Thursday, September 3, 2009

Do Women Get Jealous Of Other Woman


Reality TV: reality but what do we talk?

means here and there the term "reality TV". Would that be true, the TV could be a reflection of our society?
I will not approach a study of news media (though partly because I can avoid it), but the phenomenon of reality TV and more particularly the effects (mostly negative) that this so-called reality TV has on young people in training and social citizenship.
So why do we talk about reality TV if it is to feed this fantasy inherent in human nature: voyeurism? We can deduce what this show has disastrous consequences on vulnerable minds, especially on the youth who are the staunchest viewers.

1) Voyeurism: a fantasy fueled (but never satisfied) by the media ... sad

Reality TV: Why?
Objective of a private television: ratings. And how do the ratings if it is responding to the desires, even better, to fantasies of the greatest number of potential viewers? So what happened this TV phenomenon called "reality". Operation: watch other human beings, supposedly like us, to see how they live, how they react, how they operate ... Oh, but this operation does not it remind you something? But yes the Tamagoshi or other simulation games on PC. Except that, unfortunately you can not feed these "candidates" (I will return to this term later) ... but soon (if not already done in other countries which did surprise me point) you should feed them by phoning premium rate numbers ... Already you should save them from the terrifying appointment by supporting them through sms or call surcharge of course! Not a good business: ratings, overtaxed resources per call, etc.. ?

Reality TV: This is not true my child!
Well, I hope you realize that reality TV has no reality except the name. Indeed, candidates of these emissions are not chosen by chance: there is a heavy cast first. Similarly we are not talking about gambling issue but then in real life, do you cross that individuals selected on auditions? Did you win (or risk losing) 10000 euros if you cross at the right or the wrong time? QED.
Let us go further than this simple fact. In reality (but no TV :-)), reality TV is a TV déréalité. His goal meets only a logical ratings as I explained above. Worse still, these games require a staging.

Brief analysis type "media literacy" of reality TV
Here, go through a short survey (component of any media education) from the soundtrack, but by Jove, they play on the feelings, they go for the nice nicer still, and lovers for more than they are in love (ok, at first sight may exist even in a game on TV where one candidate has more than actors more or less effective ... ). So, try to put another soundtrack to the speech or the words of a candidate: roh but the turn is quite different, in fact it was nice. Also, analyze the plans shots. He yells over the other and it shows in close-up: roh is not nice and what it is terrifying ... And editing, rah magic media who can contextualize all about: it is not pretty. Reality television: the biggest manipulation!
Now, just take a step back without going into such a media analysis. Why in any kind of television reality shows does one image relates to the candidate or does one of the sayings of their "cage" (as I call these pens candidates)? But yes, it is to construct the scenario of this pseudo reality TV! Why do we involve close candidates, but to make us believe even more that this is real life "Oh yes it's reality, are even family and friends of the candidates!".

Reality-TV whose fault?
But whose fault is it that reality TV? Wrongs are divided:
- The television themselves by selling a TV "reality" when it's just a TV show
- The producers of these programs by manipulating the candidates of these games and mainly by constructing a scenario facing conflict, sex and sadness (a candidate crying and presto, the ratings soar!)
- Those who watch if their major or guardians (unless they are watching keenly aware that reality TV is 100% fake ... but this case they would watch it, except for analysis with a smile as is my case): a look conscious and conscientious about television is all schools world (like I already created a very nice quote!)

