity, much simpler to manage, to give up. With its virtual identity, one has the right to life and death without this having any consequences for us, human. But excessive force in play, you dark. One dark world before this seemingly utopian but actually virtual! One dark before the easy management of its identity. One dark before these risk-taking without apparent consequences. I say "apparent" because the consequences may well exist in our real life. First with the risk of "schizophrénisation" as I said before, but also the human, financial, ... Indeed, our (our) identity (ies) virtual (s) is attached our real identity. Take the example of online casinos. You certainly create a virtual identity, but it is automatically and directly attached to your real life. This amounts to asking the question: do we dematerialization with Internet disconnects Does not reality?
2) Social identity, I hate you!
2.1) I will no longer be "me"!
After living the ideal of identity (ies) virtual (s) he must face the facts: every time it is the same, we must return to social identity. Ah! Métro, boulot, dodo! Ah! Records, meetings, promotions! Ah! Accidents, injury, injustice! Ah! Why can not I keep this "virtual me"? A "me" timeless, a "I" aspatial, a new "me" that I build my own way and demolished. So why even have this corporate identity? You can live with its virtual identity now: make a living, manage their accounts, repair his telephone line, order food, ... But we must not lose sight that this virtual identity is constructed through our social identity and usually its "idealization." A virtual identity can not be built without social identity although one is far from reflecting on the other we have seen. However, can not abandon our social identity somewhat after our virtual identity constructed? Probably not, because it would demolish alongside your social identity.
2.2) The "no-life" or virtual identity
deadly practice, observe the "no-life", those individuals who have (almost) no social life. Their virtual identity can not be reduced more than a simple avatar with very few interests, little energy, little virtual friends ... Brief an avatar that has only one destiny: to survive. And that's where all the gravity of the situation. By defining a virtual identity can not die, but for no-life "is their only identity, and if it disappears they are nothing, they are therefore virtually dead ... socially and therefore they have abandoned their social identity in favor of their virtual identity. It seems therefore essential to focus on what these no-life to acquire a new social identity, rebuilding slowly to finally break away from the grip of this virtual identity. A "no-life" is then always trapped, it can not backtrack ... unless we help!
3) As a common man to common immortal?
3.1) Who are we? And we
. You, me, them ... Where are we? How do we couplons virtual identity and social identity? Presumably, the current cocktail is quite simple to achieve: the social (mandatory) which is mixed with more or less virtual. But will we one day at a turning point, that is to say that our virtual identity is more important than our social identity? Or will we disappear completely over our social identity or "probably" will we become the sociovirtuelle?
3.2) Towards a virtual social identity?
Whither we tend? I do not think that will have virtual control over the real. Instead, both are complementary, just the right mix. So I think more than our social and virtual identities will have to intersect and enrich each other. Yes virtual identity also presents its utility: to dream, relax, relax, ... About our social identity: a must! Our brain needs physical human relationships, interaction with real elements, ...
Virtual Identity and social identity intersect each other and enrich each other. Do not have a virtual identity is inconsequential, even if it enhances social identity. But do not have a social identity is very dangerous: it disconnects us from reality, and even worse we did get scared! The whole question now is how far can we develop a virtual identity? What are and what are the consequences?
virtual identity versus social identity: we become mad?
Continued growth of the Internet grows ever more people to join more accurately the network. The number of hours of connections continues to grow, the result of the attractiveness of the Internet. Governments, associations, people call the world's population to reach the Internet. Also, joining the Internet one creates more or less consciously at least a virtual identity. Is this going to risk it?
1) Virtual Identity: a structure more or less conscious
1.1) An automatic construction
soon as we joined the Internet, let alone with the advent of Web 2.0, one creates a virtual identity. This may be done by simply using a nickname, but it is up to the creation of an avatar, an "I" is believed true to itself (but which can never be), an 'I' idealized ... or an "I" downgraded according to the psychology of each. Anyway this "I" will never be the virtual "I" real, at most a (pseudo) mirror of reality. Thus, with the Internet, we need to manage at least two identities: a social identity and virtual identity. The advantage of the virtual identity is that one can easily transform, idealizing the "fantasmréaliser. However, this simplicity of construction of identity is not without risk "derealization" (loss of sense of reality) or even "schizophrénisation" (a term deliberately aggressive but accurate reflection of the risks involved) ... or worse! social disconnection in favor of his virtual identity.
1.2) Identity Virtual banks and drifts
easy to restrict a virtual identity: it ends where the virtual access methods are closed.
