Justice is the cornerstone of any democracy. It represents the main lever for the development of our country. Investors will occur if their confidence is gained. Citizens normally evolve if they are assured that their most basic rights are guaranteed and the crime rate will drop if copies are required and penalties applied against all those who violate the law. The domestic and foreign observers, international financial bodies, politicians (all parties) agree on the need for Haiti to have a Independent and effective judiciary, to the extent of his political ambitions, economic and social. But this can not be done with code dating back to 1835, a legal arsenal almost empty and poorly maintained Magistrates.
Unfortunately, leaders do not agree. They think that all judges are corrupt and do not deserve to be treated well. We in the judiciary, as in the Executive and the Parliament of thieves gown, white collar racketeers and outfitters for whom the records are legible. But we also have good and stubbornly proud Judges who hear sensitive cases sulphurous and without fear of taking the wrong way a few major politicians, notable or notorious criminals. We Magistrates insensitive to the charm and influence of power and money, compromise with allergies to encourage careers. We have Judges who sometimes make decisions very courageous at a time or other colleagues fed the flood of obscurantist positions. No, do not mix apples and oranges. Historically, justice and the men who loyally serve have always been discreet, perhaps too discreet. However, their role remains unclear as colossal and, for that very reason, poorly recognized.
In life, we must be consistent in what we do, and advocates said. If we know that the remedy against corruption is arguably the punishment, so why waste money on seminars and other policy advocacy? The solution is there, we did not push a door already open. The real problem is that in Haiti, everything is political, while in other countries, is legal. Dominicans come from our neighbors give us an example in the folder named Amaral Duclona where is the Supreme Court, not the Department of Justice or the police, who decided to extradite him to France this. We hate what some people on behalf of the Republic. We condemn and strongly denounce what happened to justice in Cap-Haitien ... all these cases dealt with bias or filed without action, because''depending on whether you are rich or poor ...''
The powerful and the most miserable are equal before the law these days. Those who have money or a title of nobility are always right and those who have neither the one nor the other are always guilty. Only the poor commit crimes. Take a tour of prisons visit the cells, see the directories of convictions and see. The saddest part of all this, the decisions of our courts do not give rise to virtually no debate. At university level, the comment''Stop''seems to be out of fashion, probably because of technical and intellectual challenges it raises. Admit however that the disappearance of the''Bulletin''Judgments of the Court of Cassation has contributed to this situation. Such is justice!
We are just a few days before Christmas, and never this festive period traditionally do we start seemed so more cruel and more sad for the Judiciary. December 20, 2007 to December 20, 2009. Almost two years since the publication of legislation on the Statute of Judges, the Supreme Council of the Judiciary and the School of Magistrates in the official gazette of the Republic. Two years since the Justices anxiously await the arrival of Father Christmas at the Courthouse ... that while Christmas Eve every night across the Champ de Mars. Certainly, the President shows a great consistency in its hostility to the magistrates and judicial reform. And, it must be really blind not to see what is happening. Sad Christmas, indeed, of Judges!
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
What's The Best Thick About A Thick Cock?
Hanukkah: the anti-revolt of the Warsaw Ghetto
As I like to say from time to time, Judaism is subversive. He struck similar ideas long, including the most obvious and including those propagating at high speed within the Jewish community.
The festival of Hanukkah and its comments give us the opportunity to look critically one of the most consensual of that community: the revolt of the Warsaw Ghetto.
The facts are: early 1943, when the Nazi deportations have already been sent to death camps over 300,000 Jews in the Ghetto , an insurgent group chooses to take up arms and resist. April 19, the SS plan to regain control in 3 days it is only May 16 that the revolt was crushed.
symbolic point of view, this revolt was magnified by all institutions, beginning with the State of Israel, wishing to fight against the idea that Jews were led "to the slaughter like sheep" ( We return to this expression). When setting up a day of commemoration of the destruction of the Jews in Europe in 1951, the full name has been defined veHaGuevoura Yom HaShoah, the Day of Holocaust and Heroism, for the first well to remind citizens of Israel that their attitude could only be guided by the heroes of the Ghetto to avoid a new Holocaust and reject any negative attitude of passivity.
The Warsaw Ghetto uprising is commemorated every year by Jewish institutions around the world (including the CRIF in France) with a similar semantic field: "Do not let them take up arms and resist no longer resignation as have too many Jews whose behavior has been shaped by exile, persecution and sometimes intellectualism.
Now a question: what can we say about the Warsaw Ghetto Revolt if one takes the point of view of Judaism and Jewish tradition? What place Judaism attaches Does the heroism of the type that has been deployed by Anielewicz and his family?
Support us once will not hurt, on the commentary on Yeshayaou Leibowitz Day Hanukkah ( in. The Jewish Holidays, Editions du Cerf ). First, he recalls that there are different kinds of heroism. That which is valued by tradition, is it consists in an individual "the triumph of consciousness of its obligations to its natural tendencies and impulses acting in him." Design of heroism clearly illustrated by the famous aphorism Ben Zoma in Pikei Avot (4, 1): "Ezehou Guibor? Hakovech been Ytzro" "Who is the hero? He who masters his instinct ".
Besides that, the warrior heroism, bravery in battle, do not collect opinion on the part of Jewish tradition, even if war is a phenomenon which it looks logically. Leibowitz even notice that heroism warrior "is the form of heroism the most trivial. It's an empirical fact, indeed, that is frequently encountered among the brave men of all civilizations, in all societies and all historical epochs. "
Taking up arms is good, but it's not really what the Torah requires us to be where the heroes. More prosaically, it develop "the qualities that are to control their greed, power, honors or her sexual libido (...) these forms of heroism, despised because difficult to reach, does not enjoy much attention in educational institutions where we raise and educate our children. "
There is thus a form of discomfort to be determined to make a desperate revolt, but after all" classic, "as the paradigm of the essence of Judaism and a Jewish people proud of him, freed from its guilt-reflexes.
But going further, were there not a duty to die with dignity? NO Is not it outrageous for people to leave "led to the slaughter?" Leibowitz recalls where does this expression. The prophet Isaiah pronounces. When he describes in the "servant of God", characterized by attributes which are regarded as virtues: "Mistreated, abused, yet he opened not his mouth, like a lamb being led to the slaughterhouse, the silent sheep, a sheep dumb before the shearer, he opened not his mouth "(Isaiah 53:7)
Leibowitz not unaware of the misunderstanding and even contempt with which its non-combatants have been the object side of the glorification of the ghetto uprising. But he defends. Better still, he places it at a prominent:
"Up, once again, one of the signs of our most negative psychological situation, spiritual, intellectual and moral in the fact that there are among us people who blush that our fathers and brothers were murdered in considerable numbers as "beasts to slaughterhouse, "a term which in the eyes of the generation that created the State of Israel in 1948, was considered offensive and insulting, considering this attitude as an expression of the Jewish diaspora whose conduct we would have freed, returning to the design of the heroism of our ancestors. Here we must reflect and challenge with the strongest criticism of this attempt million Jewish men, women and children who died in the Holocaust, because they would have gone to death without a fight. In truth, there is no greater mistake than this (...). We can not overlook the crucial fact that these Jews have offered their souls and sacrificed their lives because of their recognition of their duty towards God and His Torah. Of course, everyone has the right not to identify with the metaphor of the prophet Isaiah, but the thing is clear, anyone who looks with contempt millions of Jewish heroes who went to death as "livestock to slaughterhouse "in the name of a conception of bravery belongs to a completely different area can refer to Jewish sources. It is good that this man knows that, by this view, he joined a conception of heroism shared by the worst and most miserable people of the Gentile, Gentile, where, incidentally, are not uncommon those who know the true meaning of bravery. "
Let's further say that Leibowitz: resistance, the Jewish perspective, embodied otherwise than by recourse to arms. It is embodied by actions largely overshadowed by the current historiography on the Holocaust, but nevertheless extremely powerful. It is a spiritual resistance, such as that reported by meticulously rare books, such as Responsa from the Holocaust or Celebrations in turmoil (ed. Verdier) . Fierce resistance from those Jews who risked their lives, maintained by the fast of Yom Kippur, kept there against any rational explanation will meet the requirements related to Jewish holidays or the Hassidic Rabbi who on the day of Simchat Torah insisted that 'with his Chassidim, they dance to the bottom of pits dug for them by the Nazis, in honor of the Torah.
Porter heroic approach to the pinnacle of bravery warrior who has never linked its action to a momentum referring to the spiritual heritage of the Jewish people (as demonstrated in the case of Marek Edelman, leader of the revolt after the death of Anielewicz, for which Israel, the Torah or the Jewish people have never had any meaning) is therefore a form of betrayal of the millions of Jews whose intensity was more discreet existential much more decisive for the survival of the Jewish people.
hard to hear, given the unanimity that prevails around the revolt of the Ghetto ... and yet, if Hanukkah teaches us anything, it is two things:
1) First if you look carefully, it is certainly not a fight between Jews and Greeks. But first and foremost a real war between Jews faithful to the message of the Torah and Hellenized Jews. The war began when in fact Mattitiaou Hellenized Jew who killed one had dared to make a sacrifice to a God of Olympus.
2) then, that armed struggle is valued only if its foundation is identified with a genuine desire to live the divine message and the spiritual heritage of Israel. Witness the reluctance with which the sages of the tradition have incorporated the military victory in the celebration of the Feast of Chanukah: highlighting exclusive in the Talmud and the ritual of the miracle of the flask, refusal to integrate the Maccabees in the biblical canon, etc. ...
If our leaders and intellectuals want to be faithful to the message of Chanukah and the Jewish tradition in general, perhaps they should reconsider how they operate and interpret some parts of the history of our people, starting with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
As I like to say from time to time, Judaism is subversive. He struck similar ideas long, including the most obvious and including those propagating at high speed within the Jewish community.
The festival of Hanukkah and its comments give us the opportunity to look critically one of the most consensual of that community: the revolt of the Warsaw Ghetto.
The facts are: early 1943, when the Nazi deportations have already been sent to death camps over 300,000 Jews in the Ghetto , an insurgent group chooses to take up arms and resist. April 19, the SS plan to regain control in 3 days it is only May 16 that the revolt was crushed.
symbolic point of view, this revolt was magnified by all institutions, beginning with the State of Israel, wishing to fight against the idea that Jews were led "to the slaughter like sheep" ( We return to this expression). When setting up a day of commemoration of the destruction of the Jews in Europe in 1951, the full name has been defined veHaGuevoura Yom HaShoah, the Day of Holocaust and Heroism, for the first well to remind citizens of Israel that their attitude could only be guided by the heroes of the Ghetto to avoid a new Holocaust and reject any negative attitude of passivity.
The Warsaw Ghetto uprising is commemorated every year by Jewish institutions around the world (including the CRIF in France) with a similar semantic field: "Do not let them take up arms and resist no longer resignation as have too many Jews whose behavior has been shaped by exile, persecution and sometimes intellectualism.

Support us once will not hurt, on the commentary on Yeshayaou Leibowitz Day Hanukkah ( in. The Jewish Holidays, Editions du Cerf ). First, he recalls that there are different kinds of heroism. That which is valued by tradition, is it consists in an individual "the triumph of consciousness of its obligations to its natural tendencies and impulses acting in him." Design of heroism clearly illustrated by the famous aphorism Ben Zoma in Pikei Avot (4, 1): "Ezehou Guibor? Hakovech been Ytzro" "Who is the hero? He who masters his instinct ".
Besides that, the warrior heroism, bravery in battle, do not collect opinion on the part of Jewish tradition, even if war is a phenomenon which it looks logically. Leibowitz even notice that heroism warrior "is the form of heroism the most trivial. It's an empirical fact, indeed, that is frequently encountered among the brave men of all civilizations, in all societies and all historical epochs. "
Taking up arms is good, but it's not really what the Torah requires us to be where the heroes. More prosaically, it develop "the qualities that are to control their greed, power, honors or her sexual libido (...) these forms of heroism, despised because difficult to reach, does not enjoy much attention in educational institutions where we raise and educate our children. "
There is thus a form of discomfort to be determined to make a desperate revolt, but after all" classic, "as the paradigm of the essence of Judaism and a Jewish people proud of him, freed from its guilt-reflexes.
