Saturday, March 15, 2008

Does Edible Glitter Dissolve



I am embittered and traumatized to the haunting ballads of individuals faced with intolerable drift of justice. I had the opportunity, in other circumstances, to say what I think of corruption within the unit judiciary. I do not want to go again in the examination of this sensitive issue that gave rise to significant and noteworthy findings of the most distinguished personalities of the intellectual class and the highest state authorities. But there are definitely situations that must be denounced and even abandon because they are unacceptable.

I recently learned that the inmate in whose favor an order released is issued should be paid to the bailiff, the messenger or agent of the penitentiary bearer thereof, between two hundred and fifty to three hundred bottles for that said order is executed. What does this mean? And if the jailed person has no money, what will happen? What about asking justices to five thousand bottles to verbalize theft or homicide, criminal offenses for which legally they should not claim any fees? They know full well that the findings are free criminal, yet they extort litigants. Not to mention the clerks who develop judgments or acts of adoption by getting free pay in U.S. currency in defiance of the new tariffs judicial force. Justice is abused by those who should contribute the same to its effectiveness and to his credit. What a pity!

That will surprise no one if I say that by temperament I am a revolutionary. But this is certainly not the case for everyone. In fact, what I mean by that, things could really change if each put his own. Other players in the system should, too, engage in battle because as the old saying goes: "A discourse on the woman by a man is always suspect, but a discourse on the woman by three men became terribly disturbing. "It is not for me alone to denounce corruption and irregularities that plague the Haitian justice. The other judges must do the same if not ... well, otherwise there is a problem. Maybe my colleagues do not agree with what I do, if that were the case, I should immediately put an end to my rashness and draw conclusions. Send

criminals in jail, fighting corruption, investigating drug traffickers is ... nothing. I do every day and I'll do as I will perform the function of judge. Hearing of witnesses, issue warrants, to commission ... it's my job. Implement review of kidnappers, criminals, rapists, confront dangers ... it's my job ... I assure. I can spend hours and hours in my office ... I cook a defendant can withstand the hatred and the icy stare of my enemies, but receive the kiss of Judas some colleagues ... I refuse.

Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti


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