Even more than our social identity disappearing gradually after our death (speed its disappearance being inversely proportional to the reputation we have been able to make him), our virtual identity remains immortal traces of its existence will always remain ... unless a large sweep of the Internet takes place one day ... This immortality, some Internet users are multiplying identities to be 10 times more immortal again! But the main drift: sinking into the virtual, lose their social identity in favor of this virtual identity, much simpler to manage, to give up. With its virtual identity, one has the right to life and death without this having any consequences for us, human. But excessive force in play, you dark. One dark world before this seemingly utopian but actually virtual! One dark before the easy management of its identity. One dark before these risk-taking without apparent consequences. I say "apparent" because the consequences may well exist in our real life. First with the risk of "schizophrénisation" as I said before, but also the human, financial, ... Indeed, our (our) identity (ies) virtual (s) is attached our real identity. Take the example of online casinos. You certainly create a virtual identity, but it is automatically and directly attached to your real life. This amounts to asking the question: do we dematerialization with Internet disconnects Does not reality?
2) Social identity, I hate you!
2.1) I will no longer be "me"!
After living the ideal of identity (ies) virtual (s) he must face the facts: every time it is the same, we must return to social identity. Ah! Métro, boulot, dodo! Ah! Records, meetings, promotions! Ah! Accidents, injury, injustice! Ah! Why can not I keep this "virtual me"? A "me" timeless, a "I" aspatial, a new "me" that I build my own way and demolished. So why even have this corporate identity? You can live with its virtual identity now: make a living, manage their accounts, repair his telephone line, order food, ... But we must not lose sight that this virtual identity is constructed through our social identity and usually its "idealization." A virtual identity can not be built without social identity although one is far from reflecting on the other we have seen. However, can not abandon our social identity somewhat after our virtual identity constructed? Probably not, because it would demolish alongside your social identity.
2.2) The "no-life" or virtual identity
deadly practice, observe the "no-life", those individuals who have (almost) no social life. Their virtual identity can not be reduced more than a simple avatar with very few interests, little energy, little virtual friends ... Brief an avatar that has only one destiny: to survive. And that's where all the gravity of the situation. By defining a virtual identity can not die, but for no-life "is their only identity, and if it disappears they are nothing, they are therefore virtually dead ... socially and therefore they have abandoned their social identity in favor of their virtual identity. It seems therefore essential to focus on what these no-life to acquire a new social identity, rebuilding slowly to finally break away from the grip of this virtual identity. A "no-life" is then always trapped, it can not backtrack ... unless we help!
3) As a common man to common immortal?
3.1) Who are we? And we
. You, me, them ... Where are we? How do we couplons virtual identity and social identity? Presumably, the current cocktail is quite simple to achieve: the social (mandatory) which is mixed with more or less virtual. But will we one day at a turning point, that is to say that our virtual identity is more important than our social identity? Or will we disappear completely over our social identity or "probably" will we become the sociovirtuelle?
3.2) Towards a virtual social identity?
Whither we tend? I do not think that will have virtual control over the real. Instead, both are complementary, just the right mix. So I think more than our social and virtual identities will have to intersect and enrich each other. Yes virtual identity also presents its utility: to dream, relax, relax, ... About our social identity: a must! Our brain needs physical human relationships, interaction with real elements, ...
Virtual Identity and social identity intersect each other and enrich each other. Do not have a virtual identity is inconsequential, even if it enhances social identity. But do not have a social identity is very dangerous: it disconnects us from reality, and even worse we did get scared! The whole question now is how far can we develop a virtual identity? What are and what are the consequences?
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Pokemon Mobile Games Dowloads
E-paper, digital ink: a new reading? Not
It's been a few years the technology of e-paper is developed. However, technology does not seem to draw crowds, just a few curious. But this technology will become Does not the future digital books?
1) E-Paper: quesako?
I will not go into the technical features of e-paper (which also beyond me somewhat). E-Paper is actually a digital paper (this term also refers more specifically the digital newspaper) , that is to say, he can read texts generated on the fly "through the Digital Ink. The digital ink is a technical device that can generate texts, not via the LCD, but directly on the paper. This E-paper offers a close reading comfort of reading a book "paper". Technology continues to evolve with other research for e-papers more flexible, handy, light. The goal is to provide a comfortable reading. Indeed, have you ever tried to read texts of several dozen pages on a conventional screen? It is already difficult to concentrate, tired eyes it is not pleasant. E-paper to that effect is real (r) evolution: to provide a comfortable reading with all the advantages of digital.
2) E-Paper: towards an ideal of reading?
2.1) A personal library of a few square centimeters!
The E-paper will combine ease of reading and all the advantages of digital can change text in one second, annotate the text, combining reading and taking notes without having to manage a pile of paper to read anything n 'Wherever ... In sum, it would walk his own library in just a few square centimeters (the size of e-paper actually).
2.2) The newspaper in real time!
Marc Tessier's report on "the challenge of digital media" stressed the importance for the media to adapt to new technologies. This has already been well treated by the big media groups that offer what's happening in real time on their website. Well thanks to e-paper, everyone can read the news in real time, as if reading his newspaper. From
daily newspaper is going to go to the newspaper in real time! However, this induces an Internet connection possible from any location and Wifi. In addition, this implies that the rates for this information in real time are relatively low ... which implies that only relatively wealthy income earners can afford this (purchase of e-paper, payment of the subscription, ...). The issue of access to information in real time is then asked the Democratic ...