But going further, were there not a duty to die with dignity? NO Is not it outrageous for people to leave "led to the slaughter?" Leibowitz recalls where does this expression. The prophet Isaiah pronounces. When he describes in the "servant of God", characterized by attributes which are regarded as virtues: "Mistreated, abused, yet he opened not his mouth, like a lamb being led to the slaughterhouse, the silent sheep, a sheep dumb before the shearer, he opened not his mouth "(Isaiah 53:7)
Leibowitz not unaware of the misunderstanding and even contempt with which its non-combatants have been the object side of the glorification of the ghetto uprising. But he defends. Better still, he places it at a prominent:
"Up, once again, one of the signs of our most negative psychological situation, spiritual, intellectual and moral in the fact that there are among us people who blush that our fathers and brothers were murdered in considerable numbers as "beasts to slaughterhouse, "a term which in the eyes of the generation that created the State of Israel in 1948, was considered offensive and insulting, considering this attitude as an expression of the Jewish diaspora whose conduct we would have freed, returning to the design of the heroism of our ancestors. Here we must reflect and challenge with the strongest criticism of this attempt million Jewish men, women and children who died in the Holocaust, because they would have gone to death without a fight. In truth, there is no greater mistake than this (...). We can not overlook the crucial fact that these Jews have offered their souls and sacrificed their lives because of their recognition of their duty towards God and His Torah. Of course, everyone has the right not to identify with the metaphor of the prophet Isaiah, but the thing is clear, anyone who looks with contempt millions of Jewish heroes who went to death as "livestock to slaughterhouse "in the name of a conception of bravery belongs to a completely different area can refer to Jewish sources. It is good that this man knows that, by this view, he joined a conception of heroism shared by the worst and most miserable people of the Gentile, Gentile, where, incidentally, are not uncommon those who know the true meaning of bravery. "

Let's further say that Leibowitz: resistance, the Jewish perspective, embodied otherwise than by recourse to arms. It is embodied by actions largely overshadowed by the current historiography on the Holocaust, but nevertheless extremely powerful. It is a spiritual resistance, such as that reported by meticulously rare books, such as Responsa from the Holocaust or Celebrations in turmoil (ed. Verdier) . Fierce resistance from those Jews who risked their lives, maintained by the fast of Yom Kippur, kept there against any rational explanation will meet the requirements related to Jewish holidays or the Hassidic Rabbi who on the day of Simchat Torah insisted that 'with his Chassidim, they dance to the bottom of pits dug for them by the Nazis, in honor of the Torah.
Porter heroic approach to the pinnacle of bravery warrior who has never linked its action to a momentum referring to the spiritual heritage of the Jewish people (as demonstrated in the case of Marek Edelman, leader of the revolt after the death of Anielewicz, for which Israel, the Torah or the Jewish people have never had any meaning) is therefore a form of betrayal of the millions of Jews whose intensity was more discreet existential much more decisive for the survival of the Jewish people.
hard to hear, given the unanimity that prevails around the revolt of the Ghetto ... and yet, if Hanukkah teaches us anything, it is two things:
1) First if you look carefully, it is certainly not a fight between Jews and Greeks. But first and foremost a real war between Jews faithful to the message of the Torah and Hellenized Jews. The war began when in fact Mattitiaou Hellenized Jew who killed one had dared to make a sacrifice to a God of Olympus.
2) then, that armed struggle is valued only if its foundation is identified with a genuine desire to live the divine message and the spiritual heritage of Israel. Witness the reluctance with which the sages of the tradition have incorporated the military victory in the celebration of the Feast of Chanukah: highlighting exclusive in the Talmud and the ritual of the miracle of the flask, refusal to integrate the Maccabees in the biblical canon, etc. ...
If our leaders and intellectuals want to be faithful to the message of Chanukah and the Jewish tradition in general, perhaps they should reconsider how they operate and interpret some parts of the history of our people, starting with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
2nd Chance Of Life Tattoos
Lies, bad things have an odor. Even when you hide, they always go back to the surface. We breathe every day exacerbated the stench of corruption and unpredictable fermentations murderers of State. What is happening in Haiti today is more than disgusting. The group in power is too lenient with the thieves, the corrupt and criminals. Moreover, statements by the bandit arrested in the Dominican Republic by the authorities of that country would have reversed the order of things. For us, this is taken as fact by various politicians, Parliament and civil society. After hearing all that the jailbird has said and done, we deduce that the Government's silence is bizarre ... or even guilty accomplice.
dint of low blows to cash or accept the intolerable, people begin to lose their capacity for outrage. We are seeing a decline in cultural identity and the Haitian. Youth has become a very long transition period because the behavior of our leaders at home generates a lot of frustration and discouragement. Over eight million, seven million live in unacceptable levels of poverty. We are not far from a social earthquake. We have people who respect neither children nor young nor old, nor things, nor life, nor property, nor the laws, not even animals. We are exhausted and if nothing is done ... the whole nation is going out. And we think that things will move one iota if there is no real awareness and a rude awakening of the silent majority. The detention may be an abomination when you do not know when it comes out.
Since its inception, Power goes up to ridicule, humiliate, demolishes the Haitian Judiciary. Yet the Honourable Judges ... mainly those of the Court of Cassation, cross their arms. They lack the courage to tell the President of the Republic:''Listen, sir,''is enough! The Other was right in saying that "if citizens do not raise is that they are not men." Last year, thousands of judges marched through the streets of Islamabad (Pakistan) for several weeks to demand the reinstatement of the President of the Highest Court in the country illegally revoked by the Head of State Pervez Musharraf who was about to lose his seat thereafter. Justice Haiti lags, the beast is sick and wounded to the disgust ... and magistrates do nothing. We live in a system where everyone is afraid to take a stand. We are indignant because the experiences that we have before us. Unfortunately, we're never alone in changing the course of things. The wickedness of each others opposed to our aspirations. We own nothing except our soul and our personality. But we do not sell. Some magistrates are chasing the money, however, money is worthless if you can not look in the mirror. Self-respect is the currency most perfect.
As I write this text, an Egyptian policeman, moved into this house of Criminal Investigation, had to say, with a bow out of the ordinary, than for him, a judge is like a god as he is respected and revered. In any case, the opposite is true in our unique "small country". The time has come for the judiciary is free of executive power. It's been almost two years since the Act on the adjustment of salary and status of Judges is published, still no reform in sight. The School of Magistrates (EMA) is reduced to a simple local and exists only in name, the Superior Council of the Judiciary (Supreme Council) is thrown to oblivion and the ways promised Offices of Education of the various jurisdictions are diverted to other entities and for other purposes, the magistrates await their twenty-two (22) months of back pay; mobilization against corruption is evaporated into the night ... Maybe he be other laws if they are proving so difficult to implement.
Recently, China has carried out the hanging of several senior regime officials for corruption. United States of America, the billionaire Bernard Madoff languishing behind bars for fraud and the CIA is in the sights of the Supreme Court to inhuman and degrading treatment of persons accused of terrorism. In Europe and some countries in Africa, Justice and the law is king. In Haiti, we must stop the bleeding that is impunity. The assassins are there ... after our lasso, we just have to pull the rope to neutralize them. When things go wrong when the crime is raging, when children can not go to school and that parents are desperate, when the blood begins to flow into the street ... it's bound to be a responsible and this person should go to jail.
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti, October 31, 2009 This
Read more ...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Eleven Eleven Tattoos
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, an unclassifiable personality
The Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz is known worldwide for his translated edition of the Babylonian Talmud. First Hebrew (Talmud is mostly in Aramaic), then in English, Russian, English and French of course.
On conversion, the output of Attali was less noticeable than on anti-Semitism but it is perhaps more crucial, Attali believes that for the Jewish people so it must reach some critical mass he estimated at 200 million people. One way to do this: mass conversion.
Then by invoking the history and meets Jacques Attali, who claimed that the conversion conditions were once much less stringent than today. Prior said Rabbi Steinsaltz (say until the 19th century and in this Leibowitz joined it yet), a converted Jew who was returning necessarily in a people distinct from other peoples and accepted de facto take upon himself all the practical life of the Jewish people and especially the mitzvot. This is not the case at all today. The era is different, the conversion conditions necessarily change. Which does not intervened Josy Eisenberg, considering that the movement of stiffening conversions might have pushed the pendulum too strong and that it would be silly to reconsider.
Monday, October 26, the next day, Rabbi Steinsaltz was at the synagogue at Boulogne for the first dinner organized by the newly Association of Friends of Rabbi Steinsaltz . Very nice evening, punctuated by several interventions, including that of Rabbi about the new treaty translated into French, the treaty Makoti.
Obviously, this tells a humorous but showing that the study of Talmud does not support any evidence, not even that of denying judicial corporal punishment in the name of a certain "dignity" of man. And remember that more than 30 years after the publication of Discipline and Punish by Michel Foucault, who was the founder in this area, places of study of the Talmud are still places where we think about what it means to "punish ". As well as how the prison and more generally the desire to monitor widespread in our modern societies have deprived of liberty not only prisoners but also each of us.

He was in Paris this week to celebrate the release of a new volume translated into French: the Treaty Makoti. Sunday, October 25, he participated in a debate with Jacques Attali moderated by Rabbi Josy Eisenberg .
Jacques Attali who became the new target of fascist-nags of the Jewish Defense League and is now receiving death threats for words with which we may disagree but have partial merit to show that some institutions can not process this problem otherwise than epidermal. And perhaps that should respond more actively to attack a little unworthy of which he is currently the subject.
But this was not the issue. The idea is to consider the future of the Jewish people and Israel. Faced with this huge issue, we find the first touch of mischievous humor that we know from Adin Steinsaltz: "Finally, there are only two places where the Jewish people have problems to solve: in Israel Diaspora!
But it is also recognized audacity dare to speak when the disappearance of the State of Israel "There was in many cases the history of Jewish political independence in the Land of Israel. The kingdoms of Judah and Israel, which have both disappeared. Today the State of Israel is a new form of Jewish political independence. Nobody wants her disappearance. But if that happened, the important thing safeguard the future of the Jewish people. That is what matters and at all times. " I would call this out-of Leibowitzo Habadnik. Near Leibowitz, which if attached great importance to the existence of the State of Israel did not make a sacred value that should idolize uncritical analysis nor cold. And if you want to save something that is dear to us, it becomes fundamental to imagine that something can disappear one day if we do not create the conditions for its sustainability.
Habadnik (movement of Chabad Lubavitch, Rabbi Steinsaltz which is very close) because it focuses primarily on the existence of the Jewish people and the belief that every Jew has, whatever its level religious practice or tradition of closeness. 
To this, Rabbi Steinsaltz answers in different ways. First a little parable: "When you see a cat, you recognize a cat. If you cut your ears, you still always a cat in front of you. If you cut the legs, and is still always a cat. And so on. But when you are asked to draw a cat, you will not draw not without legs, without ears and without a mustache. For a Jew is the same. You can not ask someone who wants to become a Jew to get rid of all the characteristics that apply to a Jew, even though many "Jews by birth" would be freed "

It should not be mistaken: Despite the obvious opening of Rav Steinsaltz, his interest in many things and its propensity to connect with Judaism on pedagogy, Adin Steinsaltz does not lose sight of the subversive nature of the Talmud and that c is very good news.
A small example: the treaty talks Makota said that such punishments guilty is supposed to cash it. In addition to the fines and pecuniary compensations, the Talmud knows the death penalty (although in practice its implementation is virtually excluded) and flogging.
In criminal law, the Talmud does not know the prison. And Adin Steinsaltz to justify this: "What is prison? That a person does not repeat his crime? But if someone kills his stepmother, he has no reason to start over! At what it becomes a better person? not won since the greatest villains have their main training in prisons in contact with other inmates. batons is certainly faster and more efficient. "

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz is unclassifiable, but after listening to you tell yourself that the two things are truly "live" the future of the Jewish people and the ability of man to be free .
Monday, September 21, 2009
Desmume Roms Soul Silver
The reaction philo Ivan Segre - the beginning of a real debate?
Two books were published in May 2009 editions Lines, signed manually by one author: Ivan Segre.
Since these two events, anti-Semitic acts were committed on French territory and a form of radical Islam has taken over the hackneyed themes of anti-Semitic propaganda of the last century.
Where Ivan Segre innovates, is that he wants to look in detail exactly what those supports. Is this really a defense of Israel? Or more subtly a defense of Western lifestyle (or Christian) through the defense of Israel?
Response to an "intellectual" French
In the issue of Jewish News dated September 3 was released on account of a book which I am the author The reaction philo or treason of the clerks (Lines, 2009).
The text is signed Franklin Rausky. Mr. Rausky is academic, he can read, at least we must assume, as we must suppose that he actually read the book he speaks. Consider the question yet. The book The reaction philo or treason of the clerks is indeed a critical intellectuals mentioned here, with the exception of Raphael Draï as far to criticize, I salute his book Under the sign of Zion (Michalon, 2001). Why did I pay tribute? Raphael Draï Because, unlike hereinafter named, do not confuse the defense of Israel with the defense of the West. The treason of the clerks question in my book is indeed this: the fact that intellectuals claim to the "fight against anti-Semitism" and the "defense of Zionism" to disseminate ideas that contradict the values of Judaism. In other words, I blame them not to be placed under the sign of Zion. And so I "controversy" with them, analyzing "few sentences" I judge precisely "representative" or symptomatic.
