A cascade of events within a week: the association established by the Chamber of Criminal Investigation, police top brass with the crime bosses, the mare proved some of them, placing the blame on the investigation service in the North, called to explain certain issues, issuing subpoenas, and to bring justice by filing ... the question police is now central to the debate on security. The main Haitian police force defends it effectively citizens against the kidnappers?
The finding is unequivocal: the problem of efficiency of the Police Nationale d'Haiti is posed to the same extent as that of the moralization of society. The number and status of police officers involved in kidnapping against ransom illustrate the state of disrepair which is currently the police institution. Bandits, lawless, made their fortunes without being challenged. Some were, with the complicity of some police officers, to create genuine criminal enterprises. How to acknowledge the justice of laxity and weakness when its secular arm is corrupt to the bone?
State comes to criminals. Officials in sensitive positions within the police work hand in hand with the mafia, to the point where even the information classified "Top Secret" level of the public body are known in Mafia circles. We can legitimately expect that this has negative effects on the quality of judges' work and reduce the effectiveness of the implementation of laws. This situation may still take a long time?
Mere police roll in brand new cars, live dream homes, living above their means by displaying material wealth that even the senior police hierarchy can not afford. Under the guise convenient fight against insecurity, they engage in illicit activities such as: kidnapping, racketeering, drug trafficking, etc. ... How does one behavioral category include these agents of the devil if not the bastards?
The police unit, the only state security forces operating on the territory since the demobilization of the Army of Haiti in 1994, is a central tool of the construction the rule of law. Its fundamental role is to protect life and property of citizens against criminals. A poorly paid and corrupt police are easy prey for the''godfathers.'' It must be, like the judiciary, free from corrupt drives. It must be remembered that these two institutions are made of individualities whose resilience to financial wealth must be constantly reinforced through supervision and encouragement.
Although, in retrospect, a remarkable commitment has been found, and the Haitian police is still in the crosshairs of the Justice and population. Those who try to exploit it or use it for improper purposes will play their destiny. The message today is to tell the kidnappers that they can no longer count on the help of some policemen. The rude awakening of the judiciary deal with this situation is beneficial. It came just in time to stop the tumor mafia connections.
are reports of outrageous links between police and mafia. In truth, those who have chosen to use dirty money to supplement their month-end checks have indeed crossed the mirror. Those who trade removal targeted their source of enrichment must know that sooner or later they will be rooted out for ever in our society. Those who chose corruption will soon be out of harm's way and laundering. The public is waiting impatiently gestures strong and keeps repeating in all forms: "Down with the bastards! Saura does one find men and women to accomplish this work of public health? I call justice. Provided that it crack down!
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Roughneck Garbage Can Lids
I learn life with its many twists and fears
I am very gently to stifle my complaints ...
Simply and sincerely for the sake of Law.
I learn to roll with the sword constantly
I am very small to achieve intoxication,
In truth, I will go to the grave ... for the Right.
I learn the ten letters of the word STRENGTH
I am often invisible such as silence,
I accept my position on behalf of Law.
I learn the Gospels to challenge the devil, I'm
wise, courteous, polite, friendly,
Because I'm madly in love with the law. I'm learning to cope
storms and hurricanes, I am humble
without my consent,
To show the world how much I love the law. I'm learning to move
plains and campaigns, Heaven and Earth, I'm
moderation to calm nerves,
The storm blast me if this is not the Right.
I learn to be however as always we want, I'm
operate and it comes out happy,
Why, if not for God's Law? I learn
also good and I enjoy the exquisite
I am insensitive to my youth and his cries, I'll start ...
love for the law.
sometimes I learn to be silent magistrate, I am naïve
, believing the saints of heaven,
One explanation ... my penchant for the law.
finally I learn to laugh and cry in the dark, I am
sadness for the future that looks bleak,
I swear on the grave of my father, the Right Hon.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
This 14 July 2008
I learn life with its many twists and fears
I am very gently to stifle my complaints ...
Simply and sincerely for the sake of Law.
I learn to roll with the sword constantly
I am very small to achieve intoxication,
In truth, I will go to the grave ... for the Right.
I learn the ten letters of the word STRENGTH
I am often invisible such as silence,
I accept my position on behalf of Law.