3) E-Paper and Paper "Paper": an essential complementarity!
Michel Melot, Registrar General of Libraries in retirement, says although a digital book is not a book. It thus implies that the relationship we have with the book: touching, feeling its history, the ability to easily manipulate the pleasure of turning pages, ... A recorded history of writing is at stake
However, according to the benefits of e-paper previously raised, we must not abandon the progress that is digital. So I think that e-paper will present a particular utility for recent events, while the book's purpose heritage. While e-paper has the advantage of simple conservation of collections and a number of players at the same time the same infinite text, but the book keeps much more: it preserves the memories of his readers (annotations, tasks , torn pages, ...), it offers an unrivaled pleasure (like why do we read?) ... A child can he feel the same pleasure to read that if we do not offer him that e-paper? You say that I certainly personifies the book, I offer him the virtues that can happen. Certainly. But why deprive yourself of such pleasure?
In short, digital is definitely a source of progress. Development it is imperative to consider and even encouraged as it provides benefits. However, technological change is not free and this is a free main obstacle to overcome in order to ensure democratic access to these technologies ... Remember Societies knowledge desired by UNESCO. As for the traditional book, it is essential to keep: the joy of reading depends on it and I am convinced it is the only tool that allows young people to access this desire, this need to read.
short, very digital useful for news in real time and its practical applications, the "paper" to access the essential pleasure of reading.
Evolve does not necessarily mean abandoning the past.
Evolve is accepting and encouraging progress, while retaining the traditional media that must accompany the future.
Revolution "E-paper
(Journal paper or digital)
(Journal paper or digital)
It's been a few years the technology of e-paper is developed. However, technology does not seem to draw crowds, just a few curious. But this technology will become Does not the future digital books?
1) E-Paper: quesako?
I will not go into the technical features of e-paper (which also beyond me somewhat). E-Paper is actually a digital paper (this term also refers more specifically the digital newspaper) , that is to say, he can read texts generated on the fly "through the Digital Ink. The digital ink is a technical device that can generate texts, not via the LCD, but directly on the paper. This E-paper offers a close reading comfort of reading a book "paper". Technology continues to evolve with other research for e-papers more flexible, handy, light. The goal is to provide a comfortable reading. Indeed, have you ever tried to read texts of several dozen pages on a conventional screen? It is already difficult to concentrate, tired eyes it is not pleasant. E-paper to that effect is real (r) evolution: to provide a comfortable reading with all the advantages of digital.
2) E-Paper: towards an ideal of reading?
2.1) A personal library of a few square centimeters!
The E-paper will combine ease of reading and all the advantages of digital can change text in one second, annotate the text, combining reading and taking notes without having to manage a pile of paper to read anything n 'Wherever ... In sum, it would walk his own library in just a few square centimeters (the size of e-paper actually).
2.2) The newspaper in real time!
Marc Tessier's report on "the challenge of digital media" stressed the importance for the media to adapt to new technologies. This has already been well treated by the big media groups that offer what's happening in real time on their website. Well thanks to e-paper, everyone can read the news in real time, as if reading his newspaper. From
daily newspaper is going to go to the newspaper in real time! However, this induces an Internet connection possible from any location and Wifi. In addition, this implies that the rates for this information in real time are relatively low ... which implies that only relatively wealthy income earners can afford this (purchase of e-paper, payment of the subscription, ...). The issue of access to information in real time is then asked the Democratic ...
3) E-Paper and Paper "Paper": an essential complementarity!
Michel Melot, Registrar General of Libraries in retirement, says although a digital book is not a book. It thus implies that the relationship we have with the book: touching, feeling its history, the ability to easily manipulate the pleasure of turning pages, ... A recorded history of writing is at stake
However, according to the benefits of e-paper previously raised, we must not abandon the progress that is digital. So I think that e-paper will present a particular utility for recent events, while the book's purpose heritage. While e-paper has the advantage of simple conservation of collections and a number of players at the same time the same infinite text, but the book keeps much more: it preserves the memories of his readers (annotations, tasks , torn pages, ...), it offers an unrivaled pleasure (like why do we read?) ... A child can he feel the same pleasure to read that if we do not offer him that e-paper? You say that I certainly personifies the book, I offer him the virtues that can happen. Certainly. But why deprive yourself of such pleasure?
In short, digital is definitely a source of progress. Development it is imperative to consider and even encouraged as it provides benefits. However, technological change is not free and this is a free main obstacle to overcome in order to ensure democratic access to these technologies ... Remember Societies knowledge desired by UNESCO. As for the traditional book, it is essential to keep: the joy of reading depends on it and I am convinced it is the only tool that allows young people to access this desire, this need to read.
short, very digital useful for news in real time and its practical applications, the "paper" to access the essential pleasure of reading.
Evolve does not necessarily mean abandoning the past.
Evolve is accepting and encouraging progress, while retaining the traditional media that must accompany the future.
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