I criticize So Shmuel Trigano, who writes for example, about the book St. Paul the philosopher Alain Badiou: "It is surprising how easily Alain Badiou, however famous libertarian and leftist going to endorse any doctrine Paul, up to and including his theory about the gender status of women. Defending the veiling of women advocates that Paul, a sign of "acceptance of gender difference" (sic), he believes it has the sense "is obvious that the universality of this statement includes women who endorse they are women " ( The e (xc) read. Between Jews and Christians , Denoël, 2003, p. 112). This is not Paul who advocates "the veiling of women" is the Jewish tradition. Paul, himself, took up position in the Christian debate, especially against the apostle John, to support the idea that conversion to Christianity does not require the break with Jewish religious practice. The fact is that Shmuel Trigano him, finds that the obligation for a woman to cover her hair is just another "gender theory" , and a philosopher worthy of the name should be indignant .
Finkielkraut I criticize that in a debate with Benny Levy, has taken a stand to ban the Islamic veil and the Jewish kippa in schools, arguing that he believes it is first to distinguish "opposition to any repressive measure" which defend "secularism" yes "to various forms of actual life: the veil, the yarmulke, the cap back, body piercing, the notebook, the baggy pants and navel air" (Book and books, Verdier, 2006, p. 91). Besides that Finkielkraut evades the essential point, namely that the law is perhaps not as innocent as she looks, especially since the ban in question does not on "piercing the notebook, the baggy pants or navel air" , but on the Islamic veil and the Jewish kippa, scarf and hat (or not returned), only referred by the prohibition in terms of Republican clothing, and Alain Finkielkraut also no mention of other religious symbols in its schedule, that Jewish and Muslim, one wonders: is it relevant to compare the "kippa " the" piercing " at " portable " at " baggy pants "or " navel air "? Admittedly, this was originally an oral presentation, but is then published as a book, The Book and books precisely. The speaker then reviewed. Finkielkraut is also a writer, he weighs his words.
I Taguieff critic Pierre Andre, who in his book The purpose of anti-racism (Michalon, 1995, p. 98), pays tribute to Pope Pius XI and the Vatican for their "texts battle against Nazism 1937-1939 ", and concludes: " Should we add that the Nazi monstrosity, leading the Church to take a clear stand against anti-Semitism, provoked a turning of the utmost importance, allowing the establishment of a Jewish-Christian dialogue? ". But as a" combat text " against Nazi antisemitism, Pierre Andre Taguieff can give us to read a simple "declaration of Pius XI, 6 September 1938, a group of Belgian pilgrims" , in which the Pope should "anti-Semitism is inadmissible" . Furthermore, Peter Andre Taguieff ignores or pretends to ignore that Pius XII, who succeeded Pius XI in 1939, has not said a word about the extermination of the Jews, not even "to a group of Belgian pilgrims" . Finally here Hannah Arendt said that the "combat text" Vatican during the war: "The facts themselves are indisputable. Nobody denied that the pope had all relevant information on the Nazi deportation and" resettlement "Jews. Nobody denied that the pope was careful not to raise their voices in protest when, during the German occupation of Rome, the Jews, including Jews, Catholics (that is to say those who had converted to Catholicism) were rounded up under the windows of the Vatican, and headed toward the final solution ". Is this then the way the Church has taken "clear position against anti-Semitism ", according to Pierre Andre Taguieff?
I criticize Orianna Fallaci writes in The force of reason (Editions du Rocher, 2004), " halal slaughter is barbarian , and states: "It is, I'm sorry to say, in the same felling as shechitah . That is to say, the Jewish, which takes place in an identical manner and is to slaughter animals without stunning them first, so they die slowly. Very slowly, emptying their blood. If you do not believe, goes to a or halal slaughter shechitah, and observes that this agony is endless. Which is accompanied by tearing eyes and ends only when the lamb or calf has a drop of blood. Thus, the flesh has become a "pure" very white, pure ... " (P. 51-52). We know the risks facing today in Europe the freedom to perform ritual slaughter, and even import of meat slaughtered ritually. I also criticized because she writes about how the Koran appropriates the patriarch Abraham "And it goes without saying that if I was Jewish, I do not cry. I think it is better to lose than to have found a patriarche prêt à égorger son propre enfant pour la gloire de Dieu" (p. 162). Je la critique encore parce qu'elle écrit, au sujet du négationnisme de Faurisson et Amaudruz, que leur "révisionnisme" est une manière de "revoir l'Histoire, c'est-à-dire la raconter d'une façon différente de la version officielle" (p. 27).
Enfin je ne dis mot de Robert Misrahi, si ce n'est que je cite un texte de lui paru dans Charlie Hebdo en octobre 2003, dans lequel il rend hommage à la journaliste italienne en ces termes: "On découvre ainsi qu'Orianna Fallaci est non seulement genuine free woman atheist, progressive, independent and courageous, but it is also a real writer ". I do not have the same tastes as Robert Misrahi in literature, is a crime " anti-intellectual "?
short, it will be understood, I manhandled the idols of Professor Rausky and, beyond a certain Judaism and French university. I was told that I am the author a "conspiracy myth and demonology" . With this exception, therefore, that these "few sentences" , I have not invented.
Ivan Segre
Two books were published in May 2009 editions Lines, signed manually by one author: Ivan Segre.
Both works The reaction philo or treason of the clerks and What do you think of Auschwitz are at complete odds with the positions we thought well established in the French intellectual field on the Zionism, antisemitism, the role of the State of Israel or the Holocaust's place in the history of the West.
Let the moment ; on What do you think of Auschwitz , book I, however, preferred and is of significance may be speculative more essential to our society's reaction philo .
But it is like a stir a debate that has crystallized as the second intifada since September 11. Recall the forces.
Since these two events, anti-Semitic acts were committed on French territory and a form of radical Islam has taken over the hackneyed themes of anti-Semitic propaganda of the last century.
The response of some intellectuals, mostly Jews, had was massive and disseminated through many channels, "community" and national print and broadcast form of discussions and articles. Some, such as Tariq Ramadan , people tried to find a doctrinal unity, essentially marked by the Jewishness of most of these authors. Bizarrely, some members of the Jewish community also had this reflex amalgam: "experienced all those who stand up for Israel and the Jews: Do not be too fussy about the goods, the main thing to find allies in this difficult time! "
Where Ivan Segre innovates, is that he wants to look in detail exactly what those supports. Is this really a defense of Israel? Or more subtly a defense of Western lifestyle (or Christian) through the defense of Israel?
Since they are called "community" can we really hold these intellectuals advocated in their arguments to the values of Jewish tradition? Or they are they ultimately have no say?
Is there no substantive difference between a Raphael Draï and Shmuel Trigano ? Or between a Finkielkraut and Bernard-Henri Levy ?
This debate is important because it should be wanting to irrigate any reflection on the strong Jewish community and its leaders: the LIRA does it take into account the ideological acquaintances with a French right of certain ultra-conservative supporters of Israel ;? Is there not a long-term risk for Jews and Israel want to assimilate tradition of Judaism and Western values ? can discuss and point out a particular weakness of the book of Ivan Segre. But equate it to a new "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" ? Yet the boldness with which smoking has delivered Jewish News from the pen of Franklin Rausky . Comparison that is answered by Ivan Segre, found below in this blog, hoping that it may this time launch a real debate on this fascinating and crucial.
Response to an "intellectual" French
In the issue of Jewish News dated September 3 was released on account of a book which I am the author The reaction philo or treason of the clerks (Lines, 2009).
Here's what you could read under the title "A disturbing manifest anti-intellectual" "This disturbing argument designed to prove that nowadays, reactionary thinking, cons-revolutionary, anti- Progressive has changed its face: after having been the spearhead of the "anti-Semitic reaction", it becomes the last few years the term a "philo-reaction" involving the defense of the West, capitalism, and, last but not least of Zionism. Among the intellectuals accused of participating in this sinister enterprise ideological volte face: Raphael Draï, Shmuel Trigano, Alexandre Adler, Alain Finkielkraut, Pierre Andre Taguieff, Orianna Fallaci, Robert Misrahi! The controversial author with his opponents, analyzing a few sentences alleged representative of this "philo-reaction" and pro-Zionist. In short, here is a new and original version of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" conspiracy myth and demonology of the early twentieth century ! .

I criticize So Shmuel Trigano, who writes for example, about the book St. Paul the philosopher Alain Badiou: "It is surprising how easily Alain Badiou, however famous libertarian and leftist going to endorse any doctrine Paul, up to and including his theory about the gender status of women. Defending the veiling of women advocates that Paul, a sign of "acceptance of gender difference" (sic), he believes it has the sense "is obvious that the universality of this statement includes women who endorse they are women " ( The e (xc) read. Between Jews and Christians , Denoël, 2003, p. 112). This is not Paul who advocates "the veiling of women" is the Jewish tradition. Paul, himself, took up position in the Christian debate, especially against the apostle John, to support the idea that conversion to Christianity does not require the break with Jewish religious practice. The fact is that Shmuel Trigano him, finds that the obligation for a woman to cover her hair is just another "gender theory" , and a philosopher worthy of the name should be indignant .

I criticize Alexandre Adler, who writes for example in U.S. Odyssey (Grasset, 2004): "Everybody knows that the capital of the Jewish world today n is neither Jerusalem remains a city gripped by the Arab world once within its walls, or even Tel Aviv is almost an intermediate step, but New York " (p. 280). This is the Copernican revolution that we offer Alexandre Adler: "American Odyssey" is central "Jewish world" , as was yesterday, Hellenized Jews, the Athenian Odyssey.
I Taguieff critic Pierre Andre, who in his book The purpose of anti-racism (Michalon, 1995, p. 98), pays tribute to Pope Pius XI and the Vatican for their "texts battle against Nazism 1937-1939 ", and concludes: " Should we add that the Nazi monstrosity, leading the Church to take a clear stand against anti-Semitism, provoked a turning of the utmost importance, allowing the establishment of a Jewish-Christian dialogue? ". But as a" combat text " against Nazi antisemitism, Pierre Andre Taguieff can give us to read a simple "declaration of Pius XI, 6 September 1938, a group of Belgian pilgrims" , in which the Pope should "anti-Semitism is inadmissible" . Furthermore, Peter Andre Taguieff ignores or pretends to ignore that Pius XII, who succeeded Pius XI in 1939, has not said a word about the extermination of the Jews, not even "to a group of Belgian pilgrims" . Finally here Hannah Arendt said that the "combat text" Vatican during the war: "The facts themselves are indisputable. Nobody denied that the pope had all relevant information on the Nazi deportation and" resettlement "Jews. Nobody denied that the pope was careful not to raise their voices in protest when, during the German occupation of Rome, the Jews, including Jews, Catholics (that is to say those who had converted to Catholicism) were rounded up under the windows of the Vatican, and headed toward the final solution ". Is this then the way the Church has taken "clear position against anti-Semitism ", according to Pierre Andre Taguieff?
I criticize Orianna Fallaci writes in The force of reason (Editions du Rocher, 2004), " halal slaughter is barbarian , and states: "It is, I'm sorry to say, in the same felling as shechitah . That is to say, the Jewish, which takes place in an identical manner and is to slaughter animals without stunning them first, so they die slowly. Very slowly, emptying their blood. If you do not believe, goes to a or halal slaughter shechitah, and observes that this agony is endless. Which is accompanied by tearing eyes and ends only when the lamb or calf has a drop of blood. Thus, the flesh has become a "pure" very white, pure ... " (P. 51-52). We know the risks facing today in Europe the freedom to perform ritual slaughter, and even import of meat slaughtered ritually. I also criticized because she writes about how the Koran appropriates the patriarch Abraham "And it goes without saying that if I was Jewish, I do not cry. I think it is better to lose than to have found a patriarche prêt à égorger son propre enfant pour la gloire de Dieu" (p. 162). Je la critique encore parce qu'elle écrit, au sujet du négationnisme de Faurisson et Amaudruz, que leur "révisionnisme" est une manière de "revoir l'Histoire, c'est-à-dire la raconter d'une façon différente de la version officielle" (p. 27).