2) What negative effects of reality TV?
Television, excuse the obvious, is a model or at least influencing factor for everyone, adult or not. This influence is more or less according to the education we've had and the distance that can be taken over the media. This is a very important problem expounds the reality TV: selling a false reality. So many young people who identify with particular candidates who adopt the mannerisms of one candidate or another, etc.. This would not be a problem if these candidates could serve as models of intelligent thoughts, words and polished sound, a French speaking correctly, etc.. However, we choose candidates stereotyped and of course with features that ensure the ratings ... and unfortunately the culture and intelligence do not collect young viewers. I do not want any young people: television is for them a means of entertainment, they are tired of school. OK, besides that one mission of the school to inform and train these young people what is on TV. But the problem is that the school has neither the time nor the means to counter all these beatings marketing, all more or less intentional manipulation, all these requests from everywhere: a young much more time passes before a screen in front of a teacher, and those who manage the messaging of these screens are far more numerous and more influential than the best educational teams.
This leads us to observe another problem caused by this television show: the future citizen is formed by being irrigated by a model of reality which is actually an illusion (and the producer of this lure ment if not directly what the is at least by omission). And, as I expose the school has too few resources to counter this erroneous message. I'm not asking that the school has more resources (though she never enough but it is not the issue the subject), but that the media are more dignified, more respectful and to work more on building a clear message for children and parents of these children: reality TV is not reality, it is a staging
Finally, another problem, not least, this entertainment ode to laziness. What (s) beautiful (s) image (s) to show that candidates who do nothing and will make lots of money and get a job in the game's release! It's a great message to youth: do not work, it pays. Ha but I'm stupid! It is true that these people are not real people, but actors, so as they work, they deserve a small salary. And it connects perfectly with employee status granted to certain ex-candidate of a reality TV show "Temptation Island".

3) Proposals for a remote sounder that preserves its audience
You will hopefully understand, I do not want the abolition of television, on the contrary, this media is essential to our democracy and even construction of the citizen which I previously mentioned. Indeed, if not by the messages it disseminates, it at least by the study that is being made that are taught the citizen of this reflex to be wary of a image: an image is not reality, just its representation and sometimes more often, it is a manipulation. Misinformation we face and the picture (let alone animated) is the easiest carrier.
Proposition 1: The concept of 'reality TV' must disappear
What nobody ever talks about reality TV. That when we talk about what kind of show we always talk about entertainment, television show (the good thing is not very derogatory term seller ...), TV-comedy (that candidates like it or not, what comedians are handled). Abandon the term reality so confused and dangerous on every mind
Proposal 2: Tele-smart comedy, this is possible?
Why not try a reality TV show (oops!) TV-comedy with people who have a correct language, that are respectful of each other (good human nature can lead to altercations I am aware ), people who live life by working smarter rather than bored and spending time doing nothing to earn € 100,000. In short, people who could serve as a reference ("but would mean that there should also establish a casting and therefore this would again lie to the viewer that! "... except that I'm talking about TV-comedy, not reality TV ...)
Proposal 3 : A TV-comedy influenced less by the producers ... unless they admit it
Tele-comedy, as we have seen, responds to a scenario. We must indeed keep viewers in suspense without What they get bored. Hence the fact that I want full transparency in these issues: it is not a reflection of life, there is an editing team, there are scenarios (Which are built as and when it occurs), the candidates have a role to play, etc.. That all this is admitted by showing this particular dark side of emissions!

But then the big question: what if these conditions are met, that is to say, if you stop making fun of the viewers of these emissions by lying to them and giving them what they want (gossip, lies, manipulation, violence, sex, false feelings, etc..), the ratings would still go? Nothing is less certain.

This allows me to reach a very important point that I address a message to the presidents of TV stations :

"Television is a major medium, a technology that facilitates exchanges, contacts, to disseminate knowledge, share the culture. But it also releases a lot of nonsense, lies, violence, brief , any vector which is in the ratings. However, this vector can be transformed in the ratings. Violence, lies, stupidity is not the dominant traits of human nature. So why not focus the editorial charter around noble values of human nature: respect, solidarity, intelligence, step back. These components are obviously less dramatic and therefore less attractive. This is a challenge for all channels! I wanted to salute (not to flatter a free public service, I really think) efforts in this direction by the public service channels that have this mission in their specifications and who respond perfectly, even if to do more in this direction would still be better ...
television channels, show your strength by developing a ratings centered around the noble human values. You'll do more than thank most welcome, and therefore much more consulted by viewers.
I dream that one day I tell the students in secondary schools: "And do not forget to watch television on arriving home" ² ... and without doubt they will ever come across a bad program. I had a dream ... "

² Small Note: I would say of course students, in addition to watching TV, physical activity and sport regularly (" besides the brain, we must think of our bodies whole ").


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