I learn the Gospels to challenge the devil, I'm
wise, courteous, polite, friendly,
Because I'm madly in love with the law. I'm learning to cope
storms and hurricanes, I am humble
without my consent,
To show the world how much I love the law. I'm learning to move
plains and campaigns, Heaven and Earth, I'm
moderation to calm nerves,
The storm blast me if this is not the Right.
I learn to be however as always we want, I'm
operate and it comes out happy,
Why, if not for God's Law? I learn
also good and I enjoy the exquisite
I am insensitive to my youth and his cries, I'll start ...
love for the law.
sometimes I learn to be silent magistrate, I am naïve
, believing the saints of heaven,
One explanation ... my penchant for the law.
finally I learn to laugh and cry in the dark, I am
sadness for the future that looks bleak,
I swear on the grave of my father, the Right Hon.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
This 14 July 2008
Read more ...
Friday, July 11, 2008
Where Can I Buy Thick Paper]
Balak - The beginnings of communism ... The
Balak Torah is a very likeable. Limit comic.
You know, the history of the type ( Balaam ) which has the power to curse recognized throughout the galaxy, which is begging the great king Balak to curse Israel go, which it tries repeatedly and instead of cursing, produces the most beautiful words that have been said about the Jewish people, just before the speech Nicolas Sarkozy in the Knesset (it's a joke, even if the speech was indeed a very beautiful place). Such beautiful words (those of Balaam) that the sages of our tradition have even included some in the daily office.
"My Tovou Ohalekha Yaakov, Israel Mishkenotekha"
"beautiful are your tents Yaakov, your dwelling place O Israel!" .
Well me it makes me laugh more, especially when you imagine the head of the Sponsor who cheated three times on the nature of the benefit. More
bonus episode of the ass who refuses to move forward and starts speaking, it's almost the Louis de Funès.
But there is a passage that has always intrigued me is the beginning. Balak sends messengers to his first convince Balaam to come and curse Israel.
He told them, stay that night I checked what God wants. God asks him what's going on ... and good God, he denies that this prophet of evil curse his people go. Until then, all very normal. Except that
Balak decides to return to the charge and return others. Balaam answered them the same (or almost), check with God and this time, God agrees to let him go curse his people.
I always found it odd. If he knew able to control what Balak said, then he let go the first time! And if the curse is in itself bad, then why allow it? And we do not really see what has changed between the first and the second time so that we are witnessing a radical change.
I found an answer very interesting and quite consistent with the theme of the Torah in an explanation of Rav Frand , a contemporary American Rabbi, Maggid shiur (Professor) Ner Israel Yeshiva in Baltimore, which I appreciate the explanations. Rav Frand
analyzes differences there are two passages between envoys of Balak. The second time, Balak sends messengers "Rabim veNikhbadim meel" , "More and more respected than the first" .
Well OK, but we do not really see it change except that it has sent ministers to the position of secretary of state.
Balak's message changes a little. This time he wants to " with honors" Ki Khaved akhavedekha Meod ".
Ah, Balak takes him through feelings! I will bring you to the Elysee Palace, with all the television cameras, etc., etc. ... Is it at the time, it walking too?
Let's see the response to see if Balaam pocket: "
" Even if Balak gave me money and gold all over his palace, I could not contravene the order of the Lord my God, no way. And now, please wait here for you, too, that night, I know that the Lord has yet to tell me. "
Well apparently he is adamant that Balaam. But why God let him go? Reply God "Im Bau Lekha Likro Anachim, Kum Lekh ITAM"
"If these people have come to summon you, get up and go with them."
But also the first time they came to summon! What has changed?! Let
Rashi. Rashi explains that one must understand "If these people came to pay you " .
Well, why not . And then, what difference does it make whether paid?
It changes everything, says Rabbi Frand! And the answer of Balaam, it must be read with the air of Daniel Prevost La Vérité si je mens: "and in fact you do not forget the little basket of the bride!" You know, little account Hong Kong "
The " Even if I gave money and gold all over his palace, " if we imagine the scene, one sees the looks a bit greedy of Balaam now pass them a message not so subliminal: "Guys, if you want us to do business, we'll have to checkout."
So why is Does it change everything? Because between the first and second time, Balaam has changed its approach.