Enfin je ne dis mot de Robert Misrahi, si ce n'est que je cite un texte de lui paru dans Charlie Hebdo en octobre 2003, dans lequel il rend hommage à la journaliste italienne en ces termes: "On découvre ainsi qu'Orianna Fallaci est non seulement genuine free woman atheist, progressive, independent and courageous, but it is also a real writer ". I do not have the same tastes as Robert Misrahi in literature, is a crime " anti-intellectual "?
short, it will be understood, I manhandled the idols of Professor Rausky and, beyond a certain Judaism and French university. I was told that I am the author a "conspiracy myth and demonology" . With this exception, therefore, that these "few sentences" , I have not invented.
Ivan Segre
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What Kind Of Necklace For A Lace Wedding Dress
Rav Elie Kahn z "l, a man Integer
about a year ago that, just before the holidays of Tishrei 5769, we were unpleasantly surprised to learn of the death of Rav Elie Kahn at the age of 51 years.
The familiar site know of course that was Rabbi Kahn. The site's founder and main leader, he never worked hard to meet on the Internet to hundreds or even thousands of halachic issues, from the simplest to the most advanced, the more severe the more ridiculous sometimes. A
"are taught in a Mishna: an oven made of tiles and cut associated with sand n ' is not subject to rules of purity and impurity according to Rabbi Eliezer. Other wise do not. This is called the oven Akhnaï (...). A braying teaches that day, Rabbi Eliezer answered all their objections, but the wise do not accepted.
What does this mean? Rabbi Jeremiah said: "The Torah has already been given at Mount Sinai, so we do not take account of a heavenly way, for it is written, according to the majority, it settles the law."
A whole oven is subject to the rules of purity and impurity.
An oven broke and scattered debris that is not subject to rules of purity and impurity.
about a year ago that, just before the holidays of Tishrei 5769, we were unpleasantly surprised to learn of the death of Rav Elie Kahn at the age of 51 years.

of its main features was the tone of the responses: always precise, polite and often with a humorous highly valued by its readers. But more than form, the content of his answers was also very specific. In real Possek (decision), he was careful to always be measured in his responses within 4 cubits of halacha, taking care to offer an adequate response to the profile of the caller.
The Rav Amital at the funeral of Rabbi Kahn has provided education for every Jew very striking face in " outside world, "who will not suffer it but who wants to rub, trying to integrate what seems most important manufacturer and for human existence.
Rabbi Amital very agitated, told shortly before his death, Rabbi Kahn called to tell him how much his comments on a page of Talmud was comforted. At the time, Rabbi Amital took no notice, instead concentrating on the pain of his interlocutor.
But he remembered the event when Rabbi Kahn left this world. For the commentary of Rav Amital was a very special passage in the Talmud, one of those that flourished in the "anthology of the Talmud" and who is regularly reminded to explain the uniqueness of Judaism. This passage is the following:
- Baba Metsia 59b -
- Baba Metsia 59b -

He told them: "If the law is like me, this carob tree prove it!" The carob tree was uprooted
and ran one hundred cubits. And some say four hundred cubits.
They said: "It does not provide evidence of a carob tree!"
he said: "That this flow of water proves I'm right," and went up the water supply.
They said, "it provides no evidence of flowing water!"
and ran one hundred cubits. And some say four hundred cubits.
They said: "It does not provide evidence of a carob tree!"
he said: "That this flow of water proves I'm right," and went up the water supply.
They said, "it provides no evidence of flowing water!"
"Let the walls of the home study prove it. "
The walls began to crumble when Rabbi Yehoshua addressed them and said
"If wise men argue about the law, what are you interfering? "
The walls did not fall out of respect for Rabbi Yehoshua stood up and did not, out of respect for Rabbi Eliezer.
He said: "Let the heavens prove it!"
The walls began to crumble when Rabbi Yehoshua addressed them and said
"If wise men argue about the law, what are you interfering? "
The walls did not fall out of respect for Rabbi Yehoshua stood up and did not, out of respect for Rabbi Eliezer.
He said: "Let the heavens prove it!"
Then a heavenly way came out and said: "What have you against Rabbi Eliezer! The law is always like him! "Rabbi Yehoshua
sat up on his feet and said:" The Torah is not in heaven "(Deuteronomy Chapter 23).
sat up on his feet and said:" The Torah is not in heaven "(Deuteronomy Chapter 23).
What does this mean? Rabbi Jeremiah said: "The Torah has already been given at Mount Sinai, so we do not take account of a heavenly way, for it is written, according to the majority, it settles the law."
At that time, Rabbi Nathan met Elijah the Prophet and asked, "What do the Holy One, Blessed is He now? He replied:
"He laughed and said: My kids beat me, beat me my children!"
"He laughed and said: My kids beat me, beat me my children!"
(Translation Akadem)
In general, the text is regularly cited to show the distance that operating Judaism with divine transcendence and in some respects, notably on the question of man's place in the world, this may be the "religion" closest to atheism because of the importance it gives to the achievements of man in this world and its responsibilities, without being oppressed by the presence of God.
But we rarely talk about the basic problem: the furnace Akhnaï (the name of the furnace in question) is it subject to the rules purity and impurity? Is this discussion really Picrochole who lives two dramatically opposing camps? At that point one of them (Rabbi Eliezer) retrouvât be 'excommunicated' and isolated from his colleagues? What is really the question?
A whole oven is subject to the rules of purity and impurity.
An oven broke and scattered debris that is not subject to rules of purity and impurity.
Akhnaï The furnace is special in that it has both the characteristics the entire kiln and furnace broke. It is made of several pieces (tiles cut from the text). But it still appears as an integer (because the tiles are associated with sand). It is capable of fulfilling its role, function oven.
Rav Amital deepened in his article the question for Rabbi Eliezer Akhnaï this furnace is similar to a broken furnace. Whatever it was patched up, the bottom line is that what the compound is broken, broken, made of several pieces. That counts: we must see reality absolutely. This stove is made of a material whole or broken pieces? If there are broken pieces, it can not be called "Wide.
The sages have a different vision. They take the problem more on: does this oven is capable of assuming the task conferred upon it? If so, whatever its composition, it is quite possible to compare it to an oven "Integer" and assign an all characteristics.
intimate discussion of the Talmud is actually much broader than a simple problem of purity and impurity : It is a confrontation between two worldviews, two ways of apprehending reality: should we see things in absolute or relative? What
said Rabbi Amital and what comforted Rav Kahn is that the Halacha, the law is according to Wise. And this metaphor on the entire furnace applied to a patchwork of debris reconsolidated, it is perhaps applied to himself.
For Rabbi Kahn was a character in the landscape sometimes atypical rabbinical Orthodox but no beard, deeply attached to the Halacha sometimes even its smallest details (many examples attest) but also anxious to give halachic responses corresponding to the level of the speaker, but Ashkenazi very attached to the person and work of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Torah scholar, but also passionate by the secular sciences, literature or history. Perhaps it sometimes arose the question: this diversity of interests, activities, practices made it all the same to me a man "Full" as the furnace Akhnaï composed of different pieces?
Rabbi Eliezer, who must always be made from a raw material, unique and absolute, it is not the case. But for refusing to comply with the opinion of the Sages, who instead responded "Yes" resounding to the risk of contradicting God Himself, Rabbi Eliezer has been isolated.
The answer is obvious and it is even more to us: Rabbi Kahn was a true man, whole, worthy of respect, consideration and admiration of his peers and his students real or virtual. And its diverse nature, far from threatening its authenticity has reinforced rather point to make a man unique.
missing for a year already, but his work is still there. This famous phrase takes on its meaning:
"Tsadikim Bemitatan Nikreou Haim" "The righteous after their death are called living creatures."
it be so for the Rav Elie Kahn z "l.
Dark Mucousy Spotting
The hyperbook books: The Future of Internet
How to reconcile new technology and traditional reading? How to ensure that technological change lives in perfect harmony with the cultural treasure that is the book as object? The solution is it that the technology interferes discreetly and indirectly in the traditional object that is the book? We will focus our study by drawing on the concept of the new book by J. Attali, a book that some are already calling "hyperbook": "The meaning of things."
1) The book should it evolve?
The book is a magical object, a treasure passed down from generation to generation, a secret passage to escape freely. The subject book is a real marvel: he sleeps on a few sheets of paper a set of letters, words, sentences, who assembled, we can embark on a journey that we know of no destination, our greatest pleasure. Even today, it seems inconceivable to be without this book or object to see mutate into another object. The prototype e-book does not convince that geeks. So the solution is to keep all the attachment worn by players at the right traditional book ... by trying to provide value-added does not alter the structure. But the previous question to ask is this: Should the book change or why the book should it evolve? Indeed, have you ever seen someone complain about a book (except as regards its content)? Are not you surprised to see so many people still read with pleasure a book on a park bench or in the secret garden, partitioned in his room? It therefore finds that the pleasure is there. The reader asks nothing else: he takes pleasure in reading and this is essential. But then, why the book should evolve if all goes well in the brave new world wonder I candidly? You will argue that we can do better, that pleasure can be increased while maintaining the full and original qualities of the original book as object. Well, I'll acquiesce, but like any marketing speak, I'm afraid it creates a new need ... which obviously had no need.
2) The hyperbook: a marketing concept?
We have just seen, the book does not need to evolve. But we always want to do better ... Instead, publishers want to regain market share ... But let's be less critical: we want to give more value to the book-object by providing real value and thus might attract new readers. Either, but I am not convinced not. So why start such a book now? The book situation is not the best: there are fewer and fewer readers of literature (but what does the literature ...). However, editorial diversity has never been greater. So every reader will rejoice that this oversupply is so many doors open to the many treasures of the language that they can share feelings and sometimes ... sensations! But who is destined to hyperbook: these players believe in this crowd of players who leave gradually or literature to all those people who do not read (literature)? To all of you will answer on a commercial tone. For it is indeed a trade: open the book by giving it more space. Technically, but without going into details, it is an interactive book by means of mobile phones, the Internet and the Flashcode. With this, we can access more content. But why not add the content directly in the book because we want to add multimedia and interactivity. But then the hyperbook no longer a book. At least, he does not deserve to be called book with whatever prefix or suffix whatsoever. No, because the book is synonymous with escape and I do not want to be guided or directed in my escape. An escape can reach this freedom. And I do not want a probation, let alone driven.
3) Can we expand to greater evasion evasion?
Returning to the concept of books. A book is an object that allows us to escape, to ramble, to wander, get lost often to our delight. Each book is perceived differently by each of us, the fruit of our personal histories, our knowledge, our culture, our resentments. In short, a book found himself personally (but also shares, of course). So why would we want to say more on this subject? Why give to other forms of literature? The literature can be married in multimedia? I think not. Nothing is stronger than the power of words. Obviously, the music also provides an escape, the images give us the ability to dream. But then comes the real question: can we combine literary escape and evasion musical? Delicate and difficult to answer. Difficult to answer because every answer is different for each individual as we are. Some are more sensitive to music, others to the power of words. Which would examine the possible difference between hearing culture and visual culture. Ah! that the subject is interesting, I hope that some philosophers, psychologists and other experts qualified to respond with reliable and valid arguments will focus on the issue as the issues, we have seen, are important.
Thus, the challenge taken up by Jacques Attali with this new book addresses various objectives: to examine "the book can it evolve?" Make a buzz marketing (oh when "attack" the book what strong reactions we can have!) test this new concept on the public.
I do not think one can speak of hyperbook. Subject hyperculturel suit me all better. Indeed, this new object is based on the true object-book, but it exceeds so widely, it appears to other cultures. Talking hyperbook lead me to consider this item as a reading guide. Then I was told to do without these schedules which consist of only a few logos printed, but they alter my view freedom of the book, its wealth, even if here is the author himself, who wants to lead us to more content. That is why I am not against this idea in principle, but that this object is called object hyperculturel. This object and combines diverse cultures: culture and visual culture today hearing tomorrow may be added culture olfactory Culture touch and taste culture. An idea that will surely dig the industrial most advanced.
Do not tell me hyperbook, but this "new cultural object that blends cultures" ... with varying degrees of success and above all ... which has no interest ... in the current state of development. Personal opinion.
The hyperbook proves he be the future of books?
How to reconcile new technology and traditional reading? How to ensure that technological change lives in perfect harmony with the cultural treasure that is the book as object? The solution is it that the technology interferes discreetly and indirectly in the traditional object that is the book? We will focus our study by drawing on the concept of the new book by J. Attali, a book that some are already calling "hyperbook": "The meaning of things."
1) The book should it evolve?
