A cascade of events within a week: the association established by the Chamber of Criminal Investigation, police top brass with the crime bosses, the mare proved some of them, placing the blame on the investigation service in the North, called to explain certain issues, issuing subpoenas, and to bring justice by filing ... the question police is now central to the debate on security. The main Haitian police force defends it effectively citizens against the kidnappers?
The finding is unequivocal: the problem of efficiency of the Police Nationale d'Haiti is posed to the same extent as that of the moralization of society. The number and status of police officers involved in kidnapping against ransom illustrate the state of disrepair which is currently the police institution. Bandits, lawless, made their fortunes without being challenged. Some were, with the complicity of some police officers, to create genuine criminal enterprises. How to acknowledge the justice of laxity and weakness when its secular arm is corrupt to the bone?
State comes to criminals. Officials in sensitive positions within the police work hand in hand with the mafia, to the point where even the information classified "Top Secret" level of the public body are known in Mafia circles. We can legitimately expect that this has negative effects on the quality of judges' work and reduce the effectiveness of the implementation of laws. This situation may still take a long time?
Mere police roll in brand new cars, live dream homes, living above their means by displaying material wealth that even the senior police hierarchy can not afford. Under the guise convenient fight against insecurity, they engage in illicit activities such as: kidnapping, racketeering, drug trafficking, etc. ... How does one behavioral category include these agents of the devil if not the bastards?
The police unit, the only state security forces operating on the territory since the demobilization of the Army of Haiti in 1994, is a central tool of the construction the rule of law. Its fundamental role is to protect life and property of citizens against criminals. A poorly paid and corrupt police are easy prey for the''godfathers.'' It must be, like the judiciary, free from corrupt drives. It must be remembered that these two institutions are made of individualities whose resilience to financial wealth must be constantly reinforced through supervision and encouragement.
Although, in retrospect, a remarkable commitment has been found, and the Haitian police is still in the crosshairs of the Justice and population. Those who try to exploit it or use it for improper purposes will play their destiny. The message today is to tell the kidnappers that they can no longer count on the help of some policemen. The rude awakening of the judiciary deal with this situation is beneficial. It came just in time to stop the tumor mafia connections.
are reports of outrageous links between police and mafia. In truth, those who have chosen to use dirty money to supplement their month-end checks have indeed crossed the mirror. Those who trade removal targeted their source of enrichment must know that sooner or later they will be rooted out for ever in our society. Those who chose corruption will soon be out of harm's way and laundering. The public is waiting impatiently gestures strong and keeps repeating in all forms: "Down with the bastards! Saura does one find men and women to accomplish this work of public health? I call justice. Provided that it crack down!
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
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