The digital revolution:
Web Development, cybercrime and the role of cybtoyen
Web Development, cybercrime and the role of cybtoyen
The web development, increasing its ownership by individuals, the development of its services generate a real digital revolution. The social and cultural practices are thereby disrupted, and this is not excluding the development of cybercrime.
So, how can the web development while fighting against this cyber crime? Cybercrime is inevitable?
1) The web tomorrow: ghetto trash, memorial or parallel life?
1.1) The Web is growing, its disadvantages too! The
web expands, offers more services online. No need to travel, you can do almost everything from home, even work. While social relations are essential (see my previous post), but the web offers a comprehensive range of services that save us considerable time: banking, orders, bookings, purchases, sales, rentals, information, ... But let's not exaggerate, we can never get rid of social relations. At least not until after tomorrow, our cognitive process is still far from ready.
But parallel to this development services accelerates cybercrime. Indeed, now the "Marseilles collars" have been replaced by spyware type Layered Service Provider "or" keylogger ". The criminals are in fact "brought" (by themselves) to adapt to these new networks, transactions "physical" (that is to say the withdrawals to distributors, purchases in shops by example) are less numerous.
1.2) What will become of the web?
Question to a wide range of responses has already been made. Difficult to project, although I think the web will always exist ... but may be worse off if one persists in as little deal. Web juggle huge cyberpoubelles, the cyberghettos (in the form of illegal sites gathering a community of cyber criminals), viruses and Trojan horses, ... and of course a website which will deal very own users. In sum, the web of tomorrow will be like tomorrow's society.
1.3) What to do?
The role of specialized agencies in the proper management and good performance of the web will be paramount. While there are already some organizations like the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), but it will actually develop specialized services: e-policy (for stop cyber-criminals), e-GIPN (to track and stop cyber-terrorists), e-hospitals (to treat the infected computers) ... Unfortunately, at present, these services are only marginal even if they operate in the shadows of the canvas.
1.4) Actions to take now
It is now time to act. Cybercrime is growing 2-3 times faster on the network that services responsible for ensuring the safety of the latter. Moreover, it is essential that these specialized services are growing, are more numerous and are assigned to specific tasks like what is done in the company "real". The risk is real: a hand-down cyber criminals on the network so undeniably causing death or worse I think, a cyberwar that has no consequences as virtual ...
2) From cyber cyberterrorism
2.1) If nothing is done ...
imagine that the web continues its growth: exponential growth of terrorism against a growth still soft virtual security services. These security services are quickly overwhelmed, and even attacked as they will be low. Their means control will be reduced, they disappear and leave the cyber-terrorists gain more or less officially the web. The best in this case being that they claim their detention web surfers know what to expect. But if they do not claimed, it would be more dangerous for users who leave necessarily trap, abuse, steal ...
2.2) Cyberterrorism and Terrorism "real" direct links!
You probably think that cyberterrorism does not pose a danger to the web? Think again! Cyberterrorism and Terrorism "real" are in direct link. Indeed, these are the same networks that manage these two "types" of terrorism. So one feeds the other, one secures the other ... Thus, if the cyber took hold of the network and consequently on the global economy, imagine the disaster!
2.3) fearmongering?
Yes they are fearmongering, but real! I object to see that so little is done in world politics. I do not understand why one is interested even if some of this problem. There seems to see the virtues of the Internet and those few "small" (compared to cyberterrorism) dangers of misinformation, hoaxes, pollution, ... But the dangers are there yet, very real.
3) All cybtoyens!
3.1) Let us act cybtoyen
A cybtoyen (contraction and cyber citizen) , is a citizen on the Internet. It is therefore of rights and duties to perform on the network to act for the common good, respect others, to create spaces for free expression, respect the laws in force, to assert his opinions as diverse as they are. ..
It is first of our role cybtoyen to ensure that the web is kept clean, to remove these cyber criminals, deter cyber-terrorists. As cybtoyen we need to ensure compliance with international and local laws, inform our citizens, assist future cybtoyens short, lead a citizen action network with all its features!
3.2) Role of the media
The media will have a primary role is to inform the public about the specifics of the Internet first. Internet has specific rules, precise, we had not known before. It is essential that the media always develop more programs, reports, news on the Internet.
Objective: To raise awareness of the dangers but also opportunities this new network.
Purpose: To ensure the viability of a self-administered by cybtoyens net, aided in their task necessarily by organizations and institutions which will take charge of enforcing the law and rules cybtoyennes.
3.3) Role of the school
The school is the key agency in the training of future cybtoyens. Not Cyber School, at best complement. Yes, a school physical good, real, human relationships with "physical". And within, programs clearly adapted to the new digital. Specific courses and lessons "intransdisciplinaires "Will be offered. By intransdisciplinaires" I mean between lessons on the digital network and other teachings. Obviously, this renovation programs will gradually. And the National Education has also understood the issues never ceasing to develop the ICT (Information Technology and Communication for Education) and assessing more students' skills. Nevertheless, it seems essential that such education is not only technical but focuses on the cybtoyenneté.
Cybercrime, more and more present on the web, in contrast with the methods used for fight against them. Real world political consideration must be made. Similarly, it is the responsibility of each of us to ensure this dream of a perfect web and combat cybercrime that our means: cybtoyens become! So when politicians really understand the need to ensure the sustainability of the web by protecting and putting the means to achieve this? Hopefully not too late ... except if you want the Apocalypse to the Internet ...
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