The shooting in China, hanging in Iraq, gas poisoning in the United States: men, women, innocent and guilty suffer every day the murder that is the death penalty. The execution of human beings is not an act of justice, but rather an act of revenge. About its utility, there is no point to talk as it is true that his application does not prevent crime. The best way to prevent crime is to tackle the causes. "A man killed by a frightened man thought, a man killed by the men appalled, "wrote Victor Hugo in his address to Geneva. We believe that no man should have the right to impose the death penalty to another man because do not stop the barbaric savagery.
Exasperated, outraged by the upsurge in cases of abduction, some of the people that elected the current President of the National Assembly, Deputy and Mayor of Cap-Haitien main draw card of the horror that is stupid the death penalty. We believe that we can not consider such an equation without taking into account, among other factors, context Internationally, the penal policy of the government and the feeling of the population. Thus far, there is no national consensus on this issue.
We could understand the other position and the logic of these three zealous supporters of the death penalty if in the same vein, they included the President of the Republic in case of high treason, the Prime Minister, Ministers and General Managers in case of embezzlement, Parliamentarians for bribery, the Judges (Judges and officers of the prosecution) in cases of forfeiture, the Mayors for misapplication of funds and the police in case of association with crime syndicates . None of this is discussed. As if the crime problem, the wounds of insecurity and social ills were similar to cases of kidnapping.
There is no reason to reinstate the death penalty. For us, the guarantor of human rights, remove and life is cruel and inhuman punishment that allows people to wash their hands and let the state do the terrible task of killing. There is not an issue of law or punishment in Haiti is the vision that we lack. For example, forced labor are no longer applicable, we believe there should be demand accountability in government. What difference is there between one who kills and the Administration, which gives him the death in return? Under the law, then it is premeditated murder, each in their respect. We know that wrongful convictions exist, what will there be convicted innocent after their death? The death penalty is a premeditated crime that can not be erased, in this sense it is irreparable. Therefore, we say no to crime, no to violence, no to impunity, not a justice that kills.
This coarseness is prohibited by law Haitian constitution in force. Especially since our country is bound by international covenants and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guaranteeing the right to life. In addition, the American Convention on Human Rights (Pact of San Jose), to which Haiti is a party, prohibits in its Article 4.3, restoring the death penalty in countries that have abolished it. We hope one day that this inhuman punishment be abolished worldwide.
The death penalty denies the right to life which is the human right as fundamental as it is biblically recognized in the Ten Commandments: "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20: 3-17). It's a cruel, inhuman and degrading it has been proved that it has absolutely no deterrent effect. Its abolition in some countries has elevated the human dignity and advancing human rights, which is why the fight to block his return should be conducted with more vigor.
Restore the death penalty is short-sighted legal and intellectual regression ... it's also admit the failure of justice and humanity as a whole.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
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