He went from a completely disinterested (I curse Israel because I feel deep within myself that's what I should do, although I will derive no personal benefit) to a much more interested (I curse Israel if I have access to the respect and wealth).
Jewish tradition knows this distinction: it is possible to respect the will of God lichma (selflessly) as do lo lichma (because I'm afraid of divine retribution or because I think it will bring me the future world, or more subtly, because I think that respecting Shabbat brings personal balance).
The Torah, especially Maimonides , does not to have an approach lo lichma , interested. Because it is often simpler, more human. But it is clear that the goal is the respect of mitzvot completely disinterested. This is the ultimate sophistication spiritual approach that has more value but is also the most dangerous.
God knows. Let a man, provided many powers in a selfless enterprise is a major risk to take. Because there are good chances that this venture is successful. Rav Frand
says that Rav Schwab used to give an example of this fundamental difference, the long saga of communism. In the early twentieth century, masses of young Jews fleeing the yeshivot to go and embrace the noble cause of communism. Their goal was to change the world. To make it better. They were disinterested. It was a force Lichma. That's basically why it was so powerful. When a young Jewish
paraded with the Bolsheviks, some parents and rabbis were crying. Others acknowledged that they could not deny is that these young people were drawn by an ideal greater than themselves. They chose their destiny without taking into account their personal interest. This disinterestedness, he proves that All is not lost. It's just that evil energy is channeled. But it's much more worthy of respect for Jewish tradition that some contemporary situations that tend to wallow in material comforts.
On another note, Nazism was also a selfless experience. Proof? While Nazi Germany was losing the war, she was exposed on two fronts, and she had to allocate resources to the war effort, she continued to expend energy to drive crazy and deport Jews in extermination camps. Relief can be extremely dangerous, but it is also fascinating and revealing a kind of divine power (one could develop, but this is not the point here).
short, when is that communism has lost? When the approach has changed. When the idealists of the first hour turned into a greedy nomenklatura privileges and material comfort.
Similarly, Balaam "breaks the charm" when it comes to money. His intentions are not as pure business risk failure. God can then let him go.
Reading the passage from start to finish with this explanation in mind, the text suddenly becomes clear.
But it forces us to ask us a question we reached dizzying in our most intimate daily: is it still possible in the XXI century, the century of the society of spectacle and consumption, opting for an approach that selfless? Yes when it comes to blow up planes on the towers. But more positively?
Balak Torah is a very likeable. Limit comic.
You know, the history of the type ( Balaam ) which has the power to curse recognized throughout the galaxy, which is begging the great king Balak to curse Israel go, which it tries repeatedly and instead of cursing, produces the most beautiful words that have been said about the Jewish people, just before the speech Nicolas Sarkozy in the Knesset (it's a joke, even if the speech was indeed a very beautiful place). Such beautiful words (those of Balaam) that the sages of our tradition have even included some in the daily office.
"My Tovou Ohalekha Yaakov, Israel Mishkenotekha"
"beautiful are your tents Yaakov, your dwelling place O Israel!" .
Well me it makes me laugh more, especially when you imagine the head of the Sponsor who cheated three times on the nature of the benefit. More
bonus episode of the ass who refuses to move forward and starts speaking, it's almost the Louis de Funès.
But there is a passage that has always intrigued me is the beginning. Balak sends messengers to his first convince Balaam to come and curse Israel.
He told them, stay that night I checked what God wants. God asks him what's going on ... and good God, he denies that this prophet of evil curse his people go. Until then, all very normal. Except that
Balak decides to return to the charge and return others. Balaam answered them the same (or almost), check with God and this time, God agrees to let him go curse his people.
I always found it odd. If he knew able to control what Balak said, then he let go the first time! And if the curse is in itself bad, then why allow it? And we do not really see what has changed between the first and the second time so that we are witnessing a radical change.
I found an answer very interesting and quite consistent with the theme of the Torah in an explanation of Rav Frand , a contemporary American Rabbi, Maggid shiur (Professor) Ner Israel Yeshiva in Baltimore, which I appreciate the explanations. Rav Frand
analyzes differences there are two passages between envoys of Balak. The second time, Balak sends messengers "Rabim veNikhbadim meel" , "More and more respected than the first" .
Well OK, but we do not really see it change except that it has sent ministers to the position of secretary of state.