The book is a magical object, a treasure passed down from generation to generation, a secret passage to escape freely. The subject book is a real marvel: he sleeps on a few sheets of paper a set of letters, words, sentences, who assembled, we can embark on a journey that we know of no destination, our greatest pleasure. Even today, it seems inconceivable to be without this book or object to see mutate into another object. The prototype e-book does not convince that geeks. So the solution is to keep all the attachment worn by players at the right traditional book ... by trying to provide value-added does not alter the structure. But the previous question to ask is this: Should the book change or why the book should it evolve? Indeed, have you ever seen someone complain about a book (except as regards its content)? Are not you surprised to see so many people still read with pleasure a book on a park bench or in the secret garden, partitioned in his room? It therefore finds that the pleasure is there. The reader asks nothing else: he takes pleasure in reading and this is essential. But then, why the book should evolve if all goes well in the brave new world wonder I candidly? You will argue that we can do better, that pleasure can be increased while maintaining the full and original qualities of the original book as object. Well, I'll acquiesce, but like any marketing speak, I'm afraid it creates a new need ... which obviously had no need.
2) The hyperbook: a marketing concept?
We have just seen, the book does not need to evolve. But we always want to do better ... Instead, publishers want to regain market share ... But let's be less critical: we want to give more value to the book-object by providing real value and thus might attract new readers. Either, but I am not convinced not. So why start such a book now? The book situation is not the best: there are fewer and fewer readers of literature (but what does the literature ...). However, editorial diversity has never been greater. So every reader will rejoice that this oversupply is so many doors open to the many treasures of the language that they can share feelings and sometimes ... sensations! But who is destined to hyperbook: these players believe in this crowd of players who leave gradually or literature to all those people who do not read (literature)? To all of you will answer on a commercial tone. For it is indeed a trade: open the book by giving it more space. Technically, but without going into details, it is an interactive book by means of mobile phones, the Internet and the Flashcode. With this, we can access more content. But why not add the content directly in the book because we want to add multimedia and interactivity. But then the hyperbook no longer a book. At least, he does not deserve to be called book with whatever prefix or suffix whatsoever. No, because the book is synonymous with escape and I do not want to be guided or directed in my escape. An escape can reach this freedom. And I do not want a probation, let alone driven.
3) Can we expand to greater evasion evasion?
Returning to the concept of books. A book is an object that allows us to escape, to ramble, to wander, get lost often to our delight. Each book is perceived differently by each of us, the fruit of our personal histories, our knowledge, our culture, our resentments. In short, a book found himself personally (but also shares, of course). So why would we want to say more on this subject? Why give to other forms of literature? The literature can be married in multimedia? I think not. Nothing is stronger than the power of words. Obviously, the music also provides an escape, the images give us the ability to dream. But then comes the real question: can we combine literary escape and evasion musical? Delicate and difficult to answer. Difficult to answer because every answer is different for each individual as we are. Some are more sensitive to music, others to the power of words. Which would examine the possible difference between hearing culture and visual culture. Ah! that the subject is interesting, I hope that some philosophers, psychologists and other experts qualified to respond with reliable and valid arguments will focus on the issue as the issues, we have seen, are important.
Thus, the challenge taken up by Jacques Attali with this new book addresses various objectives: to examine "the book can it evolve?" Make a buzz marketing (oh when "attack" the book what strong reactions we can have!) test this new concept on the public.
I do not think one can speak of hyperbook. Subject hyperculturel suit me all better. Indeed, this new object is based on the true object-book, but it exceeds so widely, it appears to other cultures. Talking hyperbook lead me to consider this item as a reading guide. Then I was told to do without these schedules which consist of only a few logos printed, but they alter my view freedom of the book, its wealth, even if here is the author himself, who wants to lead us to more content. That is why I am not against this idea in principle, but that this object is called object hyperculturel. This object and combines diverse cultures: culture and visual culture today hearing tomorrow may be added culture olfactory Culture touch and taste culture. An idea that will surely dig the industrial most advanced.
Do not tell me hyperbook, but this "new cultural object that blends cultures" ... with varying degrees of success and above all ... which has no interest ... in the current state of development. Personal opinion.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sandrail Project In Usa
book makes us stupid
Internet or the birth of a reflection brutalized
Internet is a technological constant unprecedented. Nevertheless, this set of technologies, highly useful and practical conceals a profound evil that should not be taken lightly: Formatting minds. This format creates minds unfortunately simplistic thinking based on computer logic, which has nothing to do with human logic. Consequence: s'abêtissent minds ...
1) minds formatted computer logic
Younger generations are now fully digital natives. They are even experts in this field. They handle well and a computer system or networks that are associated with considerable ease. We could rejoice that power almost innate to see young people with the pleasure of learning (something they did not even realize), to observe children, tweens and teens who are fully engaged in mastering these tools. Admittedly, this is a very positive point. But it is essential to consider the content of teaching and learning: what is it, their is this really useful, knowledge and competencies are transferable to other areas? Here is the whole point: if these knowledge and skills are only using the tool, they have no obvious interest. But it should be emphasized that mastering the basics of computer science and associated networks including the Internet is indispensable in our industrialized societies. Except for the limited interest
(yet essential) knowledge, is proving a very interesting question. Indeed, outside the strict knowledge (how to turn on computer, go to a chat, chat live, identify spam, etc..), What is the logic of these tools? This is a computer logic. Thus, the spirits are formatted to this mode of thought: there is no reflection on you, the thinking tool for us. While these systems are not very reliable, but unfortunately one day we will perhaps tools that "will read in our thoughts." A simple word and presto, the system will know exactly what you're looking ... and found! I already know most of you do not understand what the problem is: it's great but do you think, thanks to this life will be even easier. But the underlying problem is our mind. The purpose of life is not to find, but to learn to seek and learn to find, to find all answers for yourself, for any occasion. For learning to find one acquires skills that are used in everyday life: we learn to think, we develop curiosity, one feels a need to know, in short form is its spirit of citizen-even have opinions constructed, thoughtful opinions, to speak properly and be understood, to build their knowledge wisely.
Do not overlook the construction of his thinking. This construction is permanent. But some tools to facilitate thinking more and more and better at our place. Certainly, it is quite comfortable. Most of you will rejoice at this: thinking and presto, we have everything we want. But that's not life, this is not the lazy: we must reflect on it to make it even more beautiful. Ode the intelligence ...
2) Marier human thinking and computer logic
The computer logic has nothing to do with human thought, even if it is the human mind that created the computer logic. A computer does not think, he calculates. A computer has no feelings, he tries to understand. A computer has no brain, just a technological system more or less efficient. In short, the computer has nothing in common with humans. But it helps humans. He helps so we have less and less need for humans. I will not enter the debate politico-economic and socio-technological relationship between man and machine, but I will bring about a very human thinking: now instead of working directly in the "how" we arrive at jobs on the "how to do it." It thus creates more jobs in the area of understanding and construction of a logic makes our lives easier. Attention, the purpose of these trades is not to create technologies similar to human thought, but rather tools invulnerable, intuitive and surpassing human thought to answer. Create something that transcends us is it possible? Philosophical subject. Also, what about the marriage of man and machine thinking.
I think that we should not create machines in this spirit: to serve every need in minimum time. By creating this sense that man develops an intellectual laziness. He no longer feels the need to learn, think and be content of what he used.
3) But where is the problem?
The answers to this question will develop and describe the consequences of this general answer: no man will think more "humane". In
no longer feeling the need to reflect and no longer carries this act, the reflection will be truncated to what is today for us evidence. By not reflecting more, man becomes inevitably more vulnerable. He will believe more easily the various ideologies of the most preposterous. It will be more easily manipulated. In short, the man becomes a machine for other men. Hmm, I see already reacted by saying it is already the case, except that here, these men-machine will not be aware of their exploitation. They will wish to bondsmen. In short, we arrive regression of some human thoughts. The logic will prevail like "Ah well you see on Google they told me that as a skilled worker I could not claim more de124, 35 euros per month. Well well too bad we can not eat today. "Obviously, this result will come from the website of the company's CEO. Of course this example is caricatured in the extreme, but unfortunately we could achieve something like that. But not jump to conclusions as they could do in almost each of my messages. I do not want any deletion of the Internet and other technologies. But these technologies are not created to replace human thinking. But it is indeed the key to all industrial if they wish to become extremely rich (an example? Uh ... Microsoft, IBM, Macintosh, Google Inc.., ....). More the tool is simple to use, more people are likely to buy, and the company became rich. But unfortunately, behind all this money, we must not forget that the human is there to think, think, etc.. And for the slackers who have only one desire is to do nothing: more thought is pushed, the more the dream is big and beautiful. And yes, there is also a great pleasure to be smart. The reflection is not there to make a headache ...
Short conclusion as citation:
"More human thought is developed, is the closest spiritual enjoyment ..." Little additional humorous touch to this quote for the most lazy: "... and when we know how the mind influences the body ..."
Internet or the birth of a reflection brutalized
Internet is a technological constant unprecedented. Nevertheless, this set of technologies, highly useful and practical conceals a profound evil that should not be taken lightly: Formatting minds. This format creates minds unfortunately simplistic thinking based on computer logic, which has nothing to do with human logic. Consequence: s'abêtissent minds ...
1) minds formatted computer logic
Younger generations are now fully digital natives. They are even experts in this field. They handle well and a computer system or networks that are associated with considerable ease. We could rejoice that power almost innate to see young people with the pleasure of learning (something they did not even realize), to observe children, tweens and teens who are fully engaged in mastering these tools. Admittedly, this is a very positive point. But it is essential to consider the content of teaching and learning: what is it, their is this really useful, knowledge and competencies are transferable to other areas? Here is the whole point: if these knowledge and skills are only using the tool, they have no obvious interest. But it should be emphasized that mastering the basics of computer science and associated networks including the Internet is indispensable in our industrialized societies. Except for the limited interest
(yet essential) knowledge, is proving a very interesting question. Indeed, outside the strict knowledge (how to turn on computer, go to a chat, chat live, identify spam, etc..), What is the logic of these tools? This is a computer logic. Thus, the spirits are formatted to this mode of thought: there is no reflection on you, the thinking tool for us. While these systems are not very reliable, but unfortunately one day we will perhaps tools that "will read in our thoughts." A simple word and presto, the system will know exactly what you're looking ... and found! I already know most of you do not understand what the problem is: it's great but do you think, thanks to this life will be even easier. But the underlying problem is our mind. The purpose of life is not to find, but to learn to seek and learn to find, to find all answers for yourself, for any occasion. For learning to find one acquires skills that are used in everyday life: we learn to think, we develop curiosity, one feels a need to know, in short form is its spirit of citizen-even have opinions constructed, thoughtful opinions, to speak properly and be understood, to build their knowledge wisely.
Do not overlook the construction of his thinking. This construction is permanent. But some tools to facilitate thinking more and more and better at our place. Certainly, it is quite comfortable. Most of you will rejoice at this: thinking and presto, we have everything we want. But that's not life, this is not the lazy: we must reflect on it to make it even more beautiful. Ode the intelligence ...
2) Marier human thinking and computer logic
The computer logic has nothing to do with human thought, even if it is the human mind that created the computer logic. A computer does not think, he calculates. A computer has no feelings, he tries to understand. A computer has no brain, just a technological system more or less efficient. In short, the computer has nothing in common with humans. But it helps humans. He helps so we have less and less need for humans. I will not enter the debate politico-economic and socio-technological relationship between man and machine, but I will bring about a very human thinking: now instead of working directly in the "how" we arrive at jobs on the "how to do it." It thus creates more jobs in the area of understanding and construction of a logic makes our lives easier. Attention, the purpose of these trades is not to create technologies similar to human thought, but rather tools invulnerable, intuitive and surpassing human thought to answer. Create something that transcends us is it possible? Philosophical subject. Also, what about the marriage of man and machine thinking.
I think that we should not create machines in this spirit: to serve every need in minimum time. By creating this sense that man develops an intellectual laziness. He no longer feels the need to learn, think and be content of what he used.
3) But where is the problem?
The answers to this question will develop and describe the consequences of this general answer: no man will think more "humane". In
no longer feeling the need to reflect and no longer carries this act, the reflection will be truncated to what is today for us evidence. By not reflecting more, man becomes inevitably more vulnerable. He will believe more easily the various ideologies of the most preposterous. It will be more easily manipulated. In short, the man becomes a machine for other men. Hmm, I see already reacted by saying it is already the case, except that here, these men-machine will not be aware of their exploitation. They will wish to bondsmen. In short, we arrive regression of some human thoughts. The logic will prevail like "Ah well you see on Google they told me that as a skilled worker I could not claim more de124, 35 euros per month. Well well too bad we can not eat today. "Obviously, this result will come from the website of the company's CEO. Of course this example is caricatured in the extreme, but unfortunately we could achieve something like that. But not jump to conclusions as they could do in almost each of my messages. I do not want any deletion of the Internet and other technologies. But these technologies are not created to replace human thinking. But it is indeed the key to all industrial if they wish to become extremely rich (an example? Uh ... Microsoft, IBM, Macintosh, Google Inc.., ....). More the tool is simple to use, more people are likely to buy, and the company became rich. But unfortunately, behind all this money, we must not forget that the human is there to think, think, etc.. And for the slackers who have only one desire is to do nothing: more thought is pushed, the more the dream is big and beautiful. And yes, there is also a great pleasure to be smart. The reflection is not there to make a headache ...