Balak's message changes a little. This time he wants to " with honors" Ki Khaved akhavedekha Meod ".
Ah, Balak takes him through feelings! I will bring you to the Elysee Palace, with all the television cameras, etc., etc. ... Is it at the time, it walking too?
Let's see the response to see if Balaam pocket: "
" Even if Balak gave me money and gold all over his palace, I could not contravene the order of the Lord my God, no way. And now, please wait here for you, too, that night, I know that the Lord has yet to tell me. "
Well apparently he is adamant that Balaam. But why God let him go? Reply God "Im Bau Lekha Likro Anachim, Kum Lekh ITAM"
"If these people have come to summon you, get up and go with them."
But also the first time they came to summon! What has changed?! Let
Rashi. Rashi explains that one must understand "If these people came to pay you " .
Well, why not . And then, what difference does it make whether paid?
It changes everything, says Rabbi Frand! And the answer of Balaam, it must be read with the air of Daniel Prevost La Vérité si je mens: "and in fact you do not forget the little basket of the bride!" You know, little account Hong Kong "
The " Even if I gave money and gold all over his palace, " if we imagine the scene, one sees the looks a bit greedy of Balaam now pass them a message not so subliminal: "Guys, if you want us to do business, we'll have to checkout."
So why is Does it change everything? Because between the first and second time, Balaam has changed its approach.
He went from a completely disinterested (I curse Israel because I feel deep within myself that's what I should do, although I will derive no personal benefit) to a much more interested (I curse Israel if I have access to the respect and wealth).
Jewish tradition knows this distinction: it is possible to respect the will of God lichma (selflessly) as do lo lichma (because I'm afraid of divine retribution or because I think it will bring me the future world, or more subtly, because I think that respecting Shabbat brings personal balance).
The Torah, especially Maimonides , does not to have an approach lo lichma , interested. Because it is often simpler, more human. But it is clear that the goal is the respect of mitzvot completely disinterested. This is the ultimate sophistication spiritual approach that has more value but is also the most dangerous.
God knows. Let a man, provided many powers in a selfless enterprise is a major risk to take. Because there are good chances that this venture is successful. Rav Frand
says that Rav Schwab used to give an example of this fundamental difference, the long saga of communism. In the early twentieth century, masses of young Jews fleeing the yeshivot to go and embrace the noble cause of communism. Their goal was to change the world. To make it better. They were disinterested. It was a force Lichma. That's basically why it was so powerful. When a young Jewish
paraded with the Bolsheviks, some parents and rabbis were crying. Others acknowledged that they could not deny is that these young people were drawn by an ideal greater than themselves. They chose their destiny without taking into account their personal interest. This disinterestedness, he proves that All is not lost. It's just that evil energy is channeled. But it's much more worthy of respect for Jewish tradition that some contemporary situations that tend to wallow in material comforts.
On another note, Nazism was also a selfless experience. Proof? While Nazi Germany was losing the war, she was exposed on two fronts, and she had to allocate resources to the war effort, she continued to expend energy to drive crazy and deport Jews in extermination camps. Relief can be extremely dangerous, but it is also fascinating and revealing a kind of divine power (one could develop, but this is not the point here).
short, when is that communism has lost? When the approach has changed. When the idealists of the first hour turned into a greedy nomenklatura privileges and material comfort.
Similarly, Balaam "breaks the charm" when it comes to money. His intentions are not as pure business risk failure. God can then let him go.
Reading the passage from start to finish with this explanation in mind, the text suddenly becomes clear.
But it forces us to ask us a question we reached dizzying in our most intimate daily: is it still possible in the XXI century, the century of the society of spectacle and consumption, opting for an approach that selfless? Yes when it comes to blow up planes on the towers. But more positively?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Have Not Done Any Comunity Sirvice Highschool
7 days - Shiva
The 7 days is a recently released Israeli film, directed by Ronit and Shlomi Elkabetz.
Ronit Elkabetz is one of the largest Israeli actresses of the moment, we could see in particular Voyage of the band or in Take woman who is actually the first episode of a trilogy announced around the character of Vivian, played by Ronit Elkabetz again.
The subject is simple: in 91, during the Gulf War, in a family of 2 sisters and 6 brothers, Maurice, one of the brothers dies prematurely. The whole family is Shiva, that is to say that she respects the rules of mourning imposed by the Jewish tradition during the 7 days after the burial of the deceased. You must eat on the floor, receiving guests, do not eat meat, etc, etc. .... It is a special time during which we concentrated only on grief (some say: for movement and then to find a life ...)
whole family lives, eats and sleeps together for 7 days in the house of the brother and his wife. Obviously, the family includes brothers-and sisters-in some children, close friends of the family, etc. ... As can be imagined, this long camera generates tension, old grudges resurface in short, human feelings captured with great skill by the directors, greatly helped by the beautiful game for some players.
And then towards the end of the film, all the protagonists find themselves in Germany and roam in the subway when a band of skinheads attacked them. True to what we imagine a Mossad agent, it neutralises the three shots spoon Krav Maga. But what literally slap at that time the film is that the German language rises from the depths of its history and it brought out a big "Raus" more a tirade in German.
And only this time the film you realize that all parents and grandparents spoke German man, they were certainly fond of German culture and language as one of the most incorporation of their lives. And even for this agent, having the German language is fully involved in its identity.
The revival of Hebrew in Israel is certainly one of the most amazing feats of the Jewish nation the twentieth century. But we must not forget that it was sometimes built on a negation of the original languages: Ben-Gurion in particular led a struggle against the no thank you he considered Yiddish as the language of exile.
Yet this diversity of languages and therefore, structures of thought that has in part produced the wealth of the Jewish people. This linguistic richness continues in Israel, just need some movies from time to time to remind us ...
PS: At the same time I was writing this post, I learned that Israel was such an international platform for the dubbing of films because of the large number of languages spoken in this country technologically advanced. Who would have thought?

Ronit Elkabetz is one of the largest Israeli actresses of the moment, we could see in particular Voyage of the band or in Take woman who is actually the first episode of a trilogy announced around the character of Vivian, played by Ronit Elkabetz again.
The subject is simple: in 91, during the Gulf War, in a family of 2 sisters and 6 brothers, Maurice, one of the brothers dies prematurely. The whole family is Shiva, that is to say that she respects the rules of mourning imposed by the Jewish tradition during the 7 days after the burial of the deceased. You must eat on the floor, receiving guests, do not eat meat, etc, etc. .... It is a special time during which we concentrated only on grief (some say: for movement and then to find a life ...)
whole family lives, eats and sleeps together for 7 days in the house of the brother and his wife. Obviously, the family includes brothers-and sisters-in some children, close friends of the family, etc. ... As can be imagined, this long camera generates tension, old grudges resurface in short, human feelings captured with great skill by the directors, greatly helped by the beautiful game for some players.
Ronit Alkabetz addition, mention may be made Simon Abkarian , French actor that fans of Cedric Klapisch familiar (the Cat's , Neither for nor against (quite the contrary) ) and fans of espionage have been seen in Casino Royale, the first James Bond with Daniel Craig. But also the beautiful Yael Abecassis , mother courage Live and Become , or more recently in Surviving with Wolves Vera Belmont. Very nice movie
So, where is well aware that relations between brothers and sisters are never simple, especially when money problems, divorce or recognition resurface with acute explosive.
But what I really marked in this film are the languages. The family concerned, the family Ohayon (pronounced O-Yone-Kh-A to meet the Hebrew) is a traditionalist who still has family in common aspects of the Moroccan community in Israel: they follow the religious rules of mourning without much discussion although it also is not particularly engaged, they insist on the importance of the family and above all they speak 3 languages.
Hebrew, of course, Arabic is used primarily to certain terms of bang (Laister), but also French, a language spoken in the movie the whole family in a completely spontaneous. Some characters speak in French, are responding in Hebrew, then in French, iron in Hebrew with a touch of Arabic is quite disturbing, especially for a French who not imagine that in the collective imagination Israel is a country where many people who have never lived in France have French as their mother tongue and continue to talk with your family.
A small example of scene where the languages are mixed:
So, where is well aware that relations between brothers and sisters are never simple, especially when money problems, divorce or recognition resurface with acute explosive.
But what I really marked in this film are the languages. The family concerned, the family Ohayon (pronounced O-Yone-Kh-A to meet the Hebrew) is a traditionalist who still has family in common aspects of the Moroccan community in Israel: they follow the religious rules of mourning without much discussion although it also is not particularly engaged, they insist on the importance of the family and above all they speak 3 languages.