Short conclusion as citation:
"More human thought is developed, is the closest spiritual enjoyment ..." Little additional humorous touch to this quote for the most lazy: "... and when we know how the mind influences the body ..."
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Do Women Get Jealous Of Other Woman
means here and there the term "reality TV". Would that be true, the TV could be a reflection of our society?
I will not approach a study of news media (though partly because I can avoid it), but the phenomenon of reality TV and more particularly the effects (mostly negative) that this so-called reality TV has on young people in training and social citizenship.
So why do we talk about reality TV if it is to feed this fantasy inherent in human nature: voyeurism? We can deduce what this show has disastrous consequences on vulnerable minds, especially on the youth who are the staunchest viewers.
1) Voyeurism: a fantasy fueled (but never satisfied) by the media ... sad
Reality TV: Why?
Objective of a private television: ratings. And how do the ratings if it is responding to the desires, even better, to fantasies of the greatest number of potential viewers? So what happened this TV phenomenon called "reality". Operation: watch other human beings, supposedly like us, to see how they live, how they react, how they operate ... Oh, but this operation does not it remind you something? But yes the Tamagoshi or other simulation games on PC. Except that, unfortunately you can not feed these "candidates" (I will return to this term later) ... but soon (if not already done in other countries which did surprise me point) you should feed them by phoning premium rate numbers ... Already you should save them from the terrifying appointment by supporting them through sms or call surcharge of course! Not a good business: ratings, overtaxed resources per call, etc.. ?
Reality TV: This is not true my child!
Well, I hope you realize that reality TV has no reality except the name. Indeed, candidates of these emissions are not chosen by chance: there is a heavy cast first. Similarly we are not talking about gambling issue but then in real life, do you cross that individuals selected on auditions? Did you win (or risk losing) 10000 euros if you cross at the right or the wrong time? QED.
Let us go further than this simple fact. In reality (but no TV :-)), reality TV is a TV déréalité. His goal meets only a logical ratings as I explained above. Worse still, these games require a staging.
Brief analysis type "media literacy" of reality TV
Here, go through a short survey (component of any media education) from the soundtrack, but by Jove, they play on the feelings, they go for the nice nicer still, and lovers for more than they are in love (ok, at first sight may exist even in a game on TV where one candidate has more than actors more or less effective ... ). So, try to put another soundtrack to the speech or the words of a candidate: roh but the turn is quite different, in fact it was nice. Also, analyze the plans shots. He yells over the other and it shows in close-up: roh is not nice and what it is terrifying ... And editing, rah magic media who can contextualize all about: it is not pretty. Reality television: the biggest manipulation!
Now, just take a step back without going into such a media analysis. Why in any kind of television reality shows does one image relates to the candidate or does one of the sayings of their "cage" (as I call these pens candidates)? But yes, it is to construct the scenario of this pseudo reality TV! Why do we involve close candidates, but to make us believe even more that this is real life "Oh yes it's reality, are even family and friends of the candidates!".
Reality-TV whose fault?
But whose fault is it that reality TV? Wrongs are divided:
- The television themselves by selling a TV "reality" when it's just a TV show
- The producers of these programs by manipulating the candidates of these games and mainly by constructing a scenario facing conflict, sex and sadness (a candidate crying and presto, the ratings soar!)
- Those who watch if their major or guardians (unless they are watching keenly aware that reality TV is 100% fake ... but this case they would watch it, except for analysis with a smile as is my case): a look conscious and conscientious about television is all schools world (like I already created a very nice quote!)
2) What negative effects of reality TV?
Television, excuse the obvious, is a model or at least influencing factor for everyone, adult or not. This influence is more or less according to the education we've had and the distance that can be taken over the media. This is a very important problem expounds the reality TV: selling a false reality. So many young people who identify with particular candidates who adopt the mannerisms of one candidate or another, etc.. This would not be a problem if these candidates could serve as models of intelligent thoughts, words and polished sound, a French speaking correctly, etc.. However, we choose candidates stereotyped and of course with features that ensure the ratings ... and unfortunately the culture and intelligence do not collect young viewers. I do not want any young people: television is for them a means of entertainment, they are tired of school. OK, besides that one mission of the school to inform and train these young people what is on TV. But the problem is that the school has neither the time nor the means to counter all these beatings marketing, all more or less intentional manipulation, all these requests from everywhere: a young much more time passes before a screen in front of a teacher, and those who manage the messaging of these screens are far more numerous and more influential than the best educational teams.
This leads us to observe another problem caused by this television show: the future citizen is formed by being irrigated by a model of reality which is actually an illusion (and the producer of this lure ment if not directly what the is at least by omission). And, as I expose the school has too few resources to counter this erroneous message. I'm not asking that the school has more resources (though she never enough but it is not the issue the subject), but that the media are more dignified, more respectful and to work more on building a clear message for children and parents of these children: reality TV is not reality, it is a staging
Finally, another problem, not least, this entertainment ode to laziness. What (s) beautiful (s) image (s) to show that candidates who do nothing and will make lots of money and get a job in the game's release! It's a great message to youth: do not work, it pays. Ha but I'm stupid! It is true that these people are not real people, but actors, so as they work, they deserve a small salary. And it connects perfectly with employee status granted to certain ex-candidate of a reality TV show "Temptation Island".
3) Proposals for a remote sounder that preserves its audience
You will hopefully understand, I do not want the abolition of television, on the contrary, this media is essential to our democracy and even construction of the citizen which I previously mentioned. Indeed, if not by the messages it disseminates, it at least by the study that is being made that are taught the citizen of this reflex to be wary of a image: an image is not reality, just its representation and sometimes more often, it is a manipulation. Misinformation we face and the picture (let alone animated) is the easiest carrier.
Proposition 1: The concept of 'reality TV' must disappear
What nobody ever talks about reality TV. That when we talk about what kind of show we always talk about entertainment, television show (the good thing is not very derogatory term seller ...), TV-comedy (that candidates like it or not, what comedians are handled). Abandon the term reality so confused and dangerous on every mind
Proposal 2: Tele-smart comedy, this is possible?
Why not try a reality TV show (oops!) TV-comedy with people who have a correct language, that are respectful of each other (good human nature can lead to altercations I am aware ), people who live life by working smarter rather than bored and spending time doing nothing to earn € 100,000. In short, people who could serve as a reference ("but would mean that there should also establish a casting and therefore this would again lie to the viewer that! "... except that I'm talking about TV-comedy, not reality TV ...)
Proposal 3 : A TV-comedy influenced less by the producers ... unless they admit it
Tele-comedy, as we have seen, responds to a scenario. We must indeed keep viewers in suspense without What they get bored. Hence the fact that I want full transparency in these issues: it is not a reflection of life, there is an editing team, there are scenarios (Which are built as and when it occurs), the candidates have a role to play, etc.. That all this is admitted by showing this particular dark side of emissions!
But then the big question: what if these conditions are met, that is to say, if you stop making fun of the viewers of these emissions by lying to them and giving them what they want (gossip, lies, manipulation, violence, sex, false feelings, etc..), the ratings would still go? Nothing is less certain.
This allows me to reach a very important point that I address a message to the presidents of TV stations :
"Television is a major medium, a technology that facilitates exchanges, contacts, to disseminate knowledge, share the culture. But it also releases a lot of nonsense, lies, violence, brief , any vector which is in the ratings. However, this vector can be transformed in the ratings. Violence, lies, stupidity is not the dominant traits of human nature. So why not focus the editorial charter around noble values of human nature: respect, solidarity, intelligence, step back. These components are obviously less dramatic and therefore less attractive. This is a challenge for all channels! I wanted to salute (not to flatter a free public service, I really think) efforts in this direction by the public service channels that have this mission in their specifications and who respond perfectly, even if to do more in this direction would still be better ...
television channels, show your strength by developing a ratings centered around the noble human values. You'll do more than thank most welcome, and therefore much more consulted by viewers.
I dream that one day I tell the students in secondary schools: "And do not forget to watch television on arriving home" ² ... and without doubt they will ever come across a bad program. I had a dream ... "
² Small Note: I would say of course students, in addition to watching TV, physical activity and sport regularly (" besides the brain, we must think of our bodies whole ").
Reality TV: reality but what do we talk?
means here and there the term "reality TV". Would that be true, the TV could be a reflection of our society?
I will not approach a study of news media (though partly because I can avoid it), but the phenomenon of reality TV and more particularly the effects (mostly negative) that this so-called reality TV has on young people in training and social citizenship.
So why do we talk about reality TV if it is to feed this fantasy inherent in human nature: voyeurism? We can deduce what this show has disastrous consequences on vulnerable minds, especially on the youth who are the staunchest viewers.
1) Voyeurism: a fantasy fueled (but never satisfied) by the media ... sad
Reality TV: Why?
Objective of a private television: ratings. And how do the ratings if it is responding to the desires, even better, to fantasies of the greatest number of potential viewers? So what happened this TV phenomenon called "reality". Operation: watch other human beings, supposedly like us, to see how they live, how they react, how they operate ... Oh, but this operation does not it remind you something? But yes the Tamagoshi or other simulation games on PC. Except that, unfortunately you can not feed these "candidates" (I will return to this term later) ... but soon (if not already done in other countries which did surprise me point) you should feed them by phoning premium rate numbers ... Already you should save them from the terrifying appointment by supporting them through sms or call surcharge of course! Not a good business: ratings, overtaxed resources per call, etc.. ?
Reality TV: This is not true my child!
Well, I hope you realize that reality TV has no reality except the name. Indeed, candidates of these emissions are not chosen by chance: there is a heavy cast first. Similarly we are not talking about gambling issue but then in real life, do you cross that individuals selected on auditions? Did you win (or risk losing) 10000 euros if you cross at the right or the wrong time? QED.
Let us go further than this simple fact. In reality (but no TV :-)), reality TV is a TV déréalité. His goal meets only a logical ratings as I explained above. Worse still, these games require a staging.
Brief analysis type "media literacy" of reality TV
Here, go through a short survey (component of any media education) from the soundtrack, but by Jove, they play on the feelings, they go for the nice nicer still, and lovers for more than they are in love (ok, at first sight may exist even in a game on TV where one candidate has more than actors more or less effective ... ). So, try to put another soundtrack to the speech or the words of a candidate: roh but the turn is quite different, in fact it was nice. Also, analyze the plans shots. He yells over the other and it shows in close-up: roh is not nice and what it is terrifying ... And editing, rah magic media who can contextualize all about: it is not pretty. Reality television: the biggest manipulation!
Now, just take a step back without going into such a media analysis. Why in any kind of television reality shows does one image relates to the candidate or does one of the sayings of their "cage" (as I call these pens candidates)? But yes, it is to construct the scenario of this pseudo reality TV! Why do we involve close candidates, but to make us believe even more that this is real life "Oh yes it's reality, are even family and friends of the candidates!".
Reality-TV whose fault?
But whose fault is it that reality TV? Wrongs are divided:
- The television themselves by selling a TV "reality" when it's just a TV show
- The producers of these programs by manipulating the candidates of these games and mainly by constructing a scenario facing conflict, sex and sadness (a candidate crying and presto, the ratings soar!)
- Those who watch if their major or guardians (unless they are watching keenly aware that reality TV is 100% fake ... but this case they would watch it, except for analysis with a smile as is my case): a look conscious and conscientious about television is all schools world (like I already created a very nice quote!)
2) What negative effects of reality TV?
Television, excuse the obvious, is a model or at least influencing factor for everyone, adult or not. This influence is more or less according to the education we've had and the distance that can be taken over the media. This is a very important problem expounds the reality TV: selling a false reality. So many young people who identify with particular candidates who adopt the mannerisms of one candidate or another, etc.. This would not be a problem if these candidates could serve as models of intelligent thoughts, words and polished sound, a French speaking correctly, etc.. However, we choose candidates stereotyped and of course with features that ensure the ratings ... and unfortunately the culture and intelligence do not collect young viewers. I do not want any young people: television is for them a means of entertainment, they are tired of school. OK, besides that one mission of the school to inform and train these young people what is on TV. But the problem is that the school has neither the time nor the means to counter all these beatings marketing, all more or less intentional manipulation, all these requests from everywhere: a young much more time passes before a screen in front of a teacher, and those who manage the messaging of these screens are far more numerous and more influential than the best educational teams.