Hebrew, of course, Arabic is used primarily to certain terms of bang (Laister), but also French, a language spoken in the movie the whole family in a completely spontaneous. Some characters speak in French, are responding in Hebrew, then in French, iron in Hebrew with a touch of Arabic is quite disturbing, especially for a French who not imagine that in the collective imagination Israel is a country where many people who have never lived in France have French as their mother tongue and continue to talk with your family.
A small example of scene where the languages are mixed:
More info on this film
In another film, quite different from Shiva - The 7 days, the use of a foreign language by an Israeli produced in me a very interesting visual impact. This film is Walk on Water Eytan Fox .
is the story of a Mossad agent who is assigned on a mission a bit special by his superior, Holocaust survivor and a family friend also: to find an old nonagenarian Nazi now. The agent is reluctant: even if his family was also hit hard, he sees more interest to bring them attention and much prefer to concentrate on the fight against Arab terrorism. Its chief required to do so yet, especially since it has a unique advantage: he speaks German fluently because it is his mother tongue.
It will therefore come into contact with the grandchildren of Nazi suspects, who paid a visit to Israel and listen to all their conversations in German.
Throughout the film, we know that he speaks German, he understands it as listening to conversations in German, but we never hear about.
In another film, quite different from Shiva - The 7 days, the use of a foreign language by an Israeli produced in me a very interesting visual impact. This film is Walk on Water Eytan Fox .

It will therefore come into contact with the grandchildren of Nazi suspects, who paid a visit to Israel and listen to all their conversations in German.
Throughout the film, we know that he speaks German, he understands it as listening to conversations in German, but we never hear about.
And then towards the end of the film, all the protagonists find themselves in Germany and roam in the subway when a band of skinheads attacked them. True to what we imagine a Mossad agent, it neutralises the three shots spoon Krav Maga. But what literally slap at that time the film is that the German language rises from the depths of its history and it brought out a big "Raus" more a tirade in German.
And only this time the film you realize that all parents and grandparents spoke German man, they were certainly fond of German culture and language as one of the most incorporation of their lives. And even for this agent, having the German language is fully involved in its identity.
The revival of Hebrew in Israel is certainly one of the most amazing feats of the Jewish nation the twentieth century. But we must not forget that it was sometimes built on a negation of the original languages: Ben-Gurion in particular led a struggle against the no thank you he considered Yiddish as the language of exile.
Yet this diversity of languages and therefore, structures of thought that has in part produced the wealth of the Jewish people. This linguistic richness continues in Israel, just need some movies from time to time to remind us ...
PS: At the same time I was writing this post, I learned that Israel was such an international platform for the dubbing of films because of the large number of languages spoken in this country technologically advanced. Who would have thought?
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Glory Holes Theaters Long Island
The shooting in China, hanging in Iraq, gas poisoning in the United States: men, women, innocent and guilty suffer every day the murder that is the death penalty. The execution of human beings is not an act of justice, but rather an act of revenge. About its utility, there is no point to talk as it is true that his application does not prevent crime. The best way to prevent crime is to tackle the causes. "A man killed by a frightened man thought, a man killed by the men appalled, "wrote Victor Hugo in his address to Geneva. We believe that no man should have the right to impose the death penalty to another man because do not stop the barbaric savagery.
Exasperated, outraged by the upsurge in cases of abduction, some of the people that elected the current President of the National Assembly, Deputy and Mayor of Cap-Haitien main draw card of the horror that is stupid the death penalty. We believe that we can not consider such an equation without taking into account, among other factors, context Internationally, the penal policy of the government and the feeling of the population. Thus far, there is no national consensus on this issue.
We could understand the other position and the logic of these three zealous supporters of the death penalty if in the same vein, they included the President of the Republic in case of high treason, the Prime Minister, Ministers and General Managers in case of embezzlement, Parliamentarians for bribery, the Judges (Judges and officers of the prosecution) in cases of forfeiture, the Mayors for misapplication of funds and the police in case of association with crime syndicates . None of this is discussed. As if the crime problem, the wounds of insecurity and social ills were similar to cases of kidnapping.
There is no reason to reinstate the death penalty. For us, the guarantor of human rights, remove and life is cruel and inhuman punishment that allows people to wash their hands and let the state do the terrible task of killing. There is not an issue of law or punishment in Haiti is the vision that we lack. For example, forced labor are no longer applicable, we believe there should be demand accountability in government. What difference is there between one who kills and the Administration, which gives him the death in return? Under the law, then it is premeditated murder, each in their respect. We know that wrongful convictions exist, what will there be convicted innocent after their death? The death penalty is a premeditated crime that can not be erased, in this sense it is irreparable. Therefore, we say no to crime, no to violence, no to impunity, not a justice that kills.
This coarseness is prohibited by law Haitian constitution in force. Especially since our country is bound by international covenants and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guaranteeing the right to life. In addition, the American Convention on Human Rights (Pact of San Jose), to which Haiti is a party, prohibits in its Article 4.3, restoring the death penalty in countries that have abolished it. We hope one day that this inhuman punishment be abolished worldwide.
The death penalty denies the right to life which is the human right as fundamental as it is biblically recognized in the Ten Commandments: "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20: 3-17). It's a cruel, inhuman and degrading it has been proved that it has absolutely no deterrent effect. Its abolition in some countries has elevated the human dignity and advancing human rights, which is why the fight to block his return should be conducted with more vigor.
Restore the death penalty is short-sighted legal and intellectual regression ... it's also admit the failure of justice and humanity as a whole.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
The shooting in China, hanging in Iraq, gas poisoning in the United States: men, women, innocent and guilty suffer every day the murder that is the death penalty. The execution of human beings is not an act of justice, but rather an act of revenge. About its utility, there is no point to talk as it is true that his application does not prevent crime. The best way to prevent crime is to tackle the causes. "A man killed by a frightened man thought, a man killed by the men appalled, "wrote Victor Hugo in his address to Geneva. We believe that no man should have the right to impose the death penalty to another man because do not stop the barbaric savagery.
Exasperated, outraged by the upsurge in cases of abduction, some of the people that elected the current President of the National Assembly, Deputy and Mayor of Cap-Haitien main draw card of the horror that is stupid the death penalty. We believe that we can not consider such an equation without taking into account, among other factors, context Internationally, the penal policy of the government and the feeling of the population. Thus far, there is no national consensus on this issue.
We could understand the other position and the logic of these three zealous supporters of the death penalty if in the same vein, they included the President of the Republic in case of high treason, the Prime Minister, Ministers and General Managers in case of embezzlement, Parliamentarians for bribery, the Judges (Judges and officers of the prosecution) in cases of forfeiture, the Mayors for misapplication of funds and the police in case of association with crime syndicates . None of this is discussed. As if the crime problem, the wounds of insecurity and social ills were similar to cases of kidnapping.
There is no reason to reinstate the death penalty. For us, the guarantor of human rights, remove and life is cruel and inhuman punishment that allows people to wash their hands and let the state do the terrible task of killing. There is not an issue of law or punishment in Haiti is the vision that we lack. For example, forced labor are no longer applicable, we believe there should be demand accountability in government. What difference is there between one who kills and the Administration, which gives him the death in return? Under the law, then it is premeditated murder, each in their respect. We know that wrongful convictions exist, what will there be convicted innocent after their death? The death penalty is a premeditated crime that can not be erased, in this sense it is irreparable. Therefore, we say no to crime, no to violence, no to impunity, not a justice that kills.
This coarseness is prohibited by law Haitian constitution in force. Especially since our country is bound by international covenants and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guaranteeing the right to life. In addition, the American Convention on Human Rights (Pact of San Jose), to which Haiti is a party, prohibits in its Article 4.3, restoring the death penalty in countries that have abolished it. We hope one day that this inhuman punishment be abolished worldwide.
The death penalty denies the right to life which is the human right as fundamental as it is biblically recognized in the Ten Commandments: "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20: 3-17). It's a cruel, inhuman and degrading it has been proved that it has absolutely no deterrent effect. Its abolition in some countries has elevated the human dignity and advancing human rights, which is why the fight to block his return should be conducted with more vigor.
Restore the death penalty is short-sighted legal and intellectual regression ... it's also admit the failure of justice and humanity as a whole.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
July 5, 2008 Read more ...
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