This leads us to observe another problem caused by this television show: the future citizen is formed by being irrigated by a model of reality which is actually an illusion (and the producer of this lure ment if not directly what the is at least by omission). And, as I expose the school has too few resources to counter this erroneous message. I'm not asking that the school has more resources (though she never enough but it is not the issue the subject), but that the media are more dignified, more respectful and to work more on building a clear message for children and parents of these children: reality TV is not reality, it is a staging
Finally, another problem, not least, this entertainment ode to laziness. What (s) beautiful (s) image (s) to show that candidates who do nothing and will make lots of money and get a job in the game's release! It's a great message to youth: do not work, it pays. Ha but I'm stupid! It is true that these people are not real people, but actors, so as they work, they deserve a small salary. And it connects perfectly with employee status granted to certain ex-candidate of a reality TV show "Temptation Island".
3) Proposals for a remote sounder that preserves its audience
You will hopefully understand, I do not want the abolition of television, on the contrary, this media is essential to our democracy and even construction of the citizen which I previously mentioned. Indeed, if not by the messages it disseminates, it at least by the study that is being made that are taught the citizen of this reflex to be wary of a image: an image is not reality, just its representation and sometimes more often, it is a manipulation. Misinformation we face and the picture (let alone animated) is the easiest carrier.
Proposition 1: The concept of 'reality TV' must disappear
What nobody ever talks about reality TV. That when we talk about what kind of show we always talk about entertainment, television show (the good thing is not very derogatory term seller ...), TV-comedy (that candidates like it or not, what comedians are handled). Abandon the term reality so confused and dangerous on every mind
Proposal 2: Tele-smart comedy, this is possible?
Why not try a reality TV show (oops!) TV-comedy with people who have a correct language, that are respectful of each other (good human nature can lead to altercations I am aware ), people who live life by working smarter rather than bored and spending time doing nothing to earn € 100,000. In short, people who could serve as a reference ("but would mean that there should also establish a casting and therefore this would again lie to the viewer that! "... except that I'm talking about TV-comedy, not reality TV ...)
Proposal 3 : A TV-comedy influenced less by the producers ... unless they admit it
Tele-comedy, as we have seen, responds to a scenario. We must indeed keep viewers in suspense without What they get bored. Hence the fact that I want full transparency in these issues: it is not a reflection of life, there is an editing team, there are scenarios (Which are built as and when it occurs), the candidates have a role to play, etc.. That all this is admitted by showing this particular dark side of emissions!
But then the big question: what if these conditions are met, that is to say, if you stop making fun of the viewers of these emissions by lying to them and giving them what they want (gossip, lies, manipulation, violence, sex, false feelings, etc..), the ratings would still go? Nothing is less certain.
This allows me to reach a very important point that I address a message to the presidents of TV stations :
"Television is a major medium, a technology that facilitates exchanges, contacts, to disseminate knowledge, share the culture. But it also releases a lot of nonsense, lies, violence, brief , any vector which is in the ratings. However, this vector can be transformed in the ratings. Violence, lies, stupidity is not the dominant traits of human nature. So why not focus the editorial charter around noble values of human nature: respect, solidarity, intelligence, step back. These components are obviously less dramatic and therefore less attractive. This is a challenge for all channels! I wanted to salute (not to flatter a free public service, I really think) efforts in this direction by the public service channels that have this mission in their specifications and who respond perfectly, even if to do more in this direction would still be better ...
television channels, show your strength by developing a ratings centered around the noble human values. You'll do more than thank most welcome, and therefore much more consulted by viewers.
I dream that one day I tell the students in secondary schools: "And do not forget to watch television on arriving home" ² ... and without doubt they will ever come across a bad program. I had a dream ... "
² Small Note: I would say of course students, in addition to watching TV, physical activity and sport regularly (" besides the brain, we must think of our bodies whole ").
Monday, August 31, 2009
Gay Cruising Spots In Us.
Access to culture: necessarily free?
The web laws continues to make stir several years ago. However, this law could not be more controversial raises a very important debate in our societies: access to culture should necessarily be free?
We start first with the positive response to this question: "Yes, access to culture should necessarily be paid." Then we will go the other way: 'No access to culture should certainly not be paying. This will allow us, I hope to reach a junction to provide an answer on this highly philosophical!
1) Yes, access to culture should be paying!
Access to culture is access to the work of one or more persons, one or more organizations. That which enriches our knowledge, that builds our thoughts, which entertained us intelligently, allowing us to feel we live in society and enjoy life in this community, which allows us to move forward, in short, that generates advanced societies.
But if we start to offer free access to this culture, those who are manufacturers or preservatives will be even less well paid. Being paid less, it's risky not to live in this building or cultural preservation. And it therefore has the potential to see fewer and fewer manufacturers or preservatives culture. But in this case, which is enriched you ask? Some take advantage and abuse the money, but it is an economic problem as in all sectors: that is the evil of developed societies. Also, book a paid access to culture is to allow small companies (with large groups also obviously) to continue to live. Culture is not just a producer: a set of individuals who work there. Money is the sinews of war to culture as well.
2) No, the access to culture should be free!
If access to culture is free, so the majority of people can benefit, especially the most disadvantaged. By offering free, it broadens the scope of this culture and it prevents from widening the gap between castes who could access all forms of culture and other less privileged classes who would sacrifice themselves for access. Access to free culture would be a vehicle for gathering, unity if not unity, and thus a guarantor of equality in access to every culture. But there arises a problem: no money, culture has a future? Another question: everyone should it necessarily have access to all forms of culture or culture should not she be protected from access too massive? This leads us to ask ourselves: to offer free access to general culture, it would tend not to degrade?
3) Culture: a common share rich
In sum, it is necessary to preserve our culture, to avoid making a commodity sold off by offering it for free. Culture is a service and even a fine. Culture is not a bottomless pit to drink too freely at its source, it will eventually become polluted due to overexploitation or even dry up. In addition, some of this windfall benefit "all free" to exploit to their advantage this source. Hence the fact that you have to pay to ensure their safety and preservation of its quality. But the problem resurfaced previously raised: why some might be accessed easily and others are expected to bleed to pretend to touch this world so distant from their cultural concerns or desires? Also, a principle of more equal access to culture should be established: the rates proportional to income, for example ...
Culture is an asset of the noblest. We need to protect, preserve, ensure its expansion and further its expansion to all populations. The financial problem is urgent in this case. It would, for the sake of equality, that everyone can access the same services and cultural products. However, cost is a significant obstacle. Conversely, offer free access would degrade the culture and no longer feed its constant innovation. So why not create an egalitarian principle: access to the halls at different rates (Practically impossible to manage) and then develop, as is already the case in many cities, shows and other cultural celebrations in the poorest neighborhoods. The principle is:
If you're not going to culture, the culture will come to you. If you do not have the means to go to the culture, the culture will come to you. By cons if you do not want the culture, hide!
Access to culture should necessarily be free?
The web laws continues to make stir several years ago. However, this law could not be more controversial raises a very important debate in our societies: access to culture should necessarily be free?
We start first with the positive response to this question: "Yes, access to culture should necessarily be paid." Then we will go the other way: 'No access to culture should certainly not be paying. This will allow us, I hope to reach a junction to provide an answer on this highly philosophical!
1) Yes, access to culture should be paying!
Access to culture is access to the work of one or more persons, one or more organizations. That which enriches our knowledge, that builds our thoughts, which entertained us intelligently, allowing us to feel we live in society and enjoy life in this community, which allows us to move forward, in short, that generates advanced societies.
But if we start to offer free access to this culture, those who are manufacturers or preservatives will be even less well paid. Being paid less, it's risky not to live in this building or cultural preservation. And it therefore has the potential to see fewer and fewer manufacturers or preservatives culture. But in this case, which is enriched you ask? Some take advantage and abuse the money, but it is an economic problem as in all sectors: that is the evil of developed societies. Also, book a paid access to culture is to allow small companies (with large groups also obviously) to continue to live. Culture is not just a producer: a set of individuals who work there. Money is the sinews of war to culture as well.
2) No, the access to culture should be free!
If access to culture is free, so the majority of people can benefit, especially the most disadvantaged. By offering free, it broadens the scope of this culture and it prevents from widening the gap between castes who could access all forms of culture and other less privileged classes who would sacrifice themselves for access. Access to free culture would be a vehicle for gathering, unity if not unity, and thus a guarantor of equality in access to every culture. But there arises a problem: no money, culture has a future? Another question: everyone should it necessarily have access to all forms of culture or culture should not she be protected from access too massive? This leads us to ask ourselves: to offer free access to general culture, it would tend not to degrade?
3) Culture: a common share rich
In sum, it is necessary to preserve our culture, to avoid making a commodity sold off by offering it for free. Culture is a service and even a fine. Culture is not a bottomless pit to drink too freely at its source, it will eventually become polluted due to overexploitation or even dry up. In addition, some of this windfall benefit "all free" to exploit to their advantage this source. Hence the fact that you have to pay to ensure their safety and preservation of its quality. But the problem resurfaced previously raised: why some might be accessed easily and others are expected to bleed to pretend to touch this world so distant from their cultural concerns or desires? Also, a principle of more equal access to culture should be established: the rates proportional to income, for example ...
Culture is an asset of the noblest. We need to protect, preserve, ensure its expansion and further its expansion to all populations. The financial problem is urgent in this case. It would, for the sake of equality, that everyone can access the same services and cultural products. However, cost is a significant obstacle. Conversely, offer free access would degrade the culture and no longer feed its constant innovation. So why not create an egalitarian principle: access to the halls at different rates (Practically impossible to manage) and then develop, as is already the case in many cities, shows and other cultural celebrations in the poorest neighborhoods. The principle is:
If you're not going to culture, the culture will come to you. If you do not have the means to go to the culture, the culture will come to you. By cons if you do not want the culture, hide!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Daily Motion Beautiful Agony
must kill the battalion Google!
War is terrible. We do not want the logical and preferred peace. But when the threat is too Pregnant, must take action. Aux armes citoyens!
threat, once again, just Google ... But this time, not Google itself, but of all those who can not do without and who see God as the solution to all problems ...
1) But why always criticize Google?
Google, as I recall, is a company with 1001 concepts, ideas of 1001 and 1001 applications (like this is a fine slogan ...). Technological progress is very important in order to change society, or rather the companies. The problem is that only companies industrialized benefit from these technological advances for the moment. Good for them, good for us who read these lines you will rejoice .... I would rather say "too bad for us." Too bad because, after 99.99% of Internet users, only Google knows how to develop the right applications at the right time, only Google can get married in 1001 projects at the same time, only Google is able to release a variety of products and services we did not even feel the slightest need (ha marketing prowess!). Certainly, Google is the benchmark with substantial resources at his disposal. All evil is there: this (apparent) single reference leads to a monopoly, not commercial, but a monopoly of thought (and why not have a monopoly of the heart ...). We adapt our minds to think Google, format it and our minds are becoming increasingly dependent programs become necessary for our brain. Take a student from any class, ask him to do a search on Copernicus, his life's work. What will his reaction? In 99% of Google. (Note that aside from the remaining 1% will not know some type correctly ...). Google We obviously found some interesting results with the search tool, but an encyclopedia should she not been faster and more efficient (with all the noise caused by whatever documentary search engine that is)? This example on the retrieval that does not make us lose sight of all other applications where Google seems to have become master ...
2) Google: a democratically elected dictator?
What a lovely paradox that as pretty: a "democratically elected dictator." And yet it has something to thrill! Google has in effect a dictatorship, or rather we impose the dictatorship Google. Exclaim some nice dictatorship. But how a dictatorship can it be nice? What we must realize, I've talked previously, is a way of thinking Google is needed, which makes the realization of the dictatorship more and harder. But what to do: should we abolish this dictatorship? I would say that we must transform this dictatorship in transparent democracy. That competent persons (politicians, industrialists, philosophers, etc.) are regularly called upon to consider (this is a very important part of their job) and give their opinions on the ins and outs of each of Google services. Behind each of the applications developed apparent magnificent obviously hiding effects pervert more or less voluntary (invasion of privacy, spyware, misinformation, faults, etc.).. And all this is that it must be realized. Moreover, when an organization, state, or worse, a group of states decide whether or not directly assign work to Google, it would appear sensible to consider the disastrous consequences this may have on the economy (survival small businesses for example), democracy (have different sources of thoughts is not a guarantor of democracy?), politics (influences), in short the lives of everyone directly or indirectly.
We see the situation is complex analyze and review difficult to emerge from all the advantages of technologies the company Google and cons about the future of our planet.
must kill the battalion Google, not the military kill Google. We must target the harmful agents of the army Google to join forces to benefit our future and the future of developing countries. It should also make sure to preserve our democracy and not peddle ideology Googlienne but some ideas from Google.
Google should not be a dictatorship. And yet his empire continues to rally to his cause people increasingly vulnerable to the trap of thinking Google. No, Google is not evil ... but some people pulling the strings of this puppet have wonderful intentions totally opposed to those of an egalitarian democracy and respectful. But that takes so these strings? And who manages to manipulate the puppet and so many people? [The remainder of this post was self-censored. But censorship does not exist in a democracy! Ha good, but it would mean that ...]
So Google, good or bad intentions? Both Captain. Remember also that hell is paved with good intentions ...
PS for those who have not understood my message and my previous thoughts.
Google, again and again. Inexhaustible subject. Alarmist. As usual. But who is to counter the monopolization Google? Few, too few people.
I repeat myself because some people may misunderstand what I say: I do not wish in any way the end of Google, I'm not criticizing Google's free, I'm not saying that Google is manipulating us, no, far s' in need! The fault comes from our camp, all of us. I would indeed open a larger population on technological advances offered by this company but also by other companies rather than just 'Hallelujah' at each implementing one or both of the projects Google: I wish indeed a permanent reflection on the projects of Google and the risks associated with them. The ultimate course that one would associate a name to each of the puppet son Google and those who influence his every move, and (especially), and all those who take the son but not s 'in use (yet) not ...
must kill the battalion Google!
War is terrible. We do not want the logical and preferred peace. But when the threat is too Pregnant, must take action. Aux armes citoyens!
threat, once again, just Google ... But this time, not Google itself, but of all those who can not do without and who see God as the solution to all problems ...
1) But why always criticize Google?
Google, as I recall, is a company with 1001 concepts, ideas of 1001 and 1001 applications (like this is a fine slogan ...). Technological progress is very important in order to change society, or rather the companies. The problem is that only companies industrialized benefit from these technological advances for the moment. Good for them, good for us who read these lines you will rejoice .... I would rather say "too bad for us." Too bad because, after 99.99% of Internet users, only Google knows how to develop the right applications at the right time, only Google can get married in 1001 projects at the same time, only Google is able to release a variety of products and services we did not even feel the slightest need (ha marketing prowess!). Certainly, Google is the benchmark with substantial resources at his disposal. All evil is there: this (apparent) single reference leads to a monopoly, not commercial, but a monopoly of thought (and why not have a monopoly of the heart ...). We adapt our minds to think Google, format it and our minds are becoming increasingly dependent programs become necessary for our brain. Take a student from any class, ask him to do a search on Copernicus, his life's work. What will his reaction? In 99% of Google. (Note that aside from the remaining 1% will not know some type correctly ...). Google We obviously found some interesting results with the search tool, but an encyclopedia should she not been faster and more efficient (with all the noise caused by whatever documentary search engine that is)? This example on the retrieval that does not make us lose sight of all other applications where Google seems to have become master ...
2) Google: a democratically elected dictator?
What a lovely paradox that as pretty: a "democratically elected dictator." And yet it has something to thrill! Google has in effect a dictatorship, or rather we impose the dictatorship Google. Exclaim some nice dictatorship. But how a dictatorship can it be nice? What we must realize, I've talked previously, is a way of thinking Google is needed, which makes the realization of the dictatorship more and harder. But what to do: should we abolish this dictatorship? I would say that we must transform this dictatorship in transparent democracy. That competent persons (politicians, industrialists, philosophers, etc.) are regularly called upon to consider (this is a very important part of their job) and give their opinions on the ins and outs of each of Google services. Behind each of the applications developed apparent magnificent obviously hiding effects pervert more or less voluntary (invasion of privacy, spyware, misinformation, faults, etc.).. And all this is that it must be realized. Moreover, when an organization, state, or worse, a group of states decide whether or not directly assign work to Google, it would appear sensible to consider the disastrous consequences this may have on the economy (survival small businesses for example), democracy (have different sources of thoughts is not a guarantor of democracy?), politics (influences), in short the lives of everyone directly or indirectly.
We see the situation is complex analyze and review difficult to emerge from all the advantages of technologies the company Google and cons about the future of our planet.
must kill the battalion Google, not the military kill Google. We must target the harmful agents of the army Google to join forces to benefit our future and the future of developing countries. It should also make sure to preserve our democracy and not peddle ideology Googlienne but some ideas from Google.
Google should not be a dictatorship. And yet his empire continues to rally to his cause people increasingly vulnerable to the trap of thinking Google. No, Google is not evil ... but some people pulling the strings of this puppet have wonderful intentions totally opposed to those of an egalitarian democracy and respectful. But that takes so these strings? And who manages to manipulate the puppet and so many people? [The remainder of this post was self-censored. But censorship does not exist in a democracy! Ha good, but it would mean that ...]
So Google, good or bad intentions? Both Captain. Remember also that hell is paved with good intentions ...
PS for those who have not understood my message and my previous thoughts.
Google, again and again. Inexhaustible subject. Alarmist. As usual. But who is to counter the monopolization Google? Few, too few people.
I repeat myself because some people may misunderstand what I say: I do not wish in any way the end of Google, I'm not criticizing Google's free, I'm not saying that Google is manipulating us, no, far s' in need! The fault comes from our camp, all of us. I would indeed open a larger population on technological advances offered by this company but also by other companies rather than just 'Hallelujah' at each implementing one or both of the projects Google: I wish indeed a permanent reflection on the projects of Google and the risks associated with them. The ultimate course that one would associate a name to each of the puppet son Google and those who influence his every move, and (especially), and all those who take the son but not s 'in use (yet) not ...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Business Problems For Jamba Juice
By analyzing the situation in Haiti after the first half of fiscal 2009: shame is the only word that comes to mind. Today, as recently as last years ... nothing new. We still do not understand why the laws on judicial reform does not apply, two years after publication. Official explanation:''No President of the Court of Cassation.'' Hold on!
Why all this time, there is not an incumbent head of the Haitian Supreme Court? When the reform laws were passed in 2007, the highest court of the judicial pyramid was already the widow of President and we must believe that it is because of this that the process towards the establishment of the Higher Council of the Judiciary (Supreme Council) and the effective redesign of the system is paralyzed? Who are we kidding there?
Many misconceptions about the true nature of the indifference of the leaders to make independent and effective judiciary. We do not pretend to know the truth, we're just trying to understand the motive that drives them to adopt such an attitude. So far, they refuse to explain. But if you have nothing to hide, why are we afraid to answer questions and give the real reasons? And that is would have us believe that the Judges are responsible for the misfortunes of the Judiciary while common sense belies this theory.
Corruption, drug trafficking, money laundering and impunity reign supreme in Haiti. Senior officials and Parliamentarians are indexed in several cases of embezzlement, among others: ONA-CNE-MFA. You still believe that the absence of a president as head of the Supreme Court to block the investigation of these issues and prevents the Magistrates have a better salary and means to carry out their mission? You also think that this is hindering and returns indefinitely the reopening of the School of Magistrates? You agree that it is because of the absence of the Superior Council of the Judiciary that the mandates of several tens of Magistrates are not renewed?
Why after two years, we still here? Why you must wait until the dust falls on the folders to treat? We rest the same questions: What are we afraid and why? Eight million people are waiting for answers. The Executive, pressure on Parliamentarians completely devoid of intellectual and democratic cultures, continues to parachute individuals basely servile, again, without qualification in the judiciary ... And now, tell us if we have no reason to be angry. How can a country be standing if the judiciary is on his knees? And what does it do to the other Judges of the Republic finally react?
We know that in Haiti, there is not enough room for dissenting voices. If you go to cons sense, you are against the power and therefore an enemy. But in fact this is not the place is lacking is people willing to take the risk. If you really want a new Haiti, we must take risks. All those who try to change things is denigrated, ridiculed, slandered or murdered ... but who cares, you have to fight. Our critics surely would bring nothing new about the justice policy of the government but we still demand answers.
In all the important actions of our life, we have always been mobilized by motives respectable and consistent with our ideals is fundamental to our way of contributing to better deliver justice. We are neither a leader nor a revolutionary, we are an informed citizen, a patriot born, a Magistrate committed. We trying to defend the judiciary against those who damaged, raped and looted.
The situation is terrible but even more terrible is the lack of hope for us young professionals, amputees, sacrificed on the altar of absurdity because maybe two or three people have failed to agree on an issue. Meanwhile, the country suffers, people are dying of hunger, corruption is gaining ground. Our disappointment is a measure of democratic fetishism in which many of our compatriots have believed. However, all is not lost. We invite citizens and honest to ensure consistent quality of their representation because another Haiti is still possible.
justice is held hostage for over two hundred years by a small group of people desperate to keep their thank you. We are in 2009, so young in my country, university colleagues Judges, human rights activists, lawyers, journalists, Haitian and Haitian inside or elsewhere, what do you expect to respond? It is up to you and you alone ... Demand answers!
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
By analyzing the situation in Haiti after the first half of fiscal 2009: shame is the only word that comes to mind. Today, as recently as last years ... nothing new. We still do not understand why the laws on judicial reform does not apply, two years after publication. Official explanation:''No President of the Court of Cassation.'' Hold on!
Why all this time, there is not an incumbent head of the Haitian Supreme Court? When the reform laws were passed in 2007, the highest court of the judicial pyramid was already the widow of President and we must believe that it is because of this that the process towards the establishment of the Higher Council of the Judiciary (Supreme Council) and the effective redesign of the system is paralyzed? Who are we kidding there?
Many misconceptions about the true nature of the indifference of the leaders to make independent and effective judiciary. We do not pretend to know the truth, we're just trying to understand the motive that drives them to adopt such an attitude. So far, they refuse to explain. But if you have nothing to hide, why are we afraid to answer questions and give the real reasons? And that is would have us believe that the Judges are responsible for the misfortunes of the Judiciary while common sense belies this theory.
Corruption, drug trafficking, money laundering and impunity reign supreme in Haiti. Senior officials and Parliamentarians are indexed in several cases of embezzlement, among others: ONA-CNE-MFA. You still believe that the absence of a president as head of the Supreme Court to block the investigation of these issues and prevents the Magistrates have a better salary and means to carry out their mission? You also think that this is hindering and returns indefinitely the reopening of the School of Magistrates? You agree that it is because of the absence of the Superior Council of the Judiciary that the mandates of several tens of Magistrates are not renewed?
Why after two years, we still here? Why you must wait until the dust falls on the folders to treat? We rest the same questions: What are we afraid and why? Eight million people are waiting for answers. The Executive, pressure on Parliamentarians completely devoid of intellectual and democratic cultures, continues to parachute individuals basely servile, again, without qualification in the judiciary ... And now, tell us if we have no reason to be angry. How can a country be standing if the judiciary is on his knees? And what does it do to the other Judges of the Republic finally react?
We know that in Haiti, there is not enough room for dissenting voices. If you go to cons sense, you are against the power and therefore an enemy. But in fact this is not the place is lacking is people willing to take the risk. If you really want a new Haiti, we must take risks. All those who try to change things is denigrated, ridiculed, slandered or murdered ... but who cares, you have to fight. Our critics surely would bring nothing new about the justice policy of the government but we still demand answers.
In all the important actions of our life, we have always been mobilized by motives respectable and consistent with our ideals is fundamental to our way of contributing to better deliver justice. We are neither a leader nor a revolutionary, we are an informed citizen, a patriot born, a Magistrate committed. We trying to defend the judiciary against those who damaged, raped and looted.
The situation is terrible but even more terrible is the lack of hope for us young professionals, amputees, sacrificed on the altar of absurdity because maybe two or three people have failed to agree on an issue. Meanwhile, the country suffers, people are dying of hunger, corruption is gaining ground. Our disappointment is a measure of democratic fetishism in which many of our compatriots have believed. However, all is not lost. We invite citizens and honest to ensure consistent quality of their representation because another Haiti is still possible.
justice is held hostage for over two hundred years by a small group of people desperate to keep their thank you. We are in 2009, so young in my country, university colleagues Judges, human rights activists, lawyers, journalists, Haitian and Haitian inside or elsewhere, what do you expect to respond? It is up to you and you alone ... Demand answers!
Magistrate, Magistrate
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
This July 4, 2009 Read